The coast consists of precipitous
banks [photo taken in August 2003], similar in structure to the
bituminous-shale cliffs at Whitby, Yorkshire. They gradually increase
in altitude from Cape Bathurst, and near our encampment their height
exceeded two hundred and fifty feet. The shale was in a state of ignition
in many places, and the hot sulphureous airs from the land were strongly
contrasted with the cold sea-breezes with which, in the morning, they
alternated. . . . We embarked at half-past two on the morning of the
20th, and ran alongshore for two hours with a strong and favourable
breeze, when some shoals lying off the mouth of a pretty large river,
led us six or seven miles from the coast. The breeze, which was off
the land, freshened considerably, and raised a short breaking sea, through
which we attempted to pull towards the shore, but the boats shipped
much water, and made little head-way. We, therefore, set the sails again,
and, fortunately, fetched under a head-land, and effected a landing.
The whole of the pemmican in the Union, and some of that in the Dolphin,
was wet on this occasion. . . The cliffs at our encampment consisted
of slate-clay, and bituminous alum-slate, and were six hundred feet
high. The river, whose mouth we passed, ran close behind them, having
a course parallel to the coast for some miles before it makes its way
to the sea. It was named Wilmot Horton River
[photo taken in August 2003], in honour of the Under Secretary of State
for the Colonial Department. Its breadth is about three hundred yards,
and it seems, from the quantity of drift-timber that was piled on the
shoals of its mouth, to flow through a wooded country. [Richardson,
pp. 231-232.]