Henry David, 1817-1862. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Boston, 1854. [Rare Books Division: Howard T. Behrman Collection of American Literature. Gift of Howard T. Behrman.] |
The disappearance in the Arctic of Sir John Franklin and his crew occurred during the time (1845-1847) Henry David Thoreau, the American writer and natural philosopher, was living at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. It is hardly surprising that he would make fruitful use of some of the events, names, and settings of that history in the essays of his famous work Walden; or Life in the Woods, published in 1854. In the conclusion of the book, which follows the Springchapter where he describes the breaking up of the ice in the pond, he personalizes the quest for the Northwest Passage:
In his journal for 23 March 1852 he had written, As I cannot go upon a Northwest Passage, then I will find a passage round the actual world where I am. Connect the Behring Straits and Lancaster Sounds of thought; winter on Melville Island, and make a chart of Banks Land; explore the northwest-trending Wellington Inlet, where there is said to be a perpetual open sea, cutting my way through floes of ice.[Bradford Torrey edition of The Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906), vol. 9, p. 358.] Just so, and in countless other ways, the phrase Northwest Passage has entered our lexicon and colored our culture. John Delaney, Curator |
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