Jocaste: d’après l’oeuvre d'Anatole France 5e partie

Title: Jocaste: d’après l’oeuvre d'Anatole France 5e partie
Translated Title: 
Jocasta: From the work of Anatole France 5th part
That, Mr. Haviland, had one of his most violent crises. His call and the noise it made caught the attention of the maid.. who, scared, ran to call Helen. Once the crisis passed, Mr. Haviland asked once again for the care of his steward. Four o'clock, my drops? Fifteen drops, right? Don't be a child! I let him do this.. I am a terrible person. Helen, sick and anxious of what she had seen... finally wanted to.. talk... I beg you, fire Groult. What he has done! I cannot say it.. but .. it is scare. Be calm my dear friend... I will abide by your desire. Watch the following episode in number 6.