L'Arlésienne, No. 9
Title: L'Arlésienne, No. 9
Translated Title:
The Girl from Arles, No. 9
The Girl from Arles, No. 9 (continued). Great joy in the farmhouse, the day of the engagement … there was plenty of wine for everyone, then firelit lanterns and plenty of colorful nettle trees. On the road, near the farmhouse, someone was watching. - I've come to look for my letters. Your letters? I brought them to you yesterday … you haven't been at your house since then? I stayed in Arles for two nights. Here we have finished with this madness. The child will get married in four days, and this time he found someone who's honest. - He is very happy. It must be nice to love freely, to be proud of the person you love and to tell everyone who passes by: "This is my wife, look at her!" That night, I kidnapped the damn Girl from Arles. Running through the highways, the change, the fear, these are the things she loved. She is like the birds of the sea who don't sing during the storms. - It's him, finally! - You are cursed, horseman of misfortune! ... You brought me horrible love, and I nearly died! Now, it's over. I've lost. But I do not want to die alone. Come on, defend yourself, bandit, defend yourself, I'll kill you! - One minute of misguidance and it's over, you see, I only want to think of you now … Come on, let's dance. See the end on Number 10.
Series Title:
Translated Series Title:
The Girl from Arles