Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 2

Title: Le Tour De France Par Deux Enfants No. 2
Translated Title: 
A Tour of France by Two Children No. 2
In France, at Saint-Quirin, at the home of Fritz, the Ranger. -- From your friend, M. Etienne. "My Dear Fritz, I have recommended you to the sons of our friend Rolden, who wish to return to France. I am counting on you to guide them across the mountain. Your old friend, Etienne" -- I cannot drive you, I broke my leg, but I can show you a shortcut. -- Cross the forest, follow the road, and, on the right, you will see an old tower. -- Goodbye, my children, my friends in Celles will put on on the right path. And the valiant little travelers continued on their path. They walked throughout the day. When the night came, broken by fatigue, they decided to sleep in the forest. -- Come on, go to sleep, my little Julien! -- I will cover you, because the night is cold. -- And now, let's sleep. "Pale star of the evening, faraway messenger". (A. de Musset) In the early morning, the dew woke our two travelers. -- Come on, get up brother, and let's get on the road! André leads towards to the old tower. Celles... -- Look, Julien, it's France! -- Long live France! See what happens next in No. 3.