Christus (la vie du Christ) 3ème chapître: la passion, No. 7
Title: Christus (la vie du Christ) 3ème chapître: la passion, No. 7
Translated Title:
Christ (The Life of Christ) 3rd Chapter The Passion, No. 7.
And Jesus, bound, was brought before the prosecuter, Pontius Pilate. "So, you are the King of the Jews?" "My kingdom is not of this world." The wife of Pilate sent a message saying "Do nothing against this innocent man." Thus the priests and the elders brought against Jesus a load of accusations while Jesus said nothing. On Easter Day, the custom required the prosecutor to release one prisoner to the people, the one whom they chose. Pilate had sent for a prisoner, Barabbas, a thief and murderer, hoping that the people would declare themselves in favor of Jesus. "Which one would you like me to deliver to you, Barabbas or Jesus?" "Barabbas." "What do you want me to do with Jesus?" "May He be crucified." To be continued in Part 8.
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