A numerous party then drawing their knives, and stripping themselves
to the waist, ran to the Reliance, and having first hauled her up a
far as they could, began a regular pillage, handing the articles to
the women, who, ranged in a row behind, quickly conveyed them out of
sight. Lieutenant Back and his crew strenuously, but good-humouredly,
resisted the attack, and rescued many things from their grasp, but they
were overpowered by numbers . . . It was now about eight o'clock in
the evening, and we had been engaged in this harassing contest for several
hours, yet the only things of importance which they had carried off
were the mess canteen and kettles, a tent, a bale containing blankets
and shoes, one of the men's bags, and the jib-sails. The other articles
they took could well be spared, and they would, in fact, have been distributed
amongst them, had they remained quiet. The place to which the boats
were dragged is designated by the name of Pillage Point. I cannot sufficiently
praise the fortitude and obedience of both boats' crews in abstaining
from the use of their arms. [Franklin, in his Narrative of a Second
Expedition, pp. 104, 107.]