Les grandes eaux de Versailles
Title: Les grandes eaux de Versailles
Translated Title:
The Great Waters of Versailles
The fountains were constructed under Louis XIV by architect Lenôtre. The Fountain of Latona, in red marble, was designed by Marsy. Every year, millions of spectators attend the magical spectacle of the Great Waters of Versailles. Images of the Fountain of Apollon, with his chariot. Images of the Fountain of Dragons, where the main stream shoots up to as high as 23 meters. Images of the Fountain of Neptune. The fountains are "powered" by water from the Seine, transported by a water lifting machine built under Louis XIV. On July 1919, an evening festival featuring fireworks took place in Versailles in celebration of France's victory. Three million cubic meters of water are used annually to sustain the magic of the fountains of Versailles.