His name was Atikleura. . . . He showed himself later to be far superior
to all his countrymen in every respect. I followed his suggestion, and
went inside his igloo. A passage led into the hut proper; this was so
low, that I had to stoop down. It had two extensions, like quite small
huts, and what they served for was not difficult to guess by the odour;
there was nothing to see, as the dogs were the scavengers. A hole so
small that one had almost to creep through it led into the dwelling
room. When I stood upright inside, I was speechless with astonishment.
It was quite an apartment for festive occasions; it had been constructed
the day before, and was therefore still gleaming white. From floor to
roof the room measured fully twice a man's height. The blocks in the
wall were regular and of equal size, and the inside diameter was not
less than fifteen feet. It was evident that Atikleura knew how to build
beautifully. The sleeping shelf was so high, one had to swing onself
up on it, and it was covered with the most delicate reindeer skin. Everything
gave the impression of the most perfect order. [Amundsen, Vol. 1, pp.