600,000 Francs par Mois. Chapitre 1. (No. 3)

Title: 600,000 Francs par Mois. Chapitre 1. (No. 3)
Translated Title: 
600,000 Francs per Month. Chapter 1. (No. 3)
600,000 Francs per month, Chapter 1, The Wager, No. 3. For once, John Beckler is having fun ... Do you have a family, my man? Two boys, two girls, the mother, yours truly, that makes six mouths to feed. You should see them around a leg of mutton! So, in your humble condition, with the cares of a family, how do you find the means to be cheerful? Look carefully, such as you see me, I am worth a thousand million francs! And I am not laughing and I am not singing! As for me, as long as I bring home the bacon, the corporal in the stomach, and white wine at the bistro, I'm happy like a king! Don't you see it doesn't mean anything to have a lot of money . . . You need to know how to make use of it! Need to know? Give me your appearance and see how I take care of it! All right! . . . It's understood . . . I'll give you 600,000 francs per month! Do you think I'm crazy? I always speak seriously! . . . 600,000 francs per month! And I wager you wouldn't know how to spend it! See the rest in No. 4 .
Series Title: 
600,000 Francs par Mois
Translated Series Title: 
600,000 Francs per Month
Series Subtitle: 
600,000 Francs per Month