La Cité Foudroyée No.2
Title: La Cité Foudroyée No.2
Translated Title:
The Thunderstruck City No. 2
After many efforts in vain, Richard was taken by despair... What to invent, create? No one will hold your hand. -- Beautiful waterfall, isn't it? -- I constructed a large factory near here that is fed by the presence of this strong, flowing water. -- If I had access to such power! What a disruption! -- I put it at your disposition. And Richard confided to the man who would allow him to realize his monstrous project. -- Imagine...a machine capable of taming drive where man the emission of electrified clouds...a potential of which is unknown to this day. -- Bringing fire and death to specific places. -- There is, in effect, a great deal to be made, but... -- If I largely bought it, I would have absolute rights on your discovery...I'll use my own way. -- Hurry to finish up your work...and I promise you sweet revenge. See what happens next in No. 3.