Author: Sierra, Bernardo
Title: Maya translation of "Ramillete de Divinas Flores"
Date: Before 1810
Language(s): Maya
Maya translation of a Spanish work titled "Ramillete de Divinas Flores" (bouquet of divine flowers), which is a guide on how to die well, or an "Arte de Bien Morir" (art of dying well), by Don Bernardo Sierra.
Material and Layout: Paper; 37 leaves; 15 x 11 cm.
Binding: Heavy leather wrapper, with blind tooling on the upper and lower covers and remnants of leather end ties.
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Teabo register
Date: 1839-51
Language(s): Yucatec
A record of births, baptisms, and deaths at Teabo, Yucatán. The earliest date is a baptism in 1839, the latest seems to be an entry in 1891 for a member of the Nah family. These documents were composed in the Maya town of Teabo.
Material and Layout: Paper; 8 leaves; 15 x 10 cm.
Binding: Disbound quire of 8 leaves
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.\
Title: Yucatec Prayers
Date: ca.1855
Language(s): Yucatec and Latin
Pages 1-29 contain prayers in Yucatec-Maya. Page 30 is a register of deaths, etc,. in Teabo, Yucatàn, and has the date October 4, 1855. Pages 31-38 contain Latin hymns, beginning with a setting of Psalm 113 ("Sit nomen Domini/Laudate pueri Dominum/laudate nomen Domini/Sit nomen Domini benedictum ex hoc nunc...). The manuscript was likely composed in Teabo as there are death records in the manuscript from the town.
Material and Layout: Paper; 20 leaves; 16 x 11 cm.
Binding: Heavy leather wrapper
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Yucatec Prayers
Date: 1851-82
Language(s): Yucatec with some Spanish and Latin
Contains prayers in Yucatec-Maya, Spanish, and Latin. Contains devotional verses and songs in Yucatec-Maya and Spanish and a register of deaths (place unknown) written primarily in Spanish. Page 11 is dated August 8, 1882 and p. 74 is dated Tekom, October 18, 1851. There is a death entry for Tekom and also a mention about the bishop of Chichimilia; hence, the manuscript probably originated in Tekom or Chichimilia, which is only a few miles away from Chichimilia.
Material and Layout: Paper; 64 leaves; 15 x 10 cm.
Binding: Heavy leather wrapper
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Liturgical collection
Date: 1798
Language(s): Latin and Yucatec
Liturgical collection containing antiphons, lessons, psalms, and other texts. Latin text begins "Ad matutinum invitatorium. Rege cui omnia vivunt..." The year 1798 is written on p. 44. The signature of José Balthazar Montejo on p. 42.
Material and Layout: Paper; 24 leaves; 15 x 10 cm.
Binding: Leather wrapper, with traces of leather end ties
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Doctrine and Confession
Date: 1700s
Language(s): Yucatec and Spanish
Fragment copy of fray Pedro Beltrán de Santa Rosa’s Doctrina Christiana, either the 1740 or 1757 edition. Includes the commandments, "Las obras de misericordia," and the credo. Includes occasional words in Latin and Spanish. Manuscript is water damaged with loss of text.
Material and Layout: Paper; 17 leaves; 15 x 10 cm.
Binding: Unbound sheets, in case
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.
Title: Land Document
Date: 1800s
Language(s): Yucatec with some Spanish
A fragment of a legal document concerning land in Ebtún, Yucatan. The document sets forth the boundaries of a piece of monte (forest land); the title "almehen" is mentioned. "74" is written in red pencil in upper left corner of fol. 1r.
Material and Layout: Paper; 1 leaf; 17 x 18 cm.
Binding: In cloth box; housed with cardboard covers, removed
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Author: Menendez, Joaquin Rosado
Title: Survey of the Tontzimin Tract
Date: 1820
Language(s): Yucatec with some Spanish
A final survey map of the Tontzimin tract by Joaquin Rosado Menendez, cf. Roys. "74" is written in red pencil in upper left corner of fol. 1r.
Material and Layout: Paper; 1 leaf; 17 x 18 cm.
Binding: In cloth box; housed with cardboard covers, removed
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
The Titles of Ebtun, edited and translated by Ralph L. Roys.
(New York: AMS Press, ca. 1983).
Title: Deed of Sale for Land to Gaspar Aac of Cuncunul
Date: ca. 1820
Language(s): Yucatec with some Spanish
Deed of sale transferring land in Ebtún, Mexico to Gaspar Aac.
Material and Layout: Paper; 1 leaf; 30 x 20 cm.
Binding: In cloth box; housed with cardboard covers, removed
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
The Titles of Ebtun, edited and translated by Ralph L. Roys.
(New York: AMS Press, ca. 1983), pp. 123-125.
Title: Title to Land
Date: Oct. 9, 1789
Language(s): Yucatec with some Spanish
Titles to boundaries of approximately 26 communities in Eastern Yucatán. The first folio concerns the allocation of lands to different "pueblos," and either the results of or the necessity for a survey. The recto of fol. 1 is dated Valladolid (Zaci), October 9, 1789 and signed by Don Juan Francisco Muñoz. The remaining folios are too fragmentary to decipher.
Material and Layout: Paper; 6 leaves; 10 x 9 to 30 x 20 cm.
Binding: In cloth box; housed with cardboard covers, removed
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to
Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett
at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from
the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton
University Library.