On ne badine pas avec l'amour, No. 2

Title: On ne badine pas avec l'amour, No. 2
Translated Title: 
You Do Not Play With Love, No. 2
No. 2. You Do Not Play With Love (continued). Perdican wanted to see the Park again with Camille, its green paths, and the mysterious make-believe world of his childhood. - What, not a memory, not one beat of the heart for all the time we spent, so good, so sweet, so full of delicious nonsense. Do you remember? - Promise me, Perdican, that you'll keep this ring for all of your life. Childhood memories are not to my taste. Poor child, I pity you sincerely. Perdican goes again all alone in his dear valley and finds humble friends whose hearts have not forgotten. It's Rosette, the foster sister of your cousin Camille. Rosette (Ms. Marguerite Bosky). Come down, quickly, and come here. See what follows on No. 3.
Series Title: 
On ne badine pas avec l'amour
Translated Series Title: 
You Don't Play with Love
Series Subtitle: 
You Do Not Play With Love