Jane Aitken
American, born in Scotland, 1764-1832
According to printing historian Leona Hudak, almost nothing is known
of Jane Aitken’s personal life and work. She was the daughter
of Robert Aitken, a printer, bookbinder, and bookseller who emigrated
from Paisley, Scotland to Philadelphia in 1769. Her father had the
distinction of publishing the first complete English-language Bible
printed in America and the only one ever authorized and approved by
Congress. Jane’s own unique contribution to American printing
history was the first American translation of the Bible, published
in four octavo volumes in 1808.
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Covenant, Translated
from the Greek by Charles Thomson. 4 vols. Philadelphia: Printed
by Jane Aitken, 1808.
Firestone Library