Le Droit a la Vie, No. 10

Title: Le Droit a la Vie, No. 10
Translated Title: 
The Right to Life, No. 10
A financial indiscretion would build on his secretary's honesty. This brief is for you, Mr. Marc. Mr. Marc Coln, at the residence of Pierre Veryal, Chateaux des Marches-Etampes. Brief of Mr. Coln's account for his Chateaux on Brehat Island. Paid: 600,000. Remaining: 300,000. - Duffer … you have made an inheritance, Marc? Veryal, suspicious, constantly spied and observed the young girl.- Andree … come here! … You ripped up a letter, don't deny it, I saw you … - You cried and you are hiding other things from me. - Monsieur Jacques Altery. - Mrs. Pierre Veryal. See more on Number 11.
Series Title: 
Le Droit a la Vie
Translated Series Title: 
The Right to Life
Series Subtitle: 
The Right to Life