Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 4
Title: Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 4
Translated Title:
A Tour of France by Two Children No. 4
THE WRONG GUIDE. Surprised by rain, Andre shouted to a driver who was passing by. -- Mister, if you are going to Besançon, could you drive us? -- Yes, but not for nothing...and you must pay me in advance! The driver stopped at the cabarets on the road. He was drunk. -- Don't be scared, Julien, I will ask him if I can drive myself. The car went willy nilly through the villages. Their driver having fell asleep, the children decided to get out...when suddenly gendarmes appeared. -- Where are you going? ... Where are your papers? André recounted their story. "I certify that the named, André Volden had worked with me from September 15th 1871 until October 15th 1871, and that his conduct leaves nothing to be desired. Kennedy the Mayor Schwert." -- You are two brave boys. Get in the car, we will accompany you to Besançon... Well escorted this time, our two travelers were on the right route... See what happens next in No. 5.