The three men remaining were now handed down to my cabin, and shewn the use
of the chairs, which they did not comprehend, appearing to have no notion
of any other seat than the ground. Being seated, we attempted to take
their portraits, in which Lieutenant Hopner, Mr. Skene, Mr. Bushman,
and myself, were, at the same time employed. During this attempt, fearful
it might alarm them, we amused them with questions, collecting from
them, at the same time, the information we thought it desirable to obtain;
and directing Sacheuse to ask those questions which the hurried nature
of this visit permitted us to recollect as most essential, and of which
the result will appear hereafter. Our drawings being completed, and
interrogatories ended, they began to be very inquisitive, asking the
use of every thing in the cabin . . . We now also ascertained their
names, that of the eldest being Ervick . . . [Ross, pp. 93-94, 95.]