Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 5
Title: Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 5
Translated Title:
A Tour of France by Two Children No. 5
MONSIEUR GERTAL. The children visited Besançon and slept there. Their hotelier introduced them to Mr. Gertal, a brave peddler from the Jura. -- Mr. Gertal, here are the two children that the gendarmes recommended to me. -- I am in charge of you until Saint-Etienne. You will help me load the car and sell... -- Come here little one! Do you want to be a big merchant? -- Yes sir, and if you are happy with me, you can give me an umbrella... The next day, with Mr. Gertal, they began their trip. France displayed herself below their eyes, her countryside, full of prosperity, and an charm without compare. -- Here is Salins, the old country of the Gabelle. Les Rousses, a country with rich herds. Step by step, the voyagers arrived at the Col de la Faucille. -- From here, you can see Switzerland, Savoie, and the Alps... -- The Ain, country of poultry. Mr. Gertal brought them to visit a farm in Bresse, where he bought some poultry... Thus they went from one area to the next...selling a little of everything... The continued to Mâcon...where they did good business. Julien became "a man of confidence" when selling the poultry! They made a tour of the Bourbons, passing through Burgundy... Loyally serving their patron, the children continued their voyage, interested by all that they saw... -- Over there, Mr. Gertal, it looks like a fire! -- Those are the factories of Creusot. After a brief stop in Creusot, they arrived in Moulins... The Puy-de-Dôme, the land of extinct volcanoes, of mineral water: the homeland of Blaise Pascal. -- Look, children, it's an ancient volcano. Clermont-Ferrand, where the harsh Auvergnats make boilers. Mr. Gertal led them to the heights, where they discovered a panorama of the city. The left after a few days of sales, and arrived in Thiers. See the ending in No. 6.