La Fortune de Colette, No. 5
Title: La Fortune de Colette, No. 5
Translated Title:
The Fortune of Colette, No. 5
The Fortune of Colette, No. 5 (continued). A nice, little menagerie. - I have an idea! - Come take a bath Javotte, you're no longer at your own house you poor old dog, you must have manners. - Miss, would you like some shampoo? - And now, a little rubbing. - Here, Ms. Javotte, all done! - Hurry Friquet, I have to wash all of the dishes after I'm done with you. - Come on Friquet, you have no manners. You know that we're serious about cleanliness here.-You naughty little girl. I caught you washing your dog in the pan! - Now the goose is getting into things. It's too much!! - Go away! ... Get out! I don't want to see the three of you again. Colette learned the hard way that sometimes even the best intentions are misunderstood. See more on Number 6.
Series Title:
La Fortune de Colette
Translated Series Title:
The Fortune of Colette