The continuance and increase in the favourable wind urged us to make
all possible despatch, and at three in the morning of the 9th again
embarking, we kept in three fathoms of water at the distance of two
miles from the land. After sailing twelve miles, our progress was completely
stopped by the ice adhering to the shore, and stretching beyond the
limits of our view to seaward. We could not effect a landing until we
had gone back some miles, as we had passed a sheet of ice which was
fast to the shore; but at length a convenient spot being found, the
boats were hauled up on the beach. We quickly ascended to the top of
the bank to look around, and from thence had the mortification to perceive
that we had just arrived in time to witness the first rupture of the
ice. The only lane of water in the direction of our course was that
from which we had been forced to retreat: in every other part the sea
appeared as firmly frozen as in winter; and even close to our encampment
the masses of ice were piled up to the height of thirty feet. [Franklin,
p. 113.]