“The Fetiche Rock, looking down the river”
July 25th. At day-light we observed the Fetiche rock bearing W. by S. and the Beacon rock N.E. I visited the Fetiche rock, which is a collection of masses of the oldest granite, mixed with quartz and mica, running down the river perpendicularly, and entirely isolated, the land behind it being a plain with reedy grass and corn plantations. . . . [p. 95]
“Copies of Figures in low relief on the face of the Fetiche Rock”
The annexed plates are fac-similes of those figures copied by Lieutenant Hawkey, respecting which, he observes, that he could not learn, from any inquiries he was able to make, whether they had any connection with the religious notions of the people, though they went by the name of fetiches. The were said to be the work of a learned priest of Nokki, who taught the art to all those who chose to pay him. The names of the objects, corresponding with the numbers on the plates, are mentioned by Lieutenant Hawkey, as under.
1. A gentleman in his hammock and guard.
2. A gentleman borne by his slave
4. } unknown
6. A lizard.
7. An alligator.
8. Unknown.
9. Unknown.
10. A hippopotamus.
11. Unknown.
12. A buffalo.
13. A chasseur.
14. A buffalo.
15. A bird.
16. Unknown.
17. An alligator.
18. A hunter killing a deer
[p. 381] |
“Ocythoë Cranchii”
In the gulf of Guinea, and afterwards on the voyage, he [John Cranch, the expedition’s collector of objects of natural history] took by means of a small net, (which was always suspended over the side of the vessel) several specimens of a new species of Ocythoë, which were swimming in a small argonauta, on the surface of the sea. [pp. 400-401] |