La Mort du Duc de Guise No.2

Title: La Mort du Duc de Guise No.2
Translated Title: 
The Assassination of the Duke of Guise No. 2
With carefree security, the Scarface (Duke of Guise) was preparing to go to the King's Council. -- Stay!! It will be your life, I tell you! The King has sworn your ruin. -- He wouldn't dare! At the Castle of Blois, where the Council was held, the King feverishly awaited the Duke of Guise's arrival. -- Here he is! Come, men...and be moved by the same heart that beat in your chest at Jarnac and Moncontour! At the Council already were the Cardinal of Guise, the Marshall of Aumont and some other figures. -- See here, d'Aumont; it would seem that my royal cousin is looking after me, as if between the parts of a cup-and-ball... -- Bast! He wouldn't dare! See what happens next in No. 3.