Nène, No. 12 (continuation and end). Corbier is getting married in three days, and Violette already moved in. Madeleine prepared to leave, she has to start a new life, far from Lalie … far from Jo... |
Nène, No. 2 (continuation). Boisseriot, the valet, entered, while making his tour of duty (Boisseriot ... Mr. Viguier). - Madeleine! The soup, the soup! - The master is going to return and nothing is... |
Nène, No. 3 (continuation). A widower at 30, Michel Corbier found himself at the head of a farm and with two little children, Lalie and Jo (Courbier … Van Daele). - Marguerite, why did you leave so... |
Nène, No. 4 (continuation). A few leagues from the farm of Moulinettes, there was the village of Chantepie, and in it, a pretty seamstress, Violette (France Dhelia). And Jean, who was Nène's... |
Nène, No. 5 (continuation). Jean was at the hospital - while threshing, a winnower cut his arm. And for three days he lead a nice life, crying ceaselessly, "I will kill myself", but these... |
Nène, No. 6 (continuation). - Violette was sewing, she prepared a corsage for the assembly in the way of Paris. - You are so pretty, you should be the queen of the fair. Boisseriot was her godfather... |
Nène, No. 7 (continuation). Fantoune, the laundress, was a big gossip, and having noticed Madeleine, ran over to tell her about the rumors that were already circulating. - Michel Corbier is absent,... |
Nène, No. 8 (continuation). - Madeleine was revolted, how could it be that one day the little ones could be taken away from her? Ah.. but it will not happen this way! - Ihave to talk to you! -Why are... |
Nène, No. 9 (continuation). From the next day, the threat was clear. The cost was that Michel Corbier fired her; after three years of devotion to the happiness for the children … and maybe another... |
Images of skyscrapers in the financial district/business quarter and views of Broadway from various angles. From Battery Place. From the top of the Equitable Building. The Woolworth Building is 135... |
Various street scenes in New York City: Times Square; pedestrian bridge across Broadway at 57th Street; Columbus Circle and the statue of Christopher Columbus; buildings under construction; the... |
The Cathedral of Notre-Dame of Paris is one of the most beautiful architectural constructs of the 12th century. Maurice de Sully began the construction in 1163. Demolished and restored, one tower... |
Impressive funerals were held for Lieutenant Colpin and Mr. Joly. The procession went to the station. Some citizens, who did not take off their hats for the passage of the coffins, are brought to... |
You Do Not Play With Love. An 8-part play based on the masterpiece by Alfred de Musset. The baron waits for Perdican, his son, and his niece, Camille, both of whom were missing for a number of years... |
No. 2. You Do Not Play With Love (continued). Perdican wanted to see the Park again with Camille, its green paths, and the mysterious make-believe world of his childhood. - What, not a memory, not... |
No. 3. You Do Not Play With Love (continued). Rosette, without being asked, resumed the friendly interactions of the past. (Ms. Berangere). The fright of Ms. Pluche. - What harm do you find in that?... |
No. 4. You Do Not Play With Love (continued). The meeting. - Let's talk about our friendship. I left and I came to talk to you for that reason. - … I'm going to take the vows, and become a... |
No. 5, You Do Not Play With Love (continued). Why is Mrs. Pluche so angry? Her fake hair trying to bristle, her chest breathes with force, and she argues with Master Blazius over a letter that he... |