Koenigsmark. Partie 1. La Grde Dutchsse de Lautenbou.

Title: Koenigsmark. Partie 1. La Grde Dutchsse de Lautenbou.
Translated Title: 
Koenigsmark. Part 1. The Grand Duchess of Lautenbourg.
Koenigsmark, the Grand Duchess of Lautenbourg, No. 3 (continuation). News from Cameroon. . ., Rudolph's Buffalo hunt. Someone wants to talk to you on the phone. He died in Sangha from sunstroke, Hello, warn the Grand Duchess and ask her to return immediately. This miraculous cinema gives us the illusion of the presence of absent people. Mr. de Marcals! You are too quiet! You make me worry. Be Strong! The Grand Duke Rudolph was hit by sunstroke in Cameroon ... the haughty indifference of the Grand Duchess was replaced by remorse. See the rest in no. 4.
Series Title: 
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