Documentaires Animaux. La Voix du Rossignol.
Title: Documentaires Animaux. La Voix du Rossignol.
Translated Title:
Animal Documentaries. The Voice of the Nightingale.
The Voice of the Nightingale, no.3 (continuation). In the Land of Dreams, Nightmare, a dark winged dragon knows no limits. Alas, fragile winged life is exposed to blows from invisible adversaries, ambushing it among the thickets. Mother! ... Where are you? I'm hungry! . . . I'm cold! The poor nightingale is searching for her gentle companion. Night is covering the Earth with its cold shroud of mist; who is going to warm up and feed the abandonned bird? See the end in, No. 4.
Series Title:
Documentaires Animaux
Translated Series Title:
Animal Documentaries
Series Subtitle:
Animal Documentaries