Hearne, Samuel, 1745-1792.
A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern
Ocean. Undertaken by Order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the Discovery
of Copper Mines, a Northwest Passage, &c., in the Years 1769, 1770,
1771, & 1772. London, 1795. [Rare Books Division: Gift of John G.
Buchanan, Princeton Class of 1909, in memory of Major General Julius Ochs]
A London-born employee of the Hudson's Bay Company, Hearne has the distinction
of being the first European to view the "Northern Ocean," and
his expedition proved that no passage existed through the continent south
of that body of water. After two false starts (in 1769 and early 1770)
due to poor guides and unexpected misfortunes, Hearne obtained the services
of a respected Indian leader, called Matonabbee, who had been adopted
as a boy by Richard Norton, Governor of the Prince of Wales Fort, when
his father died. With Matonabbee guiding and the addition of Indian women
to do much of the physical labor so that the men could huntthe lack
of women laborers was Matonabbee's major explanation for the earlier troublesHearne's
third attempt, begun on 7 December 1770, succeeded in reaching and descending
the Coppermine River by the middle of July 1771, just hours after Indians
in his party had massacred a camp of Eskimo [Inuit] fishermen, women,
and children.
It was then about five o'clock in the morning of the seventeenth, the
sea being in sight from the North West by West to the North East, about
eight miles distant. I therefore set instantly about commencing my survey,
and pursued it to the mouth of the river, which I found all the way
so full of shoals and falls that it was not navigable even for a boat,
and that it emptied itself into the sea over a ridge or bar. The tide
was then out; but I judged from the marks which I saw on the edge of
the ice, that it flowed about twelve or fourteen feet, which will only
reach a little way within the river's mouth. The tide being out, the
water in the river was perfectly fresh; but I am certain of its being
the sea, or some branch of it, by the quantity of whalebone and seal-skins
which the Esquimaux [just recently killed] had at their tents, and also
by the number of seals which I saw on the ice. At the mouth of the river,
the sea is full of islands and shoals, as far as I could see with the
assistance of a good pocket telescope. The ice was not then broke up,
but was melted away for about three quarters of a mile from the main
shore, and to a little distance round the islands and shoals. By the
time I had completed this survey, it was about one in the morning of
the eighteenth . . . a thick fog and drizzling rain then came up, and
finding that neither the river nor sea were likely to be of any use,
I did not think it worth while to wait for fair weather to determine
the latitude exactly by an observation . . . [Hearne, pp. 162-163.]
Sir John Franklin, arriving on his second expedition fifty years later,
would prove that Hearne's latitude, given on his published map, was over
one hundred miles off (too far north).

[Northern Indian canoe]
Immediately after our arrival at Clowey [May, 1771],
the Indians began to build their canoes . . . Those vessels, though
made of the same materials with the canoes of the Southern Indians,
differ from them both in shape and construction; they are also much
smaller and lighter; and although very slight and simple in their construction,
are nevertheless the best that could possibly be contrived for the use
of those poor people, who are frequently obliged to carry them a hundred,
and sometimes a hundred and fifty miles at a time, without having occasion
to put them into the water. . . . In shape the Northern Indian canoe
bears some resemblance to a weaver's shuttle; being flat-bottomed, with
straight upright sides, and sharp at each end, but the stern is by far
the widest part, as there the baggage is generally laid, and occasionally
a second person, who always lies down at full length in the bottom of
the canoe. In this manner they carry one another across rivers and narrow
parts of lakes in those little vessels, which seldom exceed twelve or
thirteen feet in length, and are from twenty inches to two feet broad
in the widest part. [Hearne, pp. 96-98.]