25 Boxes
what is included is listed in the
following pages
listing compiled by Eleni
Constantinou and Stefanos Geroulanos
Note: Box = Oversize, original shipping
Box #1
Box Files : 9
all are press releases and documents
of the British Information Services
between December 1967 and March
Indices : 8
Box #2
Books : 24
Maps : 2, both of Athens,
Box Files : 9, numbered 4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14
boxes 4-7 titled: "Cyprus Mail"
Cuttings from January 1958-1959
all are newspaper clippings
boxes 10-14 titled: British Information
Services, main headlines of Greek, Turkish press
dates: boxes 10-12: 1970, 13: 1972,
14: 1971
Filecards (indices) : 1 -
mainly economic
Notebooks : 11
Identity Cards : 10 (apart
from driving licences etc, there are passes to conferences and meetings)
Spare Sheets : 3
Cards : 1
Indices : 2 Cyprus Authors’
Index, A-I and J-Z
Box #3
Box Files : 9
a) articles, letters clippings on
notes of 1970 visit, trials and elections
b) clippings, notes, documents -
Cyprus Crisis 1967-8
c) Cyprus 1963-64 Crisis, articles,
documents and own notes
d) Clippings August 1974 (not labelled
e) Turkish Cypriot News Bulletin
f) Chronology 1965-67 Ortega Report,
School Books Bias
g)Cyprus Visit 1980
h)Cyprus 1965-6
I) Cyprus Mail Cuttings 1960 (clippings)
/ January-June
books : 45
Box #4
Box Files: 9
7 of these are clippings from "Cyprus
8th: Cyprus Visit
9th: Cyprus Mail copies 1973
Books : 34
included is the U.S. Army Cyprus
Area Handbook
Box #5
Box Files : 9,
Cuprus Mail Cuttings: numbered are:
numbers 12,17-20: 1968, 1971
not-numbered are: 1973-1974
News from Turkey, 1965-70
Turkish Cypriot NCA special newsbulletin
Books : 37
Box #6
Box Files : 10
Cyprus U.N. Documents
Athens News Press Reviews
Cyprus: Archaeological and Tourist
Press Bulletins: Greece and Turkey
Turkish/Cypriot NCA News Bulletins (with Cypriot Bulletins,71)
Box #7
Box Files: 9
References to Cyprus (Greek Ministry
of Foreign Affairs)
Athens News Press Reviews and Clippings
1959-60, 1967
2* Cyprus Government Reports
2* Cyprus U.N. Documents
Cyprus Mail, Greek Cuttings
Cyprus Today
Turkish Cypriot NCA News Bulletins
magazine copies: news from
Cyprus Today
books: 10
Economist Intelligence Unit Reports
on Greece, Cyprus and Turkey 1994
notebooks : 2
Box #8
Small Box Files : 8 - Cyprus
- Economical and Financial
2* 1963 and Intercommunal Crisis,
1973 onwards Intercommunal Crisis
Cyprus Mainly Political
Cyprus Mainly Greek/Cypriot Sources
Cyprus Miscellaneous
Larger Box Files : 5
Cyprus Mail Cuttings - 1972 (2 boxes)
News from Turkey 1958-61
Cyprus Bulletinw 1972-4, 1964-71
newspapers and magazines
Turkish News
books : 5
files : 3
Box #9
Box Files : 10
a) Cyprus Mail Cuttings, all of
1973, 1974 Jan.-June
b) U.N. Reports and Pamphlets
c) Turkish Cypriot NCA 1973, 1975-6
d) Greece - Political
e) Cyprus 44 - International Relations
/ Books, pamphlets
envelope of Cyprus Today
magazines : 8 - pamphlets
copies of Turkish Mass Media Bulletin
(4 sets)
random sheets of paper from
Turkish Media
Box # 10
sets of xeroxed material
: Turkish Mass Media Bulletin
files : Press Cuttings, Ancient
Greece, Yugoslav Macedonia, Oil Industry
Cyprus:sort 2 files
books : 4
box files : 9
Cyprus Political 1959-60
Cyprus Ethnarcy Bulletin
Articles on Kurdistan
Greek Embassy Bulletin 1950-55
Cyprus Security and Terrorism
Cyprus : Greek and Cypriot Sources
Cyprus Political
Cyprus Political Background - British
‘64-’65, mainly UN Chronologies
Box # 11
Maps : 1 envelope of maps
sets of Cyprus press digest (magazines,
2 sets mainly)
Files : 6
1) Cyprus Mail Cuttings 1960
2) UN Technical Assistance 1961-66
3) 1997 File of Notes and Clippings
4) Pro-Research 1964
5) 2 other files
Notebook : 1
Box Files : 9
a) 5 are titled "the Cyprus Revolt"
numbered 50, 56-58 -and 1 is unnumbered
b) the Eoka Documents
c) UNDP Cyprus 1963-4
d) others
Box #12
Box Files : 9 a) <59>
Cyprus Revolt Source Material 10/57-2/59
clippings and articles
b) Cyprus - Transitional Years ‘59
Clippings and Pamphlets
c) 1993/4 Clippings
d) <52>Cyprus Revolt 1946-54
, Clippings, Articles
e) EOKA leaflets and Crisis in Cyprus
f)UN 1992, european Court
g) <54> The Cyprus Revolt - source
material ch.6
<53> " " " " " ". 5
<55> " " " " " ". 3
Files: 5: clippings etc
Maps: 1
Envelopes 4: with pictures, spare
covers of Cyprus Revolt, clippings and newspaper copies
Cyprus Today copies 1964
Political Documents Speech of Kyprianou
befre UN. S.C.
Notebook : 1
Box #13
Box Files 9
a) N.C.’s broadcasts, lectures,
b) Maps of Greece and Cyprus
c) Reports and Lectures, 1951 Elections
d) Cyprus Terrorist Trials and Clippings
e) Cyprus Mail Cuttings 1955
f and g) Cyprus Government Reports
and Pamphlets
h) Cyprus-American Comment Press
and Congress
i) Cyprus Mail Cuttings 1956
Files 4
a) Cyprus 1993, 1993-94 Notes and
b) Greece - Notes
c) Confidential Notes on Greece
d) Confidential Commissions and
1 set of Cyprus Press Digest
Books 8
Envelopes 5 : Cyprus Today
International Affairs
UNRRA Reports 1946
Box # 14
Files : 5 (pictures, explanations,
Album of Pictures and Notes from
Sets of Kibris newspapers (TRNC
Public Office)
Box Files 10
Middle East Oil
Letters up to 1960 (Cyprus)
Clippings, Reports, Pamphlets on
Greece - Local Government, political
and economical pamphlets
Greek Embassy, London Bulletins
NC’s articvles on Greece
Greece Political and Economic Articles
Books and Reports on Middle East
Greece - Articles
Box #15
Box Files : 9
Files : 8
Magazine Sets : 4
Envelope with Press Cuttings, Releases
Maps : 2
Box #16
14 sets of Press and Information
office - Turkish Press and other Media
Box Files : 9
Cyprus <30>
Cyprus, The Turkish Invasion 1974
A 1986
Cyprus <29>
Cyprus News Bulletin
Lecture - Ball State University
1985 and
Wilton Park Conference / Cyprus
in Transition 1986-7
Political 1981 onwards
Foreign Affairs Commitee - Evidence
Cyprus <33>
copies of Cyprus Bulletin
PAN magazine
releases of Greek Press and Information
Box #17
Files : 6
Box Files : 8
Greek Confederation of Labour
Greece Miscellaneous Documents
Greece - Miscellaneous Documents
Cyprus - Social and Economic
Recent Booklets
Turkish News
Books : 7 (including
Foreign Press on Cyprus)
Box #18
Box Files : 8
UN temporary force
Turkish IYP Bulletin
Cyprus News - AKEL’s bulletin
Loizou - Intercommunal Relations,
UNDP (Perry) - IRC 1994
Cyprus - Mainly Turkish Bulletins
Files : 3
Notebooks : 32
Spare sheet: Clipping from
Envelopes : 4
Books : 3
Box #19
Files : 15
Box Files : 2 (not labelled)
6 Stacks of Cyprus Mail Copies
Turkish Mass Media Bulletin copies
Stacks of Magazines (PAN and others)
Books : 8
some spare sheets
Envelopes : 3
Greek Parliament Debates
Official Record of Greek Parliament
Calendar of 1996 and leaflets
Notebook : 1
Box # 20
Files (about 40)
Armenian Texts
Notes on Independence
Greek Embassy in London
Turkey Today
Times of Cyprus 1955
Miscellaneous - Cyprus (>1 copies)
Cyprus -sort (>1 copies)
Gazioglou 1996
The World Today -NC-
New Society - Spare Copies
Cyprus Revolt 9
Books 3 -
House of Commons Foreign Affairs
committee on Cyprus
International Relations
Cyprus Imports and Exports
Envelopes including notes, clippings
and typewritten material
Box # 21
3 large files of clippings
files : 13
Index - Special Entries / Grivas
Index A-L
Notebook with Clippings of
envelopes : 14
Box 22:
Books: 15
Envelopes: 10
maps : one envelope of maps, Cyprus
revolt maps (not in envelope) and 2-5 spare ones.
Several copies of negatives: "ATHENA",
"PAN", "NEW CYPRUS", (Cyprus today), " The world today" " Press information
office releases", "BEM".
Newspaper cuttings from Cyprus mail
(cuttings and copies)
"Turkish news", copies from other
newspapers, copies of TURKISH MASS MEDIA BULLETIN.
Notebooks: 2 with newspaper clippings,
pasted letters and others.
Files: 10 :
post war general election (Greece)
pictures (N. Crawshaw)
photographs of connected bibliography
who is who (Greece)
Cypriot Cultural heritage
1959 - the transitional year
another one
PRO (KEW) Cyprus Downwards
involves 2+ articles by N. Crawshaw
Greek press information office press
Box 23:
Envelopes : 8
Books: 3
Turkish Mass media Bulletin copies
Copies of Cyprus Review, Cyprus
Copies of special News Bulletin
Box 24:
Maps of Cyprus
Medieval maps
Pictures for exhibit
Box 25:
6 sets of photographs arranged in cards and including explanations
of photographic material - filing codes.
Negatives included
Box a (unnumbered):
"clipper tape" borne on the side.
Books : 28
Newspapers: 1
Box b (unnumbered):
Bears " Scriber Archives" (which has been overwritten) on its side.
4 picture sets (like box 25)
4 black-and-white glass slide sets (each with 3 (?) slides)
Medicine box with negatives
2 more sets of negatives.
Box c (unnumbered):
Bears numbers 24925 1.5 ¼ on the side and address of library
Copies of "The Athens News" and "Cyprus Mail" newspaper and other British
Box d (unnumbered):
Box files: 2