Canoe Broaching To, In a Gale of Wind at Sunrise,
Aug. 23, 1821 [George Back]
At 2h20m AM we embarked when the tents were so hard frozen that we
could not sit on them in the canoe. The sails were reefed and we steered
for the opposite shore a distance of 5 or 6 leagueswith a fresh
breeze and heavy seaboth of which increased as we got from under
the land. When we were about mid-channela sudden squall came onit
rained hardand the rays of the sun, which by this time had attained
some altitudecast a beautiful yellow tinge over the white foam
of the dark green sea. We were admiring this spectacle with delight
when a huge wave in spite of the efforts of the steermanbroached
our canoe to and we narrowly escaped sinkingindeed this must have
been the casehad not the following sea wave been quite spent.
The men were not a little alarmed and of course blamed the steerman....The
bowman was obliged to assist with his paddle during the rest of the
passagethe sea being excessively highsuch as I am tolerably
certain no NW canoe was ever in before. [Back, p. 163.]