Title: Titulos de los señores del Reino del Quichè
Date: 1501-1781
Language(s): K'iche' and Spanish
Consists of a document in K'iche' "Titulo Real de don Francisco Izquin ultimo Ahpop alel, o Rey de Quiché," (11 leaves), dated Nov. 22, 1588 and signed by the Last King of the Quichés and the eight other princes. There is a narrative account (fols. 15-22) of the events of the first conquest of the highlands by the Quiché ancestors in the year [1300], dated May 7, 1524 and signed by hieroglyphs with names of seven K'iche' princesses, three of the Spanish conquerors, including Pedro de Alvarado "Ande mi con Pedro Alvarado Jues Capitan Español Conquistador," and also the four friars accompanying the expedition. Also includes several official documents dating from 1587-ca. 1781 from Xelahuh, now Quetzaltenango.
Material and Layout: Paper; 39 leaves; 32 x 23 cm.
Binding: Original limp vellum
The documents are housed in the original limp parchment wrapper of the Archives, inscribed: "Titulo de reyes de Guatemala en Quiche," and presented by the keeper of the Archives in 1856 to Brasseur de Bourbourg; bookplates of Brasseur de Bourbourg and Alphonse L. Pinart with his shelfmark "E.4/53"; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Recinos, Adrián. Crónicas Indígenas de Guatemala
(Editorial Universitaria, Guatemala City, 1957).
Author: Torres, Juan de, 1547-1599
Title: Title of the Tamub
Date: Sept. 2, 1812
Language(s): K'iche'
Ms. copy, written in an unidentified hand, probably at Totonicapán, Guatemala. The original manuscript was written by Juan de Torres, head of sub-lineage of the Tam, dated Oct. 12, 1580. Concerns the history of the Tam lineage of the Quiche from the first ancestors to the 15th century, and lists the genealogy relevant to land claims and the boundaries of those claims. This is one of the four fullest lineage histories surviving from the 16th century Quiche, and although a late copy, it is the earliest known text.
Material and Layout: Paper; 9 leaves; 31 x 22 cm.
Binding: Sewn with red thread; in cloth case
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Recinos, Adrián. Crónicas indígenas de Guatemala. (Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria, 1957).
Title: Probanca executorio
Date: 1600-50
Language(s): K'iche'
A fragmentary account of the Spanish Conquest, probably drawn from the point of view of the Kavek lineage (perhaps of the Qoyoy sub-lineage). In language it is closer to the Popol Vuh. The manuscript includes drawings of the post-conquest second and third palaces of the Quiché kings. There are lists of the several Quiché towns and of the caciques of these towns in the late 16th century. Also mentioned are the Mam-speaking groups of the Quetzaltenango area conquered by the Quiché and an account of the conquest by Pedro de Alvarado, with reference to Capitan decum ahau.
Material and Layout: Paper; 25 leaves; 22 x 15 cm.
Decoration: 3 pen-and-ink drawings
Binding: Vellum wrapper; lined with a manuscript fragment, probably written in a contemporary hand.
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Carrasco, Pedro. Don Juan Cortes, cacique de Santa Crus Quiché. in Estudios de Cultura Maya. (México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas), vol. 6, pp. 251-266.
Recinos, Adrián. Crónicas indígenas de Guatemala. (Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria, 1957).
Edmondson, M. S. Historia de la Tierras Altas mayas, segun los documentos
indigenas from a conference on the cultural development of the Maya,
entitled Desarrollo cultural de los Mayas editado por Evon Z. Vogt y
Alberto Ruz L. (México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras: Seminario de Cultura
Maya 1964), pp. 225-278.
Title: Ordínanzas de la Confradía de Santa Vera Cruz en Totonicapán
Date: 1700s
Language(s): K'iche' with Spanish translation (in successive paragraphs)
Ms. copy of the by-laws for the Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz in Totonicapán, Guatemala. Inscriptions by Balthazar Cobocah, Chupah, 6 May 1776 (p. 17) and May 1777 (p. 52).
Material and Layout: Paper; 26 leaves; 31 x 22 cm.
Binding: Original parchment cover, with leather end ties
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Ordínanzas de la Confradía de Ssmo Sacramento
Date: 1700s
Language(s): K'iche'
Ms. copy of the by-laws for the Cofradía de Santissimo Sacramento and the Cofradía del Rosario, probably from Tacubaya, Mexico City, Mexico. Includes a Roman Catholic Litany for the Virgin Mary (pp. 18-19), beginning "Ihesus Maria. Letania de Nuestra Señora. Rosario. Kirie eleyson. christe eleyson..."
Material and Layout: Paper; 11 leaves; 32 x 22 cm.
Binding: Original heavy leather cover with end ties
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Will of Gaspar Toh
Date: Apr. 12, 1773
Language(s): K'iche'
Will of Gaspar Toh, no place indicated.
Material and Layout: Paper; 2 leaves; 31 x 21 cm.
Binding: In soft leather case, with vellum ties and buttons
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Will of Mauel Sis
Date: May 12, 1773
Language(s): K'iche'
Will of Mauel Sis, no place indicated.
Material and Layout: Paper; 2 leaves; 31 x 21 cm.
Binding: In soft leather case, with vellum ties and buttons
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Will of Joseph Calan
Date: May 26, 1773
Language(s): K'iche'
Will of Joseph Calan with attestation in 1779, no place indicated.
Material and Layout: Paper; 2 leaves; 31 x 21 cm.
Binding: In soft leather case, with vellum ties and buttons
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Will of Miguel Tavico
Date: June 1, 1772
Language(s): K'iche'
Will of Miguel Tavico, no place indicated.
Material and Layout: Paper; 2 leaves; 31 x 21 cm.
Binding: In soft leather case, with vellum ties and buttons
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Will of Pablo Garcia
Date: 1773
Language(s): K'iche'
Will of Pablo Garcia, no place indicated.
Material and Layout: Paper; 1 leaf; 31 x 21 cm.
Binding: In soft leather case, with vellum ties and buttons
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.