The wind freshened, and the night began to look stormy, as we stood across
a wide sound which was open from the N.W. to the N.E., and had a depth
of water varying from three to seven feet. White whales were seen; and
some of the crew thought the water tasted brackish. About 9 P.M. a drizzling
rain came on, attended with very dark weather, which induced us to make
for a round islet, with a view of encamping, and securing the boats
for the night; it was skirted by shoals that prevented us from landing,
and we therefore anchored the boats by poles stuck in the mud, raised
the coverings of the cargo on masts and oars, so as to turn off the
rain; and after eating our supper and setting a watch, we endeavoured
to get some repose by lying down in our clothes, wet as they were. We
had scarcely laid down, however, before the wind changed and began to
blow with violence directly on the shore, so as to render it necessary
for us to shift our situation without delay. . . . In this perilous
situation we perceived some smooth water to leeward, upon which, setting
the foresails, the boats were pushed over a sandy bar into two fathoms
water. We then stood towards the eastern shore, and keeping in deep
water, entered a small inlet, which received the name of Refuge Cove
. . . [Richardson, pp. 204-205.]