The Virgil Collections at Princeton

Foundation collection formed by Junius Spencer Morgan (Class of 1888)
and added to over the years

Note: call numbers for the books begin with VRG or Ex
This is a text dated 5 November 2007





L'Opere Di Vergilio...nuovamente da diversi excellentiss, auttori tradotte in versi sciolti, et con ogni diligentia raccolte da M. Lodovico Domenichi...In Fiorenza, (appresso i Giunti), 1556. Printer's marks on title-page and at end. Ornamental initials and tail-pieces. Red morocco, gilt, inside dentelle borders, by Stikeman & Co. 16cm. VRG 2945 .2556


___________ ______ . Another edition. Vinegia, per O. Farri, 1559. Printer's marks on title-page and at end. Vellum binding. 151/2cm.


L'Opere di Vergilio. Cioè la Bvccolica, Georgica, & Eneida. Nvovamente da diversi eccellentissimi auttori tradotte in uersi sciolti. Vinegia, Appresso Domenico Farri [1568] Printer's mark on t.-p. and on verso of last leaf. Initials: head and tail pieces: italic type. VRG 2945 .2568


Les Oeuvres De Virgile Maron, traduittes de latinen francois par Robert & Anthoine le Chevalier d'Agneaux freres...Large printer's mark. Paris, chez Thomas Perier, 1582. Bound in blue crushed morocco, gilt, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, ruled outside borders, inside dentelles, gilt edges. 23cm. VRG 2945 .2582


L'Opere Di Virgilio, cioè, la Buccolica, Georgica, & Eneida. Nuovamente de diversi eccellentissimi auttori tradotte in versi sciolti. Venetia, appresso Giacomo Cornetti, 1586. Printed in italics. 3 parts bound in 1 vol. Printer's mark. Illustrated. Bound in vellum. Edited by L. Domenici. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .2586


Las Obras De Publio Virgilio Maron, traduizadas en prosa castellana por Diego Lopez...En Lisboa, por Antonio Alvarez, 1620. Printer's mark on title-page and at end. Some initials and end-pieces. 3/4 morocco. 30cm. VRG 2945 .2620


The Epigrams of P. Virgilius Maro, and others, with praises of him and his workes, also his epitaphs composed by divers illustrious persons and lastly the arguments of his workes. Englished by I.P....London, printed by G.P., 1624. (Epistle dedicatory signed: Iohn Penkethman). Marled boards. 14cm. VRG 2945 .2624


The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby...London, printed by T.R. and E.M. for J. Crook, 1649. Engraved frontispiece (portr.) and title-page by W. Marshall. Frontispiece lacking. VRG 2945 .2649 171/2cm. Calf Binding.


___________ ______ . Another copy. Complete. Calf binding.


___________ ______ . Another copy. Lacks engraved title-page, but has portr. frontispiece. Calf binding. Bookplate of George Dundas.


Les Oeuvres De Virgile, traduites en prose, enrichies de figures...par Michel de Marolles... A Paris, chez Toussainct Quintet, 1649. 2 pts. in 1 vol. Illustrations, portraits, folding map. Added: engraved title-page. Title-page printed in red and black. On both title-pages is written in the same hand: "A la Reine". Bound in dark red morocco, gilt; inside borders. 40cm. VRG 2945 .2649 .2f


Las Obras De Publi Virgilio Maron traduzido en prosa castellana, por Diego Lopez...con comento y anotaciones...Alcala, en la imprenta de Maria Fernandez, 1650. Printer's mark. Bound in mottled calf, gilt, with plate of the "Biblioteca de Salva" stamped on sides. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .2650


The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby...London, printed by Thomas Maxey for Andrew Crook, 1650. Front. (portr.) Added: title-page of 1649 engraved by Will. Marshall. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .2650 .2


The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro, translated, adorn'd with John Ogilby. London, printed by Thomas Warren..., 1654. Bound in red morocco, gilt. 411/2cm. VRG 2945 .2654f


Publius Virgilius Maroos Wercken vertaelt door J.V. Vondel. De vierde druck op nieu overzien en verbetert. Amsterdam, voor de weduwe van Abraham de Wees, 1659. Engraved title-page. Renewal of printer's privilege, 1661, mounted on the 18th preliminary leaf. Bound in black morocco, gilt. 13cm. VRG 2945 .2659


Publius Virgilius Maroos Wercken in Mederduitsch dicht vertaelt door J.V. Vondel. T'Amsterdam, voor de weduwe van Abraham de Wees, 1660. Added: engraved title-page. Printer's mark. Vellum binding. 21cm. VRG 2945 .2660


The works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Tr. by John Ogilby. London, Printed for A. Crook, 1665. 15cm. VRG 2945 .2665


Las Obras De Publio Virgilio Maron traduizido en prosa castellana por Diego Lopez...Con comento y anotaciones...En Madrid, en la Imprenta real, 1668. Printer's mark. Bound in brown morocco, gilt and blind-stamped. Monogram book-stamp on inside cover. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .2668


Publii Virgilii Maronis dess nie gnug gepriesenen latinischen poëten in ungebundene hoch-Teutsche red übersetzt Johann Valentin...Franckfurt, in Verlegung Johann Beyers S. Erben, 1671. Vellum binding. 171/2cm. Goertz bookplate. VRG 2945 .2671


...The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro, translated by John Ogilby & adorn'd with sculpture. London, sold by Th. Guy, 1684. Title-page engraved by I. Drapentier. Engraved plate before each part. Notes in outside margins and at foot of text. Bound in calf, no lettering. 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .2684


Publius Virgilius Maroos wercken, in nederduitsch dicht. Vertaelt door J.V. Vondel. 'Amsterdam, by B. Visser, W. de Coup, W. Lamsvelt en A. van Damme, 1696. 24cm. Added t.-p., engr. VRG 2945 .2696


The Works of Virgil; containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and Aeneis; translated into verse by Mr. Dryden; adorn'd with a hundred sculptures. London, printed for Jacob Tonson, 1697. Large paper. Each plate dedicated to a benefactor. Calf binding, gilt. 461/2cm. VRG 2945 .2697f


The works of Virgil, containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and Aeneis. Trans. into English verse by Mr. Dryden. 2d ed. London, Printed for J. Tonson at the Judges-Head, 1698. 45cm. VRG 2945 .2698f


Publius Virgilius Maroos Herders-kóuten en Land-gedichten misgaders de XII, boecken van Aeneas. Vertaald en nederduitsch rijm...door Dirk Doncker. Den darde druk...In s' Gravenhage, by Johannes Kitto, 1703. Printer's mark. Illustrations. Latin notes in margins. Vellum binding. 16cm. VRG 2945 .2703


The Works of Virgil, translated into English verse, by...Richard, late Earl of Lauderdale...London, printed for Bernard Lintott, (1718). Ornamental head-pieces and initials. Contemporary calf binding, blind-tooled. 20cm. VRG 2945 .2718


The Works of Virgil, translated into English blank verse with large explanatory notes and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp...London, printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, (etc.), 1735. 3 vols. Notes at foot of page. Title-pages in red and black. Frontispieces in each volume. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. 17cm. VRG 2945 .2735


Publiusza Wirgiliusza Marona Ksiegi Wszytkie...przekadania...w Warszawie, Nakadem Pana krzystosa Bogumila Nicolai, 1754. Title-page in red and black. Bound in plain boards. 19cm. VRG 2945 .2754


The works of Virgil: tr. into English blank verse with large explanatory notes and critical observations. By Joseph Trapp. 4th ed., corr. and in the notes much enl. London, Printed for W. Meadows and S. Birt, 1755- . 17cm. VRG 2945 .2755


The Works of Virgil, Englished by Robert Andrews. Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville for the author, 1766. 241/2cm. Bound in 1/2 green morocco. Signature of Cornelius Paine on fly-leaf. VRG 2945 .2766


P. Virgili Maronis Opera Omnia...Todas las obras de Publio Virgilio Maron, ilustradas con varias interpretaciones y notas en lengua castelana...En Valencia en la oficina de los Hermanos de Orga, ano 1795. 5 vols. Frontsp. (portr.). Separate titles for vols. 2-5 at head of page only. Preface and life signed: Don Gregorio Mayano i Siscar. Mottled calf binding. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .2795


Des Publius Virgilius Maro Werke, von Johann Heinrich Voss, in drei Bänden. Braunschweig, bei Friedrich Vieweg, 1799. 3 vols. frontisp. (vol.I) 19cm. First edition. Bookplate of Comte van der Dyyn de Maardam. 1/2 calf binding. VRG 2945 .2799


The Works of Virgil, translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden...A new edition, revised and corrected by John Carey...London, printed by James Swan for Vernor and Hood; [etc.], 1803. 3 vols. Plates. 22cm. Mottled calf, gilt. Plates engraved by Bartolozzi, Sharp, and others. VRG 2945 .2803


The Works of Virgil translated into English verse by John Dryden...Baltimore, published by F. Lucas, jun., 1814. 2 vols., front. 131/2cm. VRG 2945 .2814


...As Obras De Publio Virgilio Maro, traduzidas em verso portuguez, e annotadas por antonìo Josè de Lima Leitao...Rio de Janeiro, na typographia real, 1818-19. 3 vols. 191/2cm. At head of title: Monumento à elevacão da colonia do Brazil à reino... VRG 2945 .2818


P. Virgilia Marona Spisy básnické...prelozil Karel Vinaricky...v Praze, V. Rivnace, 1851. (czech). 21cm. 1/2 morocco, gilt. VRG 2945 .2851


The Works of Virgil closely rendered into English rhythm and illustrated from British poets of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, by the Rev. Robert Corbet Singleton...London, Bell and Daldy, 1855-59. 2 vols. 191/2cm. Black pebbled morocco. Red gilt edges. VRG 2945 .2855


The works of Virgil. Literally tr. into English prose, with notes, by Davidson. A new ed., rev., with additional notes by Theodore Alois Buckley...London, H.G. Bohn, 1855. illus. 19cm. VRG 2945 .2855a


The Works of Virgil, literally translated into English prose, with notes, by Davidson. A new edition, revised, with additional notes by Theodore Alois Buckley...London, Bell & Daldy, 1873. Frontisp. (portr.) 18cm. VRG 2945 .2873


The Works of Virgil; a literal translation by A. Hamilton Bryce...with introduction and memoir. London, George Bell & Sons, 1897. 18cm. 3/4 calf, gilt; marbled sides and edges. VRG 2945 .2897

Editions of the Aeneid alone


Liber Aeneydos Virgilii (at end:) Impressum suburbiis sancti germani de pratis Iohãne parvi...1498. (Jean Petit). Bound in vellum; leaves edged in green. 21cm. Printer's mark. VRG 2945 .311 .006


Eneida Vgilii Publij Vergilij Maronis Aeneidos libri duodecim. (Impssus p Vuolfgangu Monacensem, 1511. Printer's mark.) Copious ms. notes in Bks. I-V. Bound in oak boards, half-covered with pigskin, blind-stamped. Brass clasps. 221/2cm. Bookplate of the Bibliotheca Conventus Bulsanensia (Bolzano, in Tyrol). VRG 2945 .311 .011


Aeneis Vergiliana cum Servij Honorati grammatici huberrimis commetarijs...(Quae omnia impressa sunt Venetiis per Georgium Arrivabenum, 1512). Colophon at end of Book XII). Vellum binding. 30cm. VRG 2945 .311 .012q


Aeneis Virgiliana cum Servii Honorati Honorati grammatici huberrimis commentariis ...Accessit ad hoc Mapphei Veggij liber additionis...Excussit Lugduni et in officina sua literatoria Iacobus Sacon...1517. Engraved title-page in red and black in ornamental border. Illustrated with many woodcuts. Calf binding, blind-stamped over oaken boards. Re-backed. Bookplate of James S. Burra. 35cm. VRG 2945 .311 .017q


Les quatre premiers livres de l'Eneide de Virgile translatez de latin en françois par M. Loys de Masures...Lyon, par Iean de Tournes, 1552. Printer's mark, tailpieces, and illustrations. Printed in italic type, with Latin text in outside margins. Arms with C.W.G.V.N. mounted on fly-leaf. Grolier Club binding, red morocco, with inside dentelles. 25cm. VRG 2945 .311 .052


Sebastiani Sorradi Commentarius, in quo P. Virgilij Maronis Liber Primus Aeneidos explicatur...Florentiae, excudebat Laurentius Torrentinus, 1555. Printer's mark. Title, running title, and margins set off with red lines. Latin text printed in italics. Autograph of M. Wodhull, Apr. 16, 1787, on the fly-leaf. Bound in red morocco, gilt. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .055


Lamberti Hortensii Montfortii enarrationes in sex priores libros Aeneidos Vergilianae. His accesserunt illustres annotationes in sex eiusdem poetae posteriores libros, eodem...autore...Basileae per Henricum Petrum et Ioannem Oporinum, (1559). Text surrounded by notes. Bound in mottled calf, gilt, with arms of the Parliament of Normandy on the covers. (See note on fly-leaf.) 32cm. VRG 2945 .311 .059q


L'Eneide De Virgile, prince des poëtes latins, translatée de latin en françois par Louis des Masures...A Lion, par Ian de Tournes, 1560. Printer's marks on title-page and at end. Title within ornamental border. Text printed in italics, in outside margins. Bound in blue crushed morocco, gilt, by Lortic fils. Inside dentelle borders. Gilt edges. 24cm. Illustrations. VRG 2945 .311 .060 .2


L'Eneide De Virgile...translatée de latin en françois, & nouvellement reveue & corrigée. Par Louis de Masures...avec des carmes latins, correspondant verset pour verset. Paris, chez Iean Borel, 1572. 2 vols. paged continuously. Printer's mark and head-pieces. Printed within ruled margins. Latin text in italics in outside margins. Bound in calf, gilt, with mottled edges. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .072


L'Eneide De Virgile Maron latin et françois traduite de nouveau, par Robert et Antoine Le Chevalier d'Agneaux...A Paris, chez Guillaume Auvray, 1583. Printer's mark. Ornamental initials. Contains also the Eclogues, Georgics and Epigrams. Vellum binding. 18cm. VRG 2945 .311 .083


Lamberti xii libros P. Virgilii Maronis Aeneidos...Basileae, per Sebastianum Henricpetri, (1596). 2 parts in 1 vol. Notes printed in italics around the text. Autographs of Pieter Burman and others. Dedication signed "Huldericus Frölich". Bound in vellum, blind-stamped. 321/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .096


P. Virgilii Maronis priores sex libri Aeneidos argumentis explicationibus notis illustrati, auctore Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda...Lugduni, sumptibus Horati Cardon, 1612. Engraved title-page, head- and tail-pieces. Bookplates of Sunderland Library, Blenheim Palace and Augustus Weichert. Grolier Club binding in 3/4 green morocco. 37cm. VRG 2945 .311 .112q


P. Virgilii Maronis posteriores sex libri Aeneidos argumentis, explicationibus notis illustrati, auctore Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda...Lugduni, sumptibus Horati Cardon, 1617. Grolier Club binding. 3/4 green morocco. 37cm. VRG 2945 .311 .117q


P. Virgilii Maronis Aeneidos, libri sex posteriores, argumentis, explicationibus et notis illustrata (sic) á Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda...Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Ioannem Kinchium, 1642. Printer's mark. Ornamented initials. Illustrations. Grolier Club binding in maroon morocco. 341/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .142q


L'Eneide De Virgile traduite en vers françois...avec les remarques du traducteur aux marges...Paris, P. Moreau, 1648-58. 2 vols. Added: engraved title-page. Title and imprint vary. Illustrations. Inscription on engraved title-page: "Ex libris Stephani Lepain, 1662." 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .148


P. Virgilii Maronis Aeneidos, libri sex priores, argumentis explicationibus et notis illustrata (sic) á Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda...Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Ioannem Antonium Kinchium, 1663. Text printed in italics. Notes printed between sections of text. Large printer's mark. Ornamental head-pieces and initials. Added: engraved title-page. Grolier Club binding in maroon morocco. 34cm. VRG 2945 .311 .163q


L'Éneide De Virgile, fidellement traduitte en vers heroiques, avec le latin à costé, et les remarques à chaque livre...par M. P. Perrin...secondo 2. édition, reveue et corrigée par l'autheur. Paris, chez Estienne Loyson, 1664. 2 vols. Latin and French on opposite pages. Double-page plates. Head- and tail-pieces. Added: engraved title-page. Grolier Club binding in olive green full morocco. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .164 .2


...Aeneis, des hochberühmten lateinischen poeten Publii Virgilii Maronis Bücher...gezeichnet und in kupffer gebracht von Joh. Andrea Thelot. S.l., s.a. 24 plates. Latin and German text on plates. 181/2 x 241/2cm. (Oblong). Vellum binding. VRG 2945 .311 .200


Aeneidis P. Virgilii Maronis libri XII. graeco carmine heroico expressi notisque perpetuis illustrati studio ac labore Eugenii de Bulgaris...qui typis nunc primum ad usum Helleno-Rossicae juventutis...sunt excusi...Petropoli, in Academia scientiarum, 1791-92. 3 vols. Latin and Greek on opposite pages. First Greek types to appear in Russia. Printed under the authority of Gregory A. Potemkin under the orders of Catherine II. 38cm. Bound in tree calf. VRG 2945 .311 .291q


Los dos Primeros Libros De La Eneida...traducidos en octavas castellanas por D. Francisco Vargas Machuca. Alcala, imprenta de la real Universidad, 1792. 221/2cm. Latin and Spanish on opposite pages. Bound in 3/4 red morocco. Uncut. VRG 2945 .311 .292


Publii Virgilii Maronis Aeneis...(Added title-page: L'Eneide traduite por Jacques Delille. A Paris, chez Giguet et Michaud, 1804, an XII). 4 vols. fronts. plates designed by Moreau, Gerard, Girodet. Bound in red morocco, gilt. Uncut edges. 37 x 281/2cm. (Half-title: Oeuvres de Jacques Delille). VRG 2945 .311 .304q


Virgile en France; ou, la Nouvelle Énéide, poëme héroi-comique...par Le Plat du Temple. Bruxelles, chez Weissenbruch, 1807-8. 6 plates. 2 vols. (All published, Aen. I-VI)...French and Latin text. Repressed by order of the government. Red morocco, gilt. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .307


P. Maronis Virgilii Liber Eneidos Feliciter Incipit. Colonia, per Hermanno Levilapide, 1476. Text in black. Initials and decorations illuminated in green, gold, red, and blue. Bound by Chambolle-Duru in brown morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges. 20cm. VRG 2945 .311 Ita. 301


Il libro chiamato lo Eneida vulgare. Bologna: Ugo Rugerius, 23 Dec 1491. Mambelli, no. 748. Copinger 6164. Purchase. Duplicates Fund. 1966. In slipcase. Imperfect: lacking initial blank and 4 leaves at end. Final leaves supplied in photostat from the copy at the Bib. Universitaria, Bologna. VRG 2945 .789


Les Eneydes De Virgille. translatez de latin en francoys par Messire Octovian de sainct Gelaz...reueus et cottez par maistre Jehan Diury...(Paris, Jehan Petit, with his large printer's mark, 1509). Woodcut frontispiece. Printed in black gothic type, arranged in two columns to the page with notes in margins. Rough calf binding, gilt, with crude classical borders on covers. 27cm. VRG 2945 .311 .509


Vergilij Maronis dryzehe Aeneadische Bucher von Troianischer Zerstörung und uffgang des Römische Reichs, durch doctor Murner vtütst. (Strassburg, von Joannes Grüninger, 1515.) Title in red and black within ornamental border. Woodcut illustrations. Bound in vellum, blind-stamped on sides. 261/2cm. VRG 2945.311 .515


La Eneide Di Virgilio tradotta in terza rima (per Thomaso Cambiatore). Venegia, Bernardino di Vitali, 1532. Printed in italics. Preface signed by Giovan Paulo Vasio as editor. Printer's mark. Title in woodcut border. Frontispiece (portr.) Ornamented initials. Vellum binding. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .532


La Eneide De Virgilio tradotta in terza rima per M. Giovanpaulo Vasio. In Venetia, (per Bernardino di Vitali), 1539. Large printer's mark. Ornamented initials. (Date at end, 1538). Preface by Domenico Buonamico, as editor. Bound in 3/4 green morocco, by Adams. Mottled edges. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .539


I Sei Primi Libri Del Eneide Di Vergilio, tradotti à piu illustre & honorate donne e tra l'altre à la nobilissima & diuina Madonna Aurelia Tolomei de Borghesi...(Stampato in Venetia per Comin de Trino. Ad instantia de Nicolo d'Aristotle detto Zopino), 1540). Printed in italics. Title within ornamental woodcut border. Many illustrations. Vellum back and boards. Bookplate of John T. Betts, Pembury. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .543


Vergilij Maronis Dreyzehen Aeneadische Bücher von troianischer zerstörung und auffgange des römischen reichs. (Wormbs, durch Gregorium Hofman, 1543). Translated by Thomas Murner. (v. Graesse). Many woodcut illustrations. Bound in blind-stamped pig-skin over oaken boards, with clasps. 16cm. VRG 2945 .311 .543


I Sei Primi Libri Del Eneide Di Vergilio, tradotti à piu illustre & honorate donne...(Vinegia, Giovanni Padouano, 1544). Engraved title-page and many illustrations. Red morocco binding, and blind-tooled, gilt with Aldine device on sides, inside borders, and gilt edges. From the Syston Park library. 151/2cm. Printed in italics. VRG 2945 .311 .544


_________ _____ . Another edition of the same. (In Vinegia, per Giovanni de Farri & Fratelli, nel' anno 1545.) Vellum binding. Bookplate of George Andrews Moriarty.


Il Settimo Di Vergilio dal vero senso in versi sciolti tradutto da M. Giuseppe Betussi...In Vinegia, (per Comindatrino di Monferato, 1546). No. 7 of a volume of pamphlets. VRG 2945 .318 .546


L'Undecimo Di Virgilio, tradutto per Bernardino Daniello. (In Vinegia, per Giovanni de Farri & Fratelli, 1545). No. 8 of a volume of pamphlets. VRG 2945 .311 .544


The XIII. Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poete Virgill Traslated out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi...Mayster Gawin Douglas...Imprinted at London, 1553. Black letter, with initials. Title within ornamental border, containing device of printer, William Copland. Red morocco binding, gilt, by Bedford, in blue morocco slip-case. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .553


Los Doze Libros De La Eneida De Vergilio...Traduzida en octava rima y verso castellano. En Anveres, en casa de Juan Bellero, [1557?]. Printer's mark. Translated by Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco. Covers stamped with the scale of the Biblioteca de Salvá. 15cm. VRG 2945 .311 .557


I Primi Quattro Libri Del L'Eneide Di Virgilio, tradotti da M. Gieronimo Zoppio, dal Buono, con alcune annotationi nel fine di ciascun libro. Bologna, per Alessandro Benaccio, 1558. Text printed in italics. Red morocco Italian binding, gilt. Large paper. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .558


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in 3/4 green morocco, by Adams. 201/2cm.


The Seven First Bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill, converted into Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer...(London, imprinted by Ihon Kyngston for Richard Iugge), 1558. Title in ornamental border. Ornamented initials. Text printed in Old English black letter, with notes in margin. Bound in red morocco, gilt, by R. de Coverly. 19cm. Bookplate of Thomas Gaisford. VRG 2945 .311 .558 .2


Vergilij Maronis dreyzehen bücher von dem tewren helden Enea was der zu wasser und land bestanden. Jotzund von newern widerumb vbersehen mit fleiss corrigiert und schönen figuren geziert. Franckfurdt, (durch David Zöpffeln), 1559. (Colophon, 1562). Text printed in Gothic German type. Latin catch-words in margin. Many illustrations. Title in red and black within ornamental border. Tail-pieces. Translation by Thomas Murner. (First edition appeared in 1515). Grolier Club binding in brown morocco, gilt, with inside borders. 15cm. VRG 2945 .311 .559 .2


L'Eneida in toscano del generoso et illustre giovine il signor cavalier Cerretani...In Fiorenza, appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, 1560. Printer's mark. Ornamental initials and head-pieces. Text printed in italics in two columns. Bound in 3/4 red morocco. 21cm. VRG 2945 .311 .560


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in 3/4 green morocco by the Adams Bindery.


The Nyne First Bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil converted into Englishe vearse by Thomas Phaer...with so muche of the tenthe booke as since his death coulde be founde in vnperfit papers at his house...Printed at London, by Rouland Hall, for Nicholas Englane, 1562. Dedicatory preface signed by William Wightman. Printer's mark. Printed in Old English Black Letter. Mottled calf binding, gilt. 20cm. VRG 2945 .311 .562


Vergilij Maronis Dreyzehen Bücher von dem tewren helden Enea...Jetzund von newen widerumb vbersehen...Zu Franckfurdt, (David Zöpffel), 1562. Title in red and black, within woodcut border. Illustrations. Latin catch-words in margins. Printed in German Gothic type. Translation by Thomas Murner. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over oak boards. Leaf of parchment ms. attached to inside cover. 17cm. VRG 2945 .311 .562 .2


The Whole XII Bookes of the Aeneidos of Virgill. Wherof the first ix and part of the tenth, were converted into English meater by Thomas Phaër...and the residue supplied, and the whole worke together newly set forth, by Thomas Twyne...London, by Wyllyam How, for Abraham Veale, 1573. 20cm. Printed in Old English Black Letter. Notes in margin. Bookplate of George Wilbraham. VRG 2945 .311 .573


La Eneida De Virgilio...traduzida en octava rima y verso castellano: ahora enesta ultima impression reformada...Ha se añadido enesta...Las dos Eglogas de Virgilio, primera y quarta, el libro tredecimo de Mapheo Veggio poeta...En Toledo, en casa de Juan de Ayala, 1574. Dedication signed: "Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco." 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .574


La Eneida De Virgilio...traduzida en octava rima y verso castellano... Toledo, en casa de Diego de Ayala, año 1577. Note of dedication signed by the translator, Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .577


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del commendatore Annibal Caro...Venetia, Bernardo Giunti & Fratelli, 1581. Printed in italics. Bound in brown calf, with the arms of Charles d'Orleans-Valois, duc d'Angoulème (1573-1650), on sides. 21cm. With this is bound the following:


Della Eneide Di Virgilio Il Quatro Libro, tradotto in ottava rima per M. Gio Battista Filippi...In Genova, appresso Antonio Bellone, 1562. Printer's mark, initials and tail-pieces. VRG 2945 .311 .581


Die twaelf boecken van Aeneas ghenaemt int Latijn Aeneidos, beschreven door...Vergilius Maro. Nu eerst in onser Duytscher talen door Cornelis van Ghistele...overgeset...T'Hantvverpen, by Niclaes Soolmans, 1583. 15cm. Text in Gothic black letter. Printer's mark. Latin catch-phrases from the Aeneid in margins. Bound in dark green morocco, gilt, by Stikeman & Co. VRG 2945 .311 .583


_________ _____ . Another copy. (Ex). Bound in vellum, blind-stamped on sides.


The first foure bookes of Virgil's Aeneis, translated into English heroicall verse, by Richard Stanyhurst...London, imprinted by Henry Bynneman, 1583. Printer's mark. Ornamental initials and head-pieces. Text printed in Old English Blackletter. 16cm. Bookplate of E.V. Utterson, with his autograph and that of E. Ainger. VRG 2945 .583 .2


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in red morocco, gilt borders.


The xiii Bookes of Aeneidos, the first twelue beeinge the woorke of the divine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius. Translated into English Thomas Phaer... and the residue Thomas Twyne...Imprinted at London, by W. How, 1584. Title with ornamental border. Ornamented head- and tail-pieces and initials. Printed with Old English type. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .584


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del commendatore Annibal Caro...Venetia, Battista Giunti, 1592. Title vignette. Ornamental head-pieces and initials. 21cm. Printed in italics. Bound in vellum. VRG 2945 .311 .592


The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelve being the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius. Translated into English verse to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer...and the residue Thomas Tyne. London, printed by Thomas Creede, 1596. Printer's mark. Head- and tail-pieces. Printed in Old English type. 181/2cm. Bound by F.C. Smith in green morocco. Autograph of W. Fite. VRG 2945 .311 .596


L'Eneide Di Virgilio ridotta in ottava rima, dal S. Hercole Vdine... Venetia, appresso Gian. Batt. Ciotti, 1597. Engraved ornamented title-page. Argument of each book within ornamental border. Text printed in italics. Bound by Stikeman & Co. in brown morocco, gilt, with inside borders. Portrait frontisp. 22cm. VRG 2945 .311 .597


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del commendatore Annibal Caro...In Treviso, appresso Evangelista Deuchino, 1603. Printer's mark. Bound in 3/4 blue morocco, with gilt edges. 21cm. VRG 2945 .311 .603


L'Eneide Di Virgilio ridotta dal Sig. Ercole Vdine in ottave toscane...Venetia, appresso Gio. Battista Ciotti, 1607. Text printed in italics. Vellum and tree calf binding. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .607


The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos...translated into English Thomas Phaer...and Thomas Twyne...London, printed by Thomas Creede, 1607. Text in Old English type. Notes in margin. Original calf binding, with arms of James I of England on sides. 19cm. VRG 2945 .311 .607 .2


L'Eneide di Virgilio del commentatore Annibal Caro. Con l'aggionta delli argomenti, & le figure in rame...In Padoa, Appresso P.P. Tossi, 1608. 22cm. VRG 2945 .311 .608


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del commendatore Annibal Caro...In Padva, appresso Pietro Paolo Tozzi, 1613. Portrait. Engraved illustration before each book. Printed in italics. Vellum binding. 23cm. VRG 2945 .311 .613


L'Eneida De Virgilio...traduzida en octava rima, y verso castellano... Ha se añadido en esta octava impression lo siguiente. Las dos Eglogas de Virgilio, primera y quarta. El libro tredecimo de Mapheo Veggio... Lisboa, impresta en casa de Vicente Aluarez, 1614. 2 vols., paged continuously. Italic type. Dedication signed by Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco. Vellum binding. 14cm. VRG 2945 .311 .614


La Eneida De Virgilio...traduzida en octava rima y verso castellano (por Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco)...En Lisboa, impressa en casa de Vicente Alvarez, 1614. Bound in 3/4 black morocco, gilt, gilt edges. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .614 .2


The Thirteene Bookes of Aeneidos...Translated into English verse to the first third part of the tenth booke by Thomas Phaer...and the residue finished, and now newly set Thomas Twyne...London, printed by Bernard Alsop, by the assignment of Clement Knight, 1620. Printer's mark. Text in English Black Letter. Marginal notes. Calf, gilt. 19cm. VRG 2945 .311 .620


Aeneis Virgiliana; das ist, Dess fürnembsten lateinischen poeten P. Virgilij Maronis XII bücher von den geschichten und thaten dess...helden Aeneae...In artige teutsche reimen verfasst durch weiland M. Johann Sprengen...Franckfurt am Mayn in verlegung Francisci Nicolai Rothen, 1625. Title in red and black. Printer's mark and head-pieces. Text printed in German Gothic. Latin catch-words in margin. Vellum binding. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .625


The XII Aeneids of Virgil...translated into English deca-syllables by Iohn Vicars...(London), are to be sold by Ni. Alsop, 1632. 16cm. Bookplate of Arthur Dalrymple. From the library of Thomas Corser, bibliographer. (Ms. note on book-plate). VRG 2945 .311 .632


L'Eneide travestita del Signor Gio. Battista Lalli...In Venetia, presso Giacomo Sarzina, 1635. Printer's mark. Text printed in italics. 15cm. Bound in red morocco, with arms of Gaspard Fieubet de Naulac (1626-1694) stamped on covers. 15cm. VRG 2945 .311 .635


Les oeuvres de Maistre Francois Philon...contenant la traduction des douze livres de l'Aeneide de Virgile, & autres pieces...A Agen, par Iean Gayav, 1640. Printed in italics, with ornamental head-pieces. Bound by Petit in brown morocco, gilt, with marble end-papers and marbled edges, gilt. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .640


Virgilio dogvisat; o, L'Eneido burlesco, de Sr. de Vales de Mountech...A Toulouso, de l'imprimario de Frances Bovde, 1648. (In Gascon dialect). Books I-IV only. Ornamental head-pieces and initials. Bound in olive morocco, gilt, with inside dentelle borders, by Lortic. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .648


Le Virgile travesty en vers burleques, de M. Scarron. A Paris, chez Guillaume de Ivyne [etc], 1648-1653. 7 vols. bound in 3. Colophon dates: 1654 (vol.1); 1653 (vol.7). Printed in italics. Frontisp. and plates. Blue morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, large stamps on outside cover. 211/2cm. Bookplate of Thomas Powell. VRG 2945 .311 .648 .2


Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques de Monsieur Scarron. A Paris, (Elzevir), 1648-50. 5 books bound in 1 vol. Dark green morocco, gilt, by Bradstreets. Some ms. notes. 121/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .648 .21


Der frygier Aeneas, wi er nach smärzentfündlichem abläben seiner ädlen kreusen, entslagung der trübsäligen Dido, mit der huldreichen Lavinie besäliget, izzo bey der libsäligsten deutschinne in beruheter annämlichkeit befridet werden. Stargard, in verlegung Jacob Hennings, (1659). Added: engraved title-page with date 1659. (A very early date for this press). Vellum binding. Various autographs, dating from 1660 to 1688. 121/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .659


Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques de monsieur Scarron...A Paris chez Guillaume de Lvyne, 1659. 7 parts in 1 vol. Text printed in italics. Added: engraved title-page. Bound in red morocco, gilt, by Lortic. 14cm. VRG 2945 .311 .659 .2


Virgil's Aeneis, the third, fourth, fifth, & sixth books. Translated by James Harrington. London, printed by F. Cottrel, for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard, 1659. Printer's mark. 16cm. Brown morocco, gilt, with inside borders. VRG 2945 .311 .659 .3


Aeneis: das ist, Publii Virgilii Maronis...von des trojanischen fürsten Aeneae, heldenthaten zwölff bücher...übersetzt Johan Velentin...Franckfurt, in verlegung John V. Reyers Buchhandlung, 1660. VRG 2945 .311 .660


De Aeneis Van P. Virgilius Maro, bestaende in XII boecken, uyt het Latijn in Nederduytsche rymen gebracht door Jacob Westerbaen... s'Gravenhage by Iohannes Tongerloo, 1662. Printer's mark. Tail-piece. Added: engraved title-page. Vellum binding. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .662


Publius Virgilius Maroos Twaalf boekken van Aeneas, vertaald, Nederlands gedicht, met 't zelfde getal der regelen, door Dirck Doncker...Tot Gouda, Gedrukt by K. Dyvoort, 1663. 20cm. VRG 2945 .311 .663


Eneida portugueza, por João Franco os argumentos de Cosme Ferreira de Brvm...Lisboa, na officina de Antonio Craesbeek, 1664. Unidentified armorial bookplate. Bound in half red morocco, gilt inside dentelle borders. 121/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .664s


La suite du Virgile travesty...Bordeaux, chez Guillaume de la Covrt, 1674. Printer's mark. Bound by Morales in red morocco, gilt, inside dentelles. 15cm. VRG 2945 .311 .674


Traductieov del premie', second. quatrième et sixième livre de l'Eneido de I Virgilo. Per L.E., avocat de Besiés. Besies, Henric Martel ou imprimavo, 1682. Printer's mark and head-pieces. 141/2cm. Bound by Belz-Niedrée in red morocco, gilt, with inside dentelles. VRG 2945 .311 .682 (In Gascon dialect: Besiers in in Herault, near Montpellier).


L'Eneide travestita, del Signor Gio. Battista Lalli. In Venetia, presso Steffano Curti, 1682. Printer's mark. Vellum binding. 131/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .682 .2


Poems on several occasions, and translations: wherein the first and second books of Virgil's Aeneis are attempted, in English. By Thomas Fletcher...London, printed for Charles Harper, 1692. Bookplates of George Edmund Benbow and Bulkeley Randinell. Bound in calf, gilt back, sides blind-stamped. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .692


Traduccion poetica castellana de los doze libros de la Eneida De Virgilio autor don Juan Francisco de Encisso Moncon...En Cadiz, por Christoval de Requena, 1698. Marbled edges and end-papers. Covers stamped with the mark of the Biblioteca de Salvá. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .698


Traduction de l'Eneide de Virgile par Mr. de Segrais...Tome premier. Seconde édition revuë & corrigée par l'auteur & enrichie de figures. Suivant la copie de Paris. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Malherbe, 1700. Portrait front. and illustration at head of each book. 2 vols. Tail-pieces. Vellum binding. 17cm. VRG 2945 .311 .700


Scarronides; or, Virgile travestie. A mock poem, on the first & fourth books of Virgil's Aenaeis in English burlesque. By Charles Cotton...The 8th edition. London, printed for C. Browne, 1700. Grolier Club binding, in dark green morocco. 18cm. VRG 2945 .311 .700 .2


Virgil's Aeneis, translated into Scottish verse by...Gawin Douglas...A new edition...Edinburgh, printed by Mr. A. Symson and Mr. R. Freebairn, 1710. 331/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .710q


Virgil's Aeneis translated into blank verse by Nicholas Brady, London, printed for Bernard Lintott, 1716. (Vol.II: printed for Robert Gosling, 1717). Head- and tail-pieces. Bound in red morocco, gilt, inside borders, fancy end-papers. 2 vols. 19cm. VRG 2945 .311 .716


Virgile virai en borguignon. Ai Dijon, che Antone de Fay, 1718-20. Printer's mark. 3 pts. in 1 vol. Parody of the Aeneid up to first part of bk. 2 by Pierre Dumay; rest of bk. 2 and first part of bk. 3 by Paul Petit. No more published. Bookplate of Th. de Jonghe. Bound by Thompson in green morocco, gilt, inside borders; Marble end-papers. Gilt edges. 17cm. VRG 2945 .311 .1718


Traduction de l'Eneide De Virgile, par Mr. de Segrais...nouvelle ed. reveue & corrigee...Lyon chez Andre Degoin, 1719. 2 vols. Frontisp. portr. (vol.1: plates. Title in red and black.) VRG 2945.311 Fre719


An essay on Virgil's Aeneid. Being a translation of the first book by Christopher Pitt...London, printed for A. Bettesworth and W. Hinchliffe, 1728. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco, by Stikeman. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .728


The first six books of Virgil's Aeneid; translated into blank verse, by Alexander Strahan. London, printed for T. Payne and A. Strahan, 1753. Medallion portrait on title-page. Bound in red morocco, gilt, with marbled edges and inside papers. 21cm. VRG 2945 .311 .753


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del Commendatore Annibal Caro. In Parigi, presso la Vedova Quillau, 1760. 2 vols. Portrs. illustrations, plates. Bound in tree calf, gilt. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .760


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del commendatore Annibal Caro. Parigi, presso la Vedova Quillau, 1760. (repr. 1764?). 2 vols. Fronts., illus., plates. Plates designed by Zocchi and Bosse, and others. Pages ruled with red lines. Reimpression of edition of 1760. Dedicatory note dated 1764. Large paper. 24cm. Bound by Niedrée in Russian leather, gilt; marbled end-papers; gilt edges. VRG 2945 .311 .764


_________ _____ . Another copy, on large paper. 2 vols. Bound in red morocco by Derome and Loiseau, with arms of Mme. de Pompadour stamped on sides. Inside borders, gilt. On large paper.


La Eneide Di Virgili tradotta in viers furlans berneschs dal sior Abat Zuan Josef Busiz...(Vol. 1 only). In Gurizza, par Josef Tommasin, 1775. (Romansch). 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .775


Scarronides; or Virgil travestie. A mock-poem, on the first and fourth books of Virgil's Aeneis, in English burlesque...By Charles Cotton...(1630-1687). Whitehaven, J. Dunn and T. Evans, 1776. 3/4 green morocco binding by the Grolier Club bindery. 19cm. VRG 2945 .311 .776


La Eneida De Publio Virgilio Maron...traducida en octava rima i verso castellano por el doctor Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco...En Valencia, en la oficina de Josef i Thomas de Orga, 1777-1795. 2 vols. 3/4 brown morocco. Title of vol. II begins: Continuacion de la Eneyda de...etc. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .777


L'Eneide tradotta in versi italiani da Clemente Bondi...arms, dalla Stamperia reale, 1790, 1793. 2 vols. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .790


_________ _____ . Another copy. Large paper bound in white vellum, gilt, with purple silk doublures. 2 vols. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .790 (Ex)


La Eneyda De Virgilio traducida en verso castellano por Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco y el supplemento de la Eneyda compuesto por Mapheo Veggio...En Valencia, Benito Monfort, 1793. 2 vols. Bound in tree calf. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .793


Virgilius' Eneisse fortidotta Baroti Szabo David...Bets, doll Antal' Koltsegevel, 1810. 2 vols. Front. (portr.) Boards, uncut. 24cm. VRG 2945 .311 .810


L'Eneide Di Virgilio; recata in versi italiani da Annibal Caro...Roma, nella stamperiea do Romanis, 1819. 2 vols. Large paper. 441/2cm. Bound in vellum, gilt. VRG 2945 .311 .819f


_________ _____ . Another copy. Added: plate of the Plain of Troy in vol. 1. Bound in red morocco, gilt.


Vergilio Eneide travestita di Gio. Battista Lalli. Firenze, nella tipogrfia Ciardetti, 1822. 3 vols. bound in 1. 3/4 vellum. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .311 .822


I Fatti di Enea; estratti dalla Eneide...e ridotti in volgare da frate Guido da Pisa...testo di lingua per cura di Bartolommeo Gamba... Venezia, dalla tipografia di Alvisopoli, 1831. 23cm. VRG 2945 .311 .831


The first four books of the Aeneid of Virgil in English heroic verse, with other translations and poems. by Richard Stanyhurst. Printed at Edinburgh, 1836. Reprint of the edition of 1583, with facsimiles of all the large ornamental capital letters and typographical ornaments. Only 50 copies, privately printed. Bound by Toovey in dark blue morocco, gilt; gilt edges. 27cm. VRG 2945 .311 .836


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound by Hayday in brown morocco, gilt, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. bookplate of Sir Joseph King Eyton. VRG (Ex) 2945 .311 .836


The Aeneid of Virgil; translated into Scottish verse by Gawin Douglas...Printed at Edinburgh, (T. Constable, printer), 1839. 2 vols. Brown morocco, gilt, by W.W. Holloway, London; gilt edges. 27cm. VRG 2945 .311 .839


The Aeneids of Virgil done into English verse by William Morris. London, Ellis & White, 1876. First edition. Presentation autograph of author. 20cm. VRG 2945 .311 .876


_________ _____ . Another copy. Autograph of H.R. Page, Nov. 10, 1875, on inside cover. VRG 2945 .311 .876 .11


The Aeneids...done into English verse by William Morris. "First printed in 1876 and now reprinted at Chiswick press with the Golden type designed by William Morris for the Kelmscott Press." (London, New York, Bombay, Longmans, Green & Co., 1902.) 291/2cm. Bookplate of Edward Wright Sheldon. VRG 2945 .311 .902


The Aeneid translated into English by Christopher Pearse Cranch. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. 2 vols. 271/2cm. Frontisp. and illustrations by Franz Cleyn. Large paper edition limited to 650 copies, of which this is No. 565. VRG 2945 .311 .906


The Aeneid. Tr. by John Dryden, with Mr. Dryden's introd. illus. by Carlotta Petrina. NY Limited Editions Club, 1944. In fold-down box. 31cm. VRG 2945 .311 .944q


Eneida; epopeja w dwunastu ksiegach. Przel. i poprzezil wstepem Ignacy Wieniewski. Rysunki - Tadeusz Terlecki. Londyn, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, 1971. 23cm. VRG 2945 .311 .971


Virgil's Aeneis translated into blank verse. By Nicolas Brady...London, printed for the author, 1714. Paged in duplicate. Latin and English on opposite pages. Book I only. Grolier Club binding, in red morocco; gilt edges. 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .214


Dell' Eneide Di Virgilio libro primo detto in ottava rima da Gieronimo Zoppio...In Bologna, per Achille di Barbiroli, (1554). Ms. notes on fly-leaves. (In temporary binder.) 20cm. VRG 2945 .312 .554


Il primo libro dell' Aeneida Di Vergilio ridotto da Giovanni Andrea dell' Angvillera, in ottava rima...Padova, appresso di Gratioso Perchacino, 1564. Printer's mark, with hat of cardinal, to whom book is dedicated. Presentation copy, with translator's autograph on verso of title-page, end note on last leaf in same hand. Printed in italics. Bound by Stikeman in 3/4 morocco. 24cm. VRG 2945 .312 .564


_________ _____ . Another copy, with translator's autograph presentation on verso of title-page. Bound in vellum.


Scarronides, or, Le Virgile travesty. A mock poem. Being the first book of Virgil's Aeneis in English, burlesque...By Charles Cotton. London, printed by E. Cotes, for Henry Brome, 1664. Bound in mottled calf, gilt; sides blind-stamped. 161/2cm. With this is bound:


Scarronides; or, Virgile travestie. A mock-poem. In imitation of the fourth book of Virgil's Aeneis in English, burlesque... London, 1665. VRG 2945 .312 .664


Scarronides; or, Virgile travestie, a mock-poem. Being the first book of Virgil's Aeneis in English, burlesque...London, printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome, 1664. Mark: H.B., opposite the title-page. Bound in green morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, by J. Wright. Gilt edges. Ex libris Henrici Cunliffe. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .664 .11


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in calf, gilt and blind-stamped.


Scarronides; or, Virgil travestie. A mock-poem on the first and fourth books of Virgil's Aeneis in English burlesque...London, printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome, 1667. Book IV has separate title-page. Printer's mark, H. B., on fly-leaf. Bound in mottled calf. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .667


Scarronides: or, Virgile travestie. A mock-poem on the first & the fourth books of Virgil's Aeneis in English, burlesque...London, Printed by T.N. for H. Brome, 1678. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .678


The first book of Virgil's Aeneis. Made English. London, printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, 1688. 3/4 olive morocco. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .688


Scarronnides, or Virgil travestie; a mock-poem on the first and fourth books of Virgil's Aenaeis, in English burlesque. London, printed by F.L. for C. Brome, 1691. The fourth book has a separate title-page. 17cm. VRG 2945 .312 .691


Scarronides; or, Virgil travestie; a mock poem on the first and fourth books of Virgil's Aeneis in English burlesque...13th edition. London, printed by J. Galton, 1804. Front., illus. Tree calf. VRG 2945 .312 .804


A free and independent translation of the first and fourth books of the Aeneid of Virgil...Winsted, Conn., printed and sold at the Winsted Herald office, (1869?). Illustrated. Paper covers. Title printed on cover: "The Aeneid in modern American." 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .312 .869


El sicondo del Vergilio tradotto in lingua toscana. S.l., s.a. (1540?). In temporary binder. On title-page in ms.: "Dal sig Cardinale Hipolito de Medici" (the translator?). 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .313 .540


Certain bokes of Virgiles Aeneis turned into English meter by... Henry, Earle of Surrey. (London), apud Ricardum Tottel, 1557. 16cm. Printed in Old English type. Contains translations of Aen. II and IV. Bound in marbled boards; in red morocco case. Book-plate of Fullerton of Carstairs. Very rare. VRG 2945 .313 .557


The destruction of Troy; an essay upon the second book of Virgil's Aeneis. Written in the year, 1636. London, Printed for H. Moseley, 1656. Trans. by Sir John Denham. Head pieces; initials. VRG 2945 .313 .656


Scarronides; or, Virgile travestie, a mock-poem. Being the second book of Virgils Aeneis, translated into English burlesque; being a continuation of the former story. By R.M. Aul de Pem____ Cantabrigiam. London, printed by Thomas Mabb, for Robert Clavel, 1665. (Another title, p.45) Scarronides, etc., being the seventh book of Virgil's Aeneis, in English burlesque...London, etc., 1665. Bound in Worgfold, in calf, gilt, inside borders. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .313 .665


Scarronides, or Virgil travestie. A mock-poem, on the second book of Virgil's Aenaeis. In English burlesque...By John Smyth, 1567-1640. Printed for J.H. for Chr. Coningsby, 1692. Grolier Club binding in 3/4 black morocco, gilt. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .313 .692


Certain bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis, turned into English meter. By...Henry, earle of Surrey. London, printed by A.J. Valpy, 1814. Printed from the original edition by Richard Tottel, 1557; 2nd and 4th books only. Ms. notes and drawings in pocket on back cover. 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .313 .814


Aeneas his errours or his voyage from Troy into Italy. An essay upon the third book of Virgil's Aeneis. By John Boys...London, printed by T.M. for Henry Broome, 1661. Ornamental head-pieces. 15cm. Half calf. VRG 2945 .314 .661


Traduction des quatrieme et sixeme livres de l'Eneide De Virgile. Paris, chez P. le Petit, 1666. Printer's mark. Red-ruled margins. Latin text printed in italics on page opposite the French translation. Translation by Bonlieu [pseud. of I.L. Lemaistre], and P. Nicole. Bound in red morocco, gilt, with inside borders. 241/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .166


Didon, poeme en vers metriques hexametres, divisé en trois chants; traduit du quatrieme livre de l'Éneide, de Virgile avec le commencement de l'Éneide, et les seconde, huitieme et dixieme Églogues du même auteur...S. l., 1778. Latin and French on opposite pages. Translation by Anne Robert Jacques Turgot. Bound in calf, gilt, ruled outside borders, inside dentelles. Colored end-papers. 261/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .278


Le quatriesme livre de l'Eneide De Virgile, traduict en vers francoys; la complaincte de Didon a Enee, prinse d'Ovide; avtres oeuvres de l'inuention du translateur, par I.D.B.A. Iean du Bellay...A. Paris, pour Vincent Certenes, 1552. Bound by G. Huser in red morocco, gilt, with inside borders. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .552


Surrey's fourth boke of Virgill; edited with introduction, variant readings, and notes by Herbert Hartman. Privately printed for Carl H. Pforzheimer, Purchase, N.Y., 1933. Red cloth. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .554


_________ _____ . Another copy.


Uyt-heemsen oorlog, ofte Roomse mintrionfen, van M.V.M.H. van Cl. (Mathijs van de Merwede, heer van Clootwijck)...s'Gravenhage, Gedruckt by Isaac Burghoorn, 1651. Contains Aeneid IV, on pp. 199-233. Bound in mottled calf, gilt; mottled edges. 20cm. VRG 2945 .315 .651


The passion of Dido for Aeneas. As it is incomparably exprest in the fourth book of Virgil. Translated by Edmund Waller and Sidney Godolphin...London, printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1658. (Begun by Godolphin and completed by Waller after Godolphin was killed in the Civil Wars.) Frontisp., ornamental border at top and bottom of each page. Bound by Stikeman in dark blue morocco, gilt, with borders outside. 15cm. VRG 2945 .315 .658


Poems; viz. l. A panegyrick to the King. 2. Songs and sonnets. 3. The blind lady, a comedy. 4. The fourth book of Virgil. 5. Statius his Achilleis... 6. A panegyric to Generall Monck. By... Robert Howard. London, printed for Henry Herringman, 1660. Bound in calf, gilt with inside borders. 17cm. VRG 2945 .315 .660


Il pastor fido; the faithful shepheard. With an addition of divers other poems...By Sir Richard Fanshaw, Knight. London, printed for A. Moseley, 1664. The fourth book of Virgill's Aeneis, pp. 271-293. Front. (portr.) Bookplate of George Lord Macartney. Bound in calf, gilt, with inside and outside ruled borders. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .664


Scarronides; or, Virgil travestie. A mock poem. In imitation of the fourth book of Virgil's Aeneis in English, burlesque...[By Charles Cotton, 1630-1687]. London, printed by E. Cotes, for Henry Brome, 1665. Title in ornamental border. Grolier Club binding in green morocco, gilt, with inside dentelle borders; outside ruled borders. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .315 .665


Metellus [pseud.] his dialogues...containing...the fourth book of Virgil's Aeneids in English...London, printed by Tho. Warren, for N. Rolls, 1693. Dedicatory epistle signed J.L. (John Lewkenor). 17cm. Bound in 1/2 red morocco. Bookplate of Thomas Gaisford. VRG 2945 .315 .693


Maronides; or, Virgil travestie; being a new paraphrase upon the fifth book of Virgil's Aeneids in burlesque verse...London, printed by S. and B.G., 1672. Red morocco by Stikeman & Co. Bound with paraphrase of Aeneid, book VI. Author was John Phillips (1631-1706). Marginal notes. 17cm. VRG 2945 .316 .672


_________ _____ . Another copy. London, 1672. Bound with paraphrase of Aeneid, book VI, London, 1673. VRG 2945 .317 .673


Sextus Liber Eneidos Virgili...(At end: Impressum Coloniae in officina Quentell.) (1500?). Latin ms. notes in text. Evidently used as a schoolbook or a classroom text. Bound in green morocco, gilt, with inside dentelles. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .317 .008


Il Sesto Libro Della Eneida Di Virgilio ridotto da M Castore Durante in ottava rima...Roma, appresso Giulio Bolano de Accolti, 1566. Printer's mark. Printed in italics. Bound by Stikeman & Co. in dark blue morocco, gilt. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .317 .566


Aeneas his descent into hell: as it is inimitably described by the prince of poets in the sixth of his Aeneis. Made English by John Boys...London, printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, 1661. 19 x 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .317 .661


_________ _____ . Another copy, on large paper, 20 x 161/2cm. On the fly-leaf, probably the autograph presentation of the translator: "For the right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Durham."


Cataplus, or, Aeneas his descent into hell. A mock poem, in imitation of the sixth book of Virgil's Aeneis, in English burlesque...London, printed for Maurice Atkins, 1672. Bound by Stikeman in green morocco, gilt. 17cm. VRG 2945.317.672


Maronides: or, VIRGIL travesty, being a new paraphrase upon the sixth book of VIRGIL'S AENEIDS in burlesque verse. By John Philips... London, N. Brooks, 1673. Bound in 3/4 calf. 16.5 cm. VRG 2945.317.673


Il settimo di VIRGILIO dal vero senso in versi sciolti tradotto per M. Giuseppe Betussi, con una elegia di Augusto in fine sopra l'ENEIDA... In Vinegia, per Comin da Trino di Monferato, 1546. Bound in 3/4 olive morocco. 15 cm. VRG 2945.318.546


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound with this, I sei primi libri del ENEIDE. See no. 397.


VIRGILE Gogvenard; ov, le dovziesme livre de l'ENEIDE travesty... Paris, chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1652. Frontis. (misplaced in binding). Dedicatory epistle signed L.D.L. Royal privilege to publish granted to Claude Petit-Jehan. Text printed in italics. Bound in 1/2 vellum. 22cm. VRG 2945 .323 .652


The Canto added by Maphaeus to Virgil's twelve books of Aeneas, from the original bombastic, done into English Hudibrastic with notes beneath, and Latin text, in ev'ry other page annex't... London, printed for R. & J. Dodaley, 1758. Frontisp. by Cipriani. Portrait of Deputy John Ellis, the translator, opp. p. xii. Autograph of M. Wodhull on flyleaf. Bound in calf, gilt, with Wodhull's arms on cover. 18cm. VRG 2945 .324 .758


(Bucolica. Strassburg, Heinrich Eggestein, 1470). Printed in Gothic type. Initials in red or blue. First letter of every line marked with red. Bound by Duru, 1853, in brown morocco, gilt, inside dentelles. 30 x 21cm. VRG 2945 .325 .001q


(Bucolica. Parisiis, Wolfgang Hopyl, 1494.) Bound in calf over oaken boards, blind-tooled. Ms. notes. Bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. With this is bound the Georgica. Parisiis, per Anthonium Cayllant, 1492; and Ovidius, De Remedia Amoris, Parisiis, per Felicem Balligault, 1493; each with ornamental frontispieces. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .004


Bucolica, P. Vigilij Maronis cum comento familiarissimo Parisius elucubrato. (Colophon: Colonie, impressa per Henricum Quentell, 1495.) Printer's mark (colored) on title-page. Text interspersed with Latin paraphrase. Edited by Torrentinus. A few ms. notes. Bound in vellum, with large ornament stamped in gilt on cover. 21cm. VRG 2945 .325 .005


Bucolica et Georgica. (Strassburg, Johann Pruse), [ca. 1499]. Ms. notes. Binding by Stikeman in dark blue morocco, gilt; inside dentelles. 21cm. VRG 2945 .325 .005 .2


Bucolica P. Vergilii cu facili comentario Hermani Torretini denuo coposito per ipsum propter imperfectione prioris. (Daventriae, Rich. Paffroet, 1498). In black type, with red initials. Ms. notes. Bound in 1/2 morocco. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .006


Bucolica Virgilii cu commento familiari. (Paris, A. Bocard), [1498?]. Printer's mark on 1st leaf. Woodcut initials. One of two copies known. A few ms. notes. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .006 .2


Eclogae, Vergilii, Calphurnii, Nemesiani, Frcici. Pe., Ioannis Bo., Ioan. Bap. Ma., Pomponii Gaurici. (Florentiae, opera Philippi de Giunta, 1504.) A few ms. notes. Bound in 1/2 red morocco. 16cm. VRG 2945 .325 .007


Bucolica P. Virgilii Maronis cum verboru contextuet fabularum enarratione in poetices tyruculoru sublevamen. Per Hermanu Torretinum triviali stylo familiariter discussa. (Colonie, Quetel, 1507). Title-page in Gothic type with ornamental initial. Text in early Roman type, interrupted by notes. Autograph of F.E. Hurter 1802 on title-page. Ms. notes. 201/2cm. Bound in half morocco. VRG 2945 .325 .008


(Bucolica et Georgica. Colophon: Impressum Pisauri ab Hieronymo Soncino,...1508). Vellum binding, in case. 17cm. VRG 2945 .325 .009


Aurea expositio Bucolicorum Vir. ex Servio: Johanne benuenuto: ex zona etiam Antonio mancinello: Christopharo Landino viris doctissimis epilogata: per quendam Petru Vitalem Noyanu de barbaris...(Neapoli, per Ioannem Antonium Canetum, 1510.) A few ms. notes. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco, gilt, by Stikeman. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .010


Bucolica P. Virgilii Maronis cum verborum cotextu in poetices tyrunculorum sublevemen per Hermanu torretinu triuieli stilo familiariter discussa...(Argentine, impressum per Ioannem Knoblouch, 1512.) Text surrounded by notes. Some ms. notes. Green morocco, gilt, inside dentelles. Gilt edges. VRG 2945 .325 .012


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in 3/4 green morocco, gilt. With this is bound his Georgicorum Libri, 1513. See No. _____ .


P. Vergilij Maronis Mantuani Bucolicus decem seglogaru opus: tersum ac extrema opera castigatu: ab Hermano Torretino familiariter expositu. (Impressum Lyptzk, per Melchiare Lotteru, 1512.) Title in red and black. Notes surrounding the text. A few ms. notes. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .012 .2


Les Bucoliques de Virgille Maron avec cinq autres livres par luy composez...tous par rime translatez nouuellement de latin en francois par gullaume michel...Imprimez a Paris pour Jehan De La Carde. (Paris, Jehan de la Garde, 1516). Printed in Gothic type with latin text in the margins. Woodcut illustrations. Bound in dark blue morocco, gilt, by David. Inside dentelles. Covers stamped with the armorial device of the Bibliotheque de Mello. Gilt edges. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .016


Bucolicorum P. Virgilii Maronis luculentissima ac familiaris explicatio. Per Hermannu Torrentinu...(Impressum Andverpiae, per Guilhelmum Vorstermannum), 1521. Title in red and black within ornamental border. Notes printed in Gothic type in margins and interspersed in text. Ms. notes in margins and in text. Bound in dark green morocco, gilt, with inside dentelles. Gilt edges. 21cm. VRG 2945 .325 .021


Bucolica Virgilij cum commento familiari...(Impressa Londini in aedibus Winandi de Worde, 1522). Caxton's printer's mark on title-page and at end. Commentary interspersed with text. Text in Roman, commentary in Gothic type. Bound in green morocco, gilt, with inside borders. Bookplate of C. Inglis, M.D. Gilt edges. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .022


Bucolica Virgilij cum commento familiari. (Impressa Londini, in aedibus Winandi de Worde, anno domini, 1529). Printer's mark at end. Defective copy, but unique. Bound in calf, gilt. In slip-case. 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .029


Bucolica Vergilii...diversoru comentarijs (ut constat) clarificate ...Lugduni, (in edibus Thobaldi Pagani), 1537. Title with in ornamental border. Printed in Gothic type, text surrounded by notes. Woodcut illustrations and ornamented initials. Dedicatory epistle signed Jodocus Badius Ascensius. Bound by M. Hitter is maroon full morocco, gilt, inside borders, marbled end-papers. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .037


P. Virg. Maronis Bucolica. Parisiis, apud Oudinum Paruum, 1541. Large printer's mark. Printed in italics. Reimpression of the text after that of Sussanaeus. With this is bound Georgicon libri, 1541, and Aeneidos, libri i-xii, 1541. Red morocco, gilt. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .041


_________ _____ . Another copy; also bound with the Georgics and Aeneid. Bound in 1/2 vellum.


P. Virg. Maronis Bucolica. Parisiis, apud M. Fezandet, 1541. Printed in italics "with the types of Geoffroy Tory" (ms. note on fly-leaf). Text after that of Sussanaeus. With this is bound his text of the Georgics and the Aeneid. Bound by Pasdeloup in brown calf, gilt; inside dentelle borders. Marbled edges, gilt. 23cm. VRG 2945 .325 .041 .11


Bound with the above: P. Virg. Maronis Aeneidos, lib. i-xii. Parisiis, apud E. Faezandat, 1541, and


P. Virg. Maronis Georgicon libri quatuor. Parisiis, ex officina M. Faezandat, 1541.


________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in 1/2 vellum. (Ex)


P. Vir. Maronis Bucolica. Parisiis, apud Franciscum Gryphium, 1542. Printer's mark. Title within red rules. Margins set off with red lines. Autograph of Martin folkes. Bound in red morocco, gilt, with inside borders. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .042 Bound with the above:


Pub. Virg. Maronis Georgicon liber primus- (iv) ad Mecoeoatem. Parisiis, apud Franciscum Gryphium, 1541, and


Pub. Virgilii Maronis Aeneidos lib. i(-xii). Parisiis, apud Franciscum Gryphium, 1541.


Iodoci Vuillichii...Scholia posteriora in P. Virgilij Maronis Bucolica Item Commentarii doctissimi in eiusdem P. Virgilij opuscula, De Re Hortensi, & Eprigrammata Ethica, nunc primum in lucem edite...Basileae, (per Ioannem Oporinum, 1548). 3 parts bound in 1 vol. Part I printed in italics; parts II and III, commentary only in italics. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pigskin over oaken boards; metal clasps. 161/2cm. With this is bound:


Scholia in Georgicorum P. Vergilii Maronis lib. iiii doctissima D. Philippo Melanthone autore...Besileae, apud Barphtolomaeum Vuesthemerum, 1543. Printer's mark at end. Both printed in italics. VRG 2945 .325 .048


P. Virg. Maronis Bucolica cum commentariis Richardi Gerraei Parisiensi...Lugduni, apud Guliel. Roullium, 1554. Printer's mark. Bound in 3/4 green morocco, by Adams. 16cm. VRG 2945 .325 .054


Les Eglogues De Virgile, traduites en carme françois, la premiére par Clement Marot, & les neuf autres par M. richard le Blac...A Paris, par Charles l'Angelior, 1555. Illustrations and ornamental initials. Latin text in outside margins; all in italics. Bound in red morocco, gilt by Capé, inside dentelles. With this is bound:


Les quatre livres des Georgiques De Virgile; traduis en carme françois, par Richard Le Blanc...A Paris, par Charles l'Angelier, 1554, and


Les quatre premiers livres de l'Eneide De Virgile, translatez de Latin en François, par M. Lois des Masures...A Paris, par Charles l'Angelier, 1554. 17cm. VRG 2945 .325 .055


________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in full calf, gilt, with medallions stamped on sides with initial D and motto: Deos Placatos Pietas Efficit Et Sactitas 1566. Bookplates of P. Desq and Thomas Powell. Contains Eclogues and Aeneid only. VRG 2945 .325 .055


Petri Nenii Alcmariani in P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica commentaria docta & accurata, nucque primum in lucem edita. Accesit rerum et verborum...index. Basileae, per Ioannem Oporinum, (1559). Text printed in italics. Dedicatory epistle signed Theodoricus Langius. Bound in 1/2 vellum, unlettered. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .059


Bucolica...cum verborum contextu in poetices tyrunculorum sublevamen per Hermannum Torrentinum, trviali stylo familiariter discussa. Antverpiae, excudebat Ioannes Latius, 1562. Printer's mark. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .062


P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami...praelectionibus exposita...Editio tertia. Lutetia, apud Andream Wechelum, 1572. Printer's mark. Full calf, gilt. Text in italics, interspersed with notes. With this is bound:


P. Virgilii Maronis Georgica, P. Rami praelectionibus illustrata.. Parisiis, apud Andream Wechelum, 1556. 18cm. VRG 2945 .325 .072


P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica & Georgica, paraphrasi exposita. Autore Nicodemo Frischlino...Tubingae, apud Alexandrum Hockium, 1580. Engraved title-page. Ornamental tail-piece. Printed in italics, with marginal notes in roman. Bound in 3/4 vellum. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .080


Bucolica Virgilii in usum puerorum germanice reddita per M. Stephanum Riccium. Accesserunt etiam germanica argumenta, unde cuiuslibet Eclogae sensus intelligi queat. (Lipsiae, imprimebat Iohannes Beyer, 1580.), 1582. Printer's marks and ornamental tail-piece. Bound in fragment of vellum ms. (Matth. xxvii). Contains autograph of Christopher Burcks, 1656. Blue edges. 16cm. VRG 2945 .325 .082


Virgilii Bucolica argumentis breviusculis illustrata ac diligentissime recognita. witebergae, typis Wolffgangi Meisneri, 1595. Printer's mark, and some of the initials hand-colored. Italic type. Bound in 3/4 red morocco, by Stikeman. Gilt edges. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .095
For digital surrogate see:


P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica Et Georgica argumentis, explicationibus, notis illustrata. Auctore Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda...Editio cum accurata tum locupletata, & indicibus necessarijs insignita. Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Ioannem Kinchium, 1647. Grolier Club binding in maroon crushed levant, gilt; ruled inside borders. 341/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .147q


Publii Virgilii Maronis Eclogae; ofte, Harders-Kouten in Neder-duysche rijm vertaelt door Henrick Bruno...Hoorn, gedruckt voor Isaac vander Beeck, 1658. Printer's mark. Latin and Dutch on opposite pages; Dutch text printed in Flemish black letter. 3/4 brown morocco, by Stikeman. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .158


Obras De Publio Virgilio Maron. Concordada. En latin artificial, en latin natural, en lengua castellana, de prossa, y verso, y en notas latinas...Por el Lic. Abdias Ioseph...tomo primero de las Eclogas...En Madrid, por Domingo Garcia Morras, 1660. Latin versions in italics and on opposite pages. The Spanish version follows. (A companion volume to No. 630). Armorial device on p. 1: Marcos de Orozco latallo. Autograph of Joseph Colombo Lainez on title-page and on plate. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .160


Nouvelle traduction des Bucoliques De Virgile. Avec des notes. Paris, chez Claude Thiboust, 1666. Frontisp. engraved by Mathiut. Head- and tail-pieces. Title in red and black. Latin and French on opposite pages, with double pagination. Translator was Thomas Guyot, "connu sous le nom de Le Bachelerr." Maroon morocco, gilt, with inside borders, by Grolier Club Bindery. Gilt edges. 14cm. VRG 2945 .325 .166


Publ. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica & Georgica; post optimas editiones nunc primum emendata, notis ac scholiis...variorum illustrata... Londini, impensis Johannis Gay, 1684. Notes in two columns at foot of page. Ornamental head- and tail-pieces and initials. 3/4 vellum. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .184


Nouvelle traduction des Bucoliques De Virgile. Avec des notes. [Par Thomas Guyot]. Paris, chez la veuve de Claude Thiboust, et Pierre Esclassan, 1691. Printer's mark. Title in red and black. Head-pieces. 16cm. With this is bound:


Nouvelle traduction des Georgiques De Virgile. Avec des notes. [Par Thomas Guyot]. Paris, chez la veuve de Claude Thiboust, et Pierre Esclassan, 1691. Both have Latin and French on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate. Text of Georgics in italics. Bound in dark blue morocco, gilt, with the arms of J.B. Machault d'Arnouville stamped on the covers. Inside dentelle borders. Marbled edges, gilt. 16cm. VRG 2945 .325 .191


Las Bucolicos De Virgilo, tournados en bers Agenez per Guillaumes Delprat. Dambe lou Lati à coustat, per fa beire la fidelitat de la traduction. A Agen, chez Timotheo Gayau, 1696. Latin and Provençal on opposite pages. 3/4 calf; marbled end-papers. 17cm. VRG 2945 .325 .196


Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum Eclogae decem. The Bucolicks of Virgil with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn... London, printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, 1749. Front. (portr.), plates, maps (fold.), title in red and black. Translation and notes at foot of page. Bound by Club Bindery in brwon cruched levant. Inside maeander borders. 29cm. VRG 2945 .325 .249q


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica et Georgica, ex antiquis monimentis illustrata cura, studio, et sumptibus Henrici Justice. [La Haie, privately engraved, 1757]. Frontisp., portraits, illustrations. Engraved throughout, except title-page. Large paper. Bound in blue morocco, gilt, festoon borders inside and out. Devices on back. On covers, center ornament of imitation tortoise-shell in oval floreate border. Gilt edges. The Empress Catherine II bought up all available copies, hence the book is extremely rare. Bookplate of Edward Loveden Loveden; from the collection of Charles Butler. 241/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .257


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum eclogae decem, or, Publius Virgilius Maro's ten eclogues of Bucolicks. Made exceedingly easy, and rendered a young adventurer in the classical way, upon the plan of Dr. Stirling and others. London, printed for the author, and sold by Mr. Davis, [1770?]. Head- and tail-pieces. Latin prose version and English translation in parallel columns at foot of text. Contemporary red morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges. Marbled end-papers. Autograph of Joseph Gunning on fly-leaf. 20cm. VRG 2945 .325 .270


Bucolicas De Publio Virgilio Maron, con la Ecloga à la muerte del poeta Jayme Vanier, y esplicacion de su primer libro. Traducido todo en lengua castellana por Pedro Bes y Labet...Gerona, por Miguel Brò (1771). Covers stamped with the plate of the Biblioteca de Salvà. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .271


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica et Georgica. Olim a Johanne lucem profert Robertus Edge Pine, Londini, 1774. 2 vols. bound in 1. Many plates. Large paper. 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .274


_________ _____ . Another copy. 2 vols. Bound by Roger de Coverly in red morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges, marble end-papers. (Ex)


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica et Georgica...Londini, 1774. Mock-up of v.1 of the 1774 ed., using mainly sheets of the 1775 ed. 24cm. VRG 2945 .325 .274 .2


La Bocoleca De P. Vergilejo Marone tradotta 'n lengua napoletana da F.M.F. Napole, nne la stamperia de Peppo Maria Porciello, 1790. Vignette on title-page. Bound in vellum, blind-stamped, with medallions on sides. Sprinkled edges. 21cm. VRG 2945 .325 .290


La Buccolica...trad. in versi Italiani dall' Lorenzo Crico. Con un Poemetto su la powsia pastorale...In Venezia, dalle stampe di A. Zatta e Figli, 1792. Latin and Italian on opposite pages. 25cm. VRG 2945 .325 .292


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica. Parisiis, apud Giguet et Michaud, 1806. Added: title-page in French. Printer's mark on title-page. Frontispiece (portr.) and plates engraved by Huet and others. 23cm. VRG 2945 .325 .306


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica. Parisiis, apud Giguet et Michaud, 1806. "Par M. de Langeac" - Brunet. Added: title-page in French. Large paper, uncut. Latin and French on opposite pages. Frontispiece and 15 plates, designed by Gérard, Girodet, Frangonard fils, and Huet. Formerly in the Apponyi library. 1/2 red morocco, gilt. 37cm. VRG 2945 .325 .306 .11q


_________ _____ . Another copy. 10 plates. Bound in 3/4 black morocco, by Zucker and Henchel. 331/2cm. (Ex)


P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica. The Eclogues of Virgil; with an English translation and notes. New edition by John Martyn. London, printed by T. Bensley for Robert Jennings, 1813. Large paper edition. Revision of the edition of 1749 (No. 569.) 28cm. 37 colored plates. VRG 2945 .325 .313


Les Bucoliques De Virgile, traduites en vers français. Par M. le Chevalier de Langeac. A Paris, chez L.G. Michaud, 1819. Front. (port.), plates, mostly after Huet. Added: title in Latin. Bound in half calf, gilt. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .319


Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolicon liber. The Bucolics of Virgil literally translated into English prose, from the text of Heyne, with...a copious body of notes...To which are joined a vocabulary of all the words that occur in the Eclogues and an index...By T.W.C. Edwards. London, Matthew Iley, 1825. 271/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .325


Bucolica Virgilii Maronis. Parisiis, apud Bibliopolas regii palatii, 1832. Added title-page in French: Les Bucoliques, par Berthelon le Pollet. Nouvelle édition. A Paris, chez les libraires du Palais-Royal, 1832. Printed on vellum. Uncut. Latin and French on opposite pages. Edition limited to 200 copies. Bound in maroon morocco, by Simier, with Grolieresque design, gilt, on covers and back. Inside borders, green moiré doublures and end-papers. 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .332


Virgile, Les Bucoliques avec traduction en vers français extraite des oeuvres de J. Delille. Compositions autographies par S.L.G. Norblin. Paris, chez l'éditeur, 1863. Latin and French in parallel columns. Large paper. Many plates. 1/2 morocco. 46cm. VRG 2945 .325 .363f. With this is bound:


P. Virgilii Maronis Culex compositiones manuscriptae a S.L.G. Norblino e traductione carminum Marchionis de Valor...Paris, Typographie Moronval, 1860. Many plates. 46cm.


(Bucolica) [Italian translation by Bernardo Pulci, and other poems by him]. (At end: Impressum Florentiae per me Antonium Bartholomei Miscomini, 1481.) First edition. Bound in blue morocco, gilt, with side dentelles, by Stikeman. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .505


Bucolica elegantissimamente composte da Bernardo Pulci Fiorentino (ed alii)...(Impresse in Firenze per Maestro Antonio Mischomini, 1494). Printer's marks on title-page and at end. Bound in blue morocco, gilt, with inside borders. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .506


Le pastorali canozoni di Vergilio tradotte da Rinaldo Corso... Ancona, appresso Astolfo de Grandi, 1566. Printer's marks on title-page and last page. Printed in italics. Bound in 3/4 calf. In outside case of brown morocco, gilt. Bookplate of David Garrick. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .566


La Bucolica, et La Georgica Di Vergilio tradotte in versi sciolti. L'una da M. Andrea Lori; l'altra da M. Bernardino Danielli con gli argomenti. Di nuovo ricorrette & ristampate. In Mantoua, Francesco Osana, 1586. Grolier Club binding in brown morocco, gilt edges. Printer's mark and tail-pieces. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .586 With this is bound:


L'Eneide Di Virgilio del Commendatore Annibal Caro. Di nuovo ricorretta, & ristampata. Mantoua, per Francesco Osanna, 1586. Printer's mark and tail-piece. See No. 412.


The Bucoliks of Publius Virgilius Maro, prince of all Latine poets; otherwise called his pastoralls, or shepeherds meetings. Together with his Georgiks, or Rurals...All newly translated into English verse by Abraham Fleming. London, imprinted by T.O. for Thomas Woodcocke, 1589. Printer's mark and end-pieces. Additional title-page for the Georgics. Text in Old English type, with notes in margin. Autograph and ms. note of Mitford, 1826. Bookplate of Henry Cunliffe. Bound in brown calf, gilt and blind-stamped. 19cm. VRG 2945 .325 .589


Bucolica En Georgica, dat is, Ossen-stal en Landt-werck P. Virgilii Maronis...Nu eerst in r_m-dicht vertaelt door K.V. Mander. Tot Haerlem, by Gillis Rooman, 1597. (Pt. 2: t'Amsterdam). Two parts in 1 vol. Illustrations. Paged continuously. Text printed in black letter. Notes in margin. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .597


Virgil's Eclogues, with his booke De Apibus concerning the government and ordering of bees, translated grammatically... Written chiefly for the good of schooles, to be used according to the directions in the preface to the painfull Schoole Master... London, printed by Richard Field, for Thomas Man, 1620. Dedication signed John Brinsley. Translation, construe, and notes arranged in 3 or 4 columns. Some ms. notes (Georgics). Modern limp vellum binding, gilt. 19cm. VRG 2945 .325 .620


Virgil's Eclogues, translated into English by W.[illiam] L.[yle], Gent., ...London, printed by William Iones, 1628. Bound by W. Pratt, in calf, gilt, with inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. 15cm. VRG 2945 .325 .628


__________ . Another copy. Bound by Ramage in blue morocco, gilt, with inside dentelles. Gilt edges. 131/2cm.


A later edition of No. 592, above. London, printed by the assignes of Thomas Man, Paul Man, and Ionah Man, 1633. Notes and text arranged in three columns. Full calf, gilt. 19cm. VRG 2945 .325 .628


An essay upon two of Virgil's Eclogues, and two books of his Aeneis...towards the translation of the whole. By James Harrington...London, printed by T.C. for T. Brewster, 1658. (Translation of Ecl. I and IX, and Aen. I and II.) Bookplate of the Right Honorable Charles Viscount Bruce of Ampthill. Grolier Club binding in green morocco, gilt, with inside dentelle borders. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .658


Miscellany poems. Containing a new translation of Virgill's Eclogues, Ovid's Love elegies, Odes of Horace and other authors; with several original poems. By the most eminent hands. [John Dryden, the Earl of Roscommon, Charles Sedle, and others]. London, printed for Jacob Tonson, 1684. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .684


Les Eglogues De Virgile, traduites en vers françois, avec le latin à côté, & diverses autres poësies, par Monsieur Richer...Rouen, chez Eustache Herault, 1717. Front., plates, head-pieces. Bound in red morocco, gilt, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. 16cm. VRG 2945 .325 .717


Les Eglogues de Virgile. Traduites en vers françois avec le latin à côté, et Diverses poesies, par M. Richer. Nouvelle ed., revûe, corrigée, & augmentée. A Paris, Chez Ganeau fils, 1736. 17cm. VRG 2945 .325 .736


Virgil's Pastorals, trans. into English prose; as also, his Georgicks, with such make him appear to have wrote like an excellent farmer. To which is added an appendix, shewing Scotland's chief...worldly interest. Edinburgh, printed by W. Cheyne [etc...etc] 1741.


The four first eclogues of Virgil; trans. into English verse, by J. Tytler. Edinburgh, printed by the author, and sold by C. Elliot, 1781. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .781


La Buccolica Di P. Virgilio Marone in rime italiane del...Prospero Manara...Parma, co'i tipi Bodoniani, 1801. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco gilt top, uncut. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .801


La buccolica di P. Virgilio Marone. Recata in versi italiani da Domenico Molajoni...Roma, Nella Stamperia de Romanis, 1813. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .813


Hexametrical experiments; or, a version of four of Virgil's Pastorals including the reputed prophecy respecting the Messiah done in a structure of verse similar to that of the original Latin...London, William Pickering, 1838. (Author was J. Blundell.) 32cm. VRG 2945 .325 .838q


An English version of the Eclogues of Virgil. By Samuel Palmer. With illustrations by the author. London, Seeley & company, 1883. 14 plates. Title in red and black. Large paper edition, limited to 135 copies, of which this is No. 24. Editor's preface signed: A.H. Palmer. Vellum binding. Presentation copy. Uncut. 32cm. VRG 2945 .325 .883q


_________ _____ . Another copy. (Ex)


Virgil in English verse. Eclogues and Aeneid, I-VI. By...Charles Bowen...London, John Murray, 1887. Front.(portr.). Uncut copy, made up of the author's proof-sheets. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .325 .887


The eclogues and georgics of Virgil translated from the Latin by J.W. Mackail. London, Rivingtons, 1889. 17cm. VRG 2945 .325 .889


The Eclogues of Virgil, translated into English hexameter verse by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Osborne Morgan. London, Henry Frowde, 1897. 22cm. VRG 2945 .325 .897


...Il libro delle Bucoliche, traduzione in esametri italiani di Pietro Zari. Milano, Associazione Atene e Roma, 1928. (broché). 24cm. VRG 2945 .325 .928


The Eclogues. Translated into English verse by C.S. Calverley. With an introd. by Moses Hadas, and drawings by Vertès. New York, Printed for members of the Limited editions club at the press of A. Colish, 1960. Limited ed. signed by the artist. 32cm. VRG 2945 .325 .960


Bucolica, in der Übersetzung von Theodor Haecker, mit Lithographien von Robert Kirchner. [Frankfurt am Main] Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen, 1974. 45 x 32 cm. VRG 2945 .325 .974f


Publii Virgilii Maronis Mantuani Bucolicoru Tytyrus. Printer's mark, and initials M.S. on woodcut title-page. (At end: Impressum Venetiis per Melchiore Sessam & Petrum de Rauanis socios, 1525). Bound in maroon morocco, unlettered. 16cm. VRG 2945 .326 .025


Pub. Virgilii Maronis Pollio, Egloga Quarta: Graecis versibus expressa, & Christo servatori accomodata, ab Eusebio Pamphilo, libro quinto de vita Constantini...Lutetiae, apud Federicum Morellum, 1583. Pages ruled with red borders. Printer's marks on title-page, and at end. Bound by Stikeman in 3/4 red morocco. 25cm. VRG 2945 .329 .083


P. Vergilii Maronis Carmina Quaedam elegatissima...Joannes Murmellius Ruremudensis poetice artis studioso...[Coloniae, 1498]. Woodcut at end. Vellum binding. 19cm. VRG 2945 .331 .006


Publij Vegilij Maronis Opuscula: & Moralia Carmina. [Paris], Gaspard Phillippe, [1500?]. Lacks last leaf. Green half morocco binding. 21cm. VRG 2945 .331 .008


Publii Vergilii Maronis Opuscula cu familiari expositione: ...(At end: Iohannes Knoblouch, civis Argentinesis impressit, 1509). Bound in 3/4 dark green morocco by the Adams Bindery. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .331 .009


Diversorum veterum poetarum in Priapum lusus. P.V.M. Catalecta. Copa. Rosae. Culex. Dirae. Moretum. Ciris. Aetna. Elegia in Mecoenatis obitum. Et alia nonnulla, quae falso Virgilii creduntur...(Venetiis), Aldus, 1534. Text printed in italics. Full red morocco binding by Duru. Gilt edges. 141/2cm. Bookplate of J. Gomez de la Cortina. VRG 2945 .331 .034


Publii Virgilii Maronis Appendix, cum supplemento multorum antehac nunquam excusorum poematum veterum poetarum. Iosephi Scaligeri in eandem appendicem commentarii & castigationes...Lugduni, apud Guliel. Rouillium, 1573. Printer's mark. Bound in full calf, gilt, with marbled end-papers. Red edges. 17cm. VRG 2945 .331 .073


Pub. Virgilii Maronis Appendix, cum supplemento multorum antehac nunquam excusorum poëtarum. Josephi eadem appendicem Castigationes & commentarii multis in locis aucti. Curante edentéque Friderico Lindenbruch cuius & notae additae. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Plantiniana, apud F. Raphelengium, 1595. 17cm. VRG 2945 .331 .095


Catalecta Virgilii & aliorum poetarum latinorum veterum; cum commentariis Iosephi Scaligeri...Lugduni poematia Batavorum, Apud Ioannem Maire, 1617. Printer's mark. Text printed in italics. 2 vols., bound in 1, in red morocco, gilt. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .331 .117


Pub. Virgili Maronis, non tironis, ut videtur, sed adulti perfectio poetae opus, Culex...nunc cum libro commentario... dedicatus à Frid. Taubmanno...VVitebergae, apud Paulum Helvvichium, 1609. Headpieces, illustration, and marginal notes. Vellum binding, lettered in black on lable. Heraldic bookplate (Goertz). 16cm. VRG 2945 .341 .109


The Culex of Virgil; with a translation into English verse, by Lucius M. Sargent...Boston, printed at the Emerald Press, by Belchar and Armstrong, 1807. Bound by Stikeman in 3/4 red morocco, gilt. 24cm. VRG 2945 .341 .307


Georgica Vergilii sine commento. S.l., 1490? Printed in black-letter, with ornamented initials. First leaf has unknown printer's mark illustrating the crucifixion. Bound in 3/4 morocco, gilt. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .003


(Georgica Et Bucolica). Leaf 64a: unknown printer's mark, representing all the impements of the passion. Bound in 1/2 green morocco. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .004


Georgico P. Virgilii Maronis liber cu novo commentario Hermanni Torrentini. (Coloniae, industria Henrici Quentell, 1499). Large printer's mark at end. Rubricated initials. Notes in margins and between sections of text. A few ms. notes. 1/2 green morocco binding. 22cm. VRG 2945 .351 .006


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in calf over oak boards, stamped in black. Brass clasps.


Georgic Virgilij cu comento familiari. (Impressum Parisiis, 1495). Device of Andreas Bocard, the printer, on title-page in red. Bound in dark blue morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, by Lortic fils. Gilt edges. 20cm. VRG 2945 .351 .006 .4


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in 1/2 green morocco, gilt.


Liber Georgicorum Virgilii cum commento familiari. (Parisiis, Iean Treperel, pro M. le Noir, 1495). Printer's mark on title-page. Text surrounded by commentary. Bound by Capé in full maroon morocco, gilt, with large ornamental device on sides, and inside dentelles. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .006 .5


Georgicorum P. Virgilii Maronis Liber cu novo comentario Hermanni Torrentini. (At end: Impressum Lyptzk per Melchior Lotter, 1503.) Text and notes printed in Gothic black-letter, notes following sections of text. Many ms. notes in margins and interspersed through text. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .008


Publij Vergilij Maronis...Georgica acri cura emendata cum argumentis Beroaldi ad singulos libros appositis. (Lipsiae, Baccalarius Marinus, 1503.) Printed in Gothic black-letter. Ms. notes throughout. Autograph of W.J. Chapman, 1850 on title-page. 3/4 dark green morocco binding. 31cm. VRG 2945 .351 .008 .2q


P. Virgilij Marois Mantuani vatis celeberrimi Georgica; acri cura emendata, cum argumentis Beroaldi ad singulos libros appositis. (Lipsiae, Jacobus Thanner, 1506). Printer's mark at end. Printed in Gothic black-letter. Many Latin ms. notes in text and margins. Bound by Stikeman in black morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Ruled inside borders. 22cm. VRG 2945 .351 .009


Georgico 4 - P. Virgilii Maronis liber cum novo comentario Hermani Torrentini. (Coloniae, impressum in officina Henrici Quentell, 1506). Brown half morocco. Uncut. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .009 .2


P. Vergilii Maronis Georgicoru libri cu novo absolutissimo comentario Hermani Torrentini multo accuratiori opera nuper recogniti Ioannis Niblingii Tribotini...(Argetine, Ioane Knoblouch, 1513). Bound in dark green morocco, gilt, outside ruled borders, inside dentelles. 20cm. VRG 2945 .351 .013


_________ _____ . Another copy, bound with a second copy of Bucolica Virgilii, 1512). VRG 2945 .325 .012


La Georgica Di Virgilio nuovamente di latina in thoscana favella per Bernardino Daniello tradotta, e commentata...In Venetia, appresso Giovanni Gryphio, 1549. Printer's mark. Illustrations and ornamental initials. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco, gilt top, edges uncut, by Stikeman. 211/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .049


P. Virgilii Maronis Georgica; P. Rami...praelectionibus illustrata ...Parisiis, apud Andream Wechelum, 1564. Full brown morocco, gilt, inside dentelle borders. Marbled end-papers. Marbled edges, gilt. 17cm. VRG 2945 .351 .064


Obras De Publio Virgilio Maron, concordado en latin artificial; en latin natural; en lengua castellana de prosa; y en versos, y en notas latinas...por D. Antonio de Ayala. Tomo segundo de las Georgicas. En Madrid, por Domingo Garcia Morràs, 1660. Latin text in italics. Front. (armorial device: "Marcos de Orozco la tallo.") Latin and 'Latin natural' on opposite pages, the Spanish translation following. Bound in 1/2 black morocco, gilt, with device on sides: Biblioteca de Salvá. Marbled edges and end-papers. A companion volume to the 1660 edition of the Eclogues, No. 563. 15cm. VRG 2945 .351 .160


Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn... London, Richard Reily, 1741. Brown morocco, gilt, by the Grolier Club bindery. Inside borders, gilt edges. 281/2cm. Has 5 color printed mezzotint plates (e.g. Citron) and several hand colored plates and maps. It has been said that Martyn was the first in England to use this color printing technique invented by James Teylor in Holland and used in his Historia plantorum rariorum of 1728. VRG 2945 .351 .241q


_________ _____ . Another copy.


Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes, by John Martyn...The second edition. London, printed by R[ichard] Reily, for T. Osborne, 1746. Title in red and black. English translation in italics in outside margins. 10 plates (3 folding). Contemporary red morocco, extra gilt. 21cm. VRG 2945 .351 .246


Le Georgiche Di P. Virgilio Marone tradotte in verso toscano dal P Antonio Ambrogi...In Roma, per Giovanni Generoso Salomoni, 1758. Printer's mark. Latin text in italics, with Italian translation on opposite pages. Bound in contemporary vellum. 171/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .258


Les Géorgiques De Virgile, traduction nouvelle en vers françois, enriches de notes & de figures, par M Delille...À Paris, chez C. Bleuet, 1770. Latin text opposite French translation. Plates, in two states, with some duplicates, one set as frontispieces. Bookstamps of Henri Beraldi and the Bibliothèque Genard. Bound in green morocco, gilt and blind-stamped, with inside dentelle borders. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .270


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. Ms. note on fly-leaf. (Ex)


_________ _____ . Troisième édition. A Paris, chez C. Bleuet, 1770. Front., plates. Latin and French on opposite pages. Red morocco, gilt; inside borders, gilt edges. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .270 .11


Les Georgiques De Virgile avec la traduction en vers françois par M Delille...A Genève, 1777. Front. (portr.) Title vignette; headpieces. Latin and French on opposite pages. Bound in red morocco, gilt, and gilt edges. 12 x 7cm. VRG 2945 .351 .277s


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers français, avec les notes et variantes accompagnées du texte latin. Par M l'abbé de Lille...[S.l.], de l'imprimerie de la Société Littéraire-typographique, 1784. Front. (portr.), plates. Bound in calf, gilt, inside borders. 26cm. VRG 2945 .351 .284


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in green morocco, gilt, inside borders. Stamp of the Institution Hallays-Dabot on outside covers. Gilt edges. 26cm.


Georgicorum P. Virgilii Maronis libri IV, graeco carmine heroico expressi, notisque perpetuis illustrati, studio ac labore Eugenii de Bulgaris...Petropoli, in Academia Scientiarum, 1786. Title also in Greek facing. Latin and Greek text on opposite pages. Bound in tree calf, gilt. 38cm. VRG 2945 .351 .286q


Les Géorgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers français par de Lille. Édition à laquelle on a joint le texte latin, avec les notes et les variantes. A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Didot Jeune, chez Bleuet père, l'an 2 (1794). Printer's mark. Added half-title. Front. and plates. Bound in 1/2 calf, with marbled edges. 21cm. VRG 2945 .351 .294


Rustici latini volgarizzati. P. Virgilio Marone Delle Georgiche. Libri quattro con note. Traduzione del...P.D. Francesco Soave. In Venenzia, dalla Tipografia Popoliana, 1795. Latin text in italics at foot of page. Black morocco, gilt, inside dentelle border, by Grolier Club bindery. Gilt top. Uncut. 20cm. VRG 2945 .351 .295


Le Georgiche Di Virgilio, tradotte in versi italiani da Clemente Bondi. Vienna, nella stamperia della vedova Alberti, 1800. Red morocco gilt, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges; green velour doublures. Ms. note on fly-leaf: "Present de son Altesse royale, Monseigneur l'archiduc Ferdinand d'Autriche...du 21 Mars, 1801." 34cm. VRG 2945 .351 .300q


Les Georgiques De Virgile traduitesen vers français par Jacques Delille. Avec des notes et les variantes. Paris, de l'imprimerie de P. Didot l'ainé, an xi - 1803. Front. (portr.) and plates engraved by Casanova and Eisen. Printer's mark. Latin and French on opposite pages. Bound in 3/4 calf by Andrieux. 16cm. VRG 2945 .351 .303


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers français par Jacques Delille. Avec des notes et les variantes. Paris, de l'imprimerie de Pierre Didot l'ainé, chez Bleuet père, 1806. Printer's mark. Half-title. Front., plates. French and Latin on opposite pages. Plates engraved by Casanova and Eisen. Uncut. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .306


Les Georgiques De Virgile traduites par Jacques Delille avec des notes et des variantes. A Paris, chez Bleuet père, 1807. Latin title on opposite page: Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgica. Parisiis, excudebat Petru Didot, natu major, 1807. Plates, portrs. Latin and French on opposite pages. One of two copies printed on vellum. Book-plate of John Pierpont Morgan. Bound by E. Niedrée in red morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, moiré doublures and ends. Gilt edges. Gold clasps. Monogram J P M on covers. 35cm. VRG 2945 .351 .307q


A translation of the Georgics of Publius Virgilius Maro, with the original text; and notes critical and illustrative of ancient and modern husbandry. By William Stawell...London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808. Illustrations, plates; Latin and English on opposite pages. Bound in red straight-grained morocco, gilt inside and out, blue silk moiré doublures and end-papers decorated in gilt. On fly-leaf: "from the author". 19cm. VRG 2945 .351 .308


Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum Libri Quatuor; the Georgicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes, by John Martyn...The third edition. London, printed for Robert Dutton, 1811. Latin and English in parallel columns. Map and plates. 22cm. VRG 2945 .351 .311


Georgica Publii Virgilii Maronis hexaglotta. Londini, e typographeo Gulielmi Nicol, 1827. On large paper. Latin text, with Spanish version by Juan de Guzman; German by Johann Heinrich Voss; English by William Sotheby; Italian by Francisco Soave; French by Jacques de Lille. Bound in green crushed levant morocco, gilt, inside dentelle borders. Gilt edges. 44cm. VRG 2945 .351 .327f


_________ _____ . Another copy. (Ex)


Les Georgicques De Virgille Maron: translatees de latin en francoys: et moralisees (par Guillaume Michel). (Parisiis), Durand Gerlier, (1519). First French translation. title in red and black. Printed in black letter, with Latin text in margins. Bound in red morocco, gilt, with inside dentelle borders, by Chambolle-Duru. Gilt edges. 18cm. VRG 2945 .351 .519


La Georgica Di Virgilio da M. Ant. Mario Nigresoli...tradotta in versi volgari sciolti...In Venetia, (per Melchior Sessa), 1543. Printer's mark on title-page and at end. Bound by Stikeman in red morocco, gilt, with inside ruled borders. 15cm. VRG 2945 .351 .543


La Georgica Di Virgilio, nvovamente di latina in thoscana favella per Bernardino Daniello tradotta e commentata. (In Vinegia, per Giovanni de Farri & Fratelli, 1545). Printer's mark. Bound in 1/2 vellum. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .545


_________ _____ . Another copy. Full calf, black stamped.


La Georgica di Virgilie, nvovamente di latina in thoscana fauella, per Bernardino Daniello tradotta, e commentata. Con gratia et privilegio. Venetia, Appresso Ioan. Gryphio, MDXLIX. Title vignette; initials. Text surrounded by commentary. 21cm. VRG 2945 .351 .549


Virgil's Georgicks Englished by Tho. May. Lon, printed for tho. Walkley, 1628. Title-page engraved by R. Vaughn. Annotations (in italics) following each book. Grolier club binding in brown morocco. 11cm. VRG 2945 .351 .628s


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers françois. Ouvrage postume de Monsieur de Segrais. Paris, chez Jacques Le Febvre, Jean Musier, et Étienne Ganeau, 1711. Frontispiece (portr.) engraved by C. Desrochers. Head-pieces and initials. Full calf, gilt. 19cm. VRG 2945 .351 .711


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers françois. Ouvrage posthume de Monsieur Segrais. A Paris, chez Pierre Huet, 1712. Published at the instance and by the care of François Parey, Sieur du Fresne. Headpieces and initials. Bound in calf, gilt. 20cm. VRG 2945 .351 .712


The Georgics of Virgil, translated by Thomas Nevile...Cambridge, printed by J. Archdeacon for W. Thurlbourn & J. Woodyer, [etc.], 1767. Title in red and black. Autograph of John Frere on title-page. Bound in 3/4 brown morocco, gilt, by Stikeman. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .767


Las Georgicas De Virgilio y su Decimo Egloga, traducidas en verso castellano por Juan de Guzman...En Madrid, Francisco Xavier Garcia, 1768. 15cm. Bound in tree calf, gilt. VRG 2945 .351 .768


La Georgica Di Virgilio, tradotta in ottava rima dal Sig... Lorenzo Tornieri...Vicenza, per Francesco Modena, 1780. Printed on blue paper. Bound in 1/2 vellum. 29cm. VRG 2945 .351 .780q With this is bound:


Le Georgiche Di P. Virgilio Marone volgarizzate da Benedetto Del Bene...Bologna, pei Fratelli Masi e Comp., 1809.


_________ _____ . Another copy (of No. 661). Bound by Stikeman in blue morocco, gilt, with inside dentelle borders, gilt top. Uncut. 261/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .780q


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers françois par M. l'Abbé de Lille. Paris, de l'imprimerie de Franç. Ambr. Didot l'ainé, 1783. With this is bound:


Les jardins; ou, l'art d'embellir les paysages: poème...Par M. l'Abbé de Lille. Paris, de l'imprimerie de F. A. Didot, l'ainé, 1782. Printer's marks. Bound in mottled calf, gilt, with inside and outside borders. Gilt edges. 30cm. VRG 2945 .351 .783q


Les Georgiques De Virgile, traduites en vers françois par M. l'abbé de Lille. A Paris, chez Claude Bleuet, 1783. Front. (portr.), illustrations. Red morocco, gilt, inside borders. Gilt edges. 30cm. VRG 2945 .351 .783 .11q


The episode of Aristaeus; trans. from the fourth book of the Georgics of Virgil, by...Percy Clinton Smythe...Dublin, printed by Z. Jackson, 1795. 22cm. VRG 2945 .351 .795


Le Georgiche Di P. Virgilio Marone in versi italiani del... Prospero Manara...Parma, coi' tipi Bodoniani, 1801. Bound in 3/4 brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .801


The Georgics of Virgil: translated by William Sotheby... Middleton, Conn., printed for I. Riley, New York, 1808. Front. 181/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .808 With this is bound:


The Bees, from the Latin of J. Vaniere, being the fourteenth book of his Praedium rusticum. By Arthur Murphy...Middletown, Conn., printed for I. Riley, New York, 1808.


The Georgics of Publius Virgilius Maro, translated into English blank verse by James R. Deare. London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808. front. 20cm. VRG 2945 .351 .808 .2


Virgilievi. Georgiki. Perevod, A.R. Moskva, v Tipografii Augusta Semeona, 1821. Engraved title-page. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .821


The Georgics of Vergil. Translated by R.D. Blackmore...Cheaper edition. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1886. 171/2cm. Two autograph letters (one by the author) inserted. VRG 2945 .351 .886


As Georgicas De Virgilio transladadas a Portuguez por Antonio Feliciano de Castilho. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1892. Colored initials, and ornamental head-piece on title-page. Printed presentation to William Morris on fly-leaf. Vellum binding. 12cm. VRG 2945 .351 .892s


_________ _____ . Another copy. Same binding. Printed on vellum. Printed presentation to Samuel Putnam Alvery on fly-leaf.


Georgics of Vergil, translated from the Latin into English by J.W. Mackail...(Boston and New York), the Riverside Press, (1904). No. 214 of 330 copies. 1/2 vellum. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .904


_________ _____ . Another copy.


The Georgics of Virgil translated into English verse by Mr. John Dryden. New York, Cheshire house, 1931. In slip-case. 361/2cm. VRG 2945 .351 .931q


The Georgics of Virgil; translated by C. Day Lewis. London, J. Cape, 1940. Presentation copy to Alan and Elizabeth Rowen with inscription by the translator. 23cm. VRG 2945 .351 .940


Georgics. Tr. into English verse by John Dryden. [Illus. by Bruno Bramanti. NY] Printed for the members of the Limited Editions Club at the Officina Bodoni, Verona, 1952. Introd. signed; George F. Whicher. In slipcase. 31cm. VRG 2945 .351 .952q


The Georgics of Virgil. English version and woodcuts by Elfriede Abbe. Ithaca, NY [1966]. 100 copies printed. No. 70. 32cm. VRG 2945 .351 .966q


Virgil's Husbandry; or, an essay on the Georgics: being the first book translated into English verse. To which are added the Latin text, and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical and rustick...London, sold by William & John Innys & John Pemberton, 1725. Front., plates, by van der Gucht. 3/4 red morocco by Grolier club bindery. Gilt edges. VRG 2945 .352 .225 With this is bound:


Virgil's Husbandry; or, an essay on the Georgics; being the second book translated into English verse [by William Benson]. To which are added the Latin text and Mr. Dryden's version. With notes critical and rustick. London, sold by William & John Innys, 1724.


_________ _____ . Another copy, of no. 676.


The farm and fruit of old; a translation in verse of the first and second a market-gardner [pseud.] London, Low, 1862. 161/2cm. Presentation copy to Mortimer Collins with inscription by the author. In slipcase. VRG 2945 .352 .862


The Fourth book of Virgil['s Georgics], translated by a person of quality. London, printed for Richard Baldwin, 1692. Several autographs on title-page. 3/4 black morocco. 201/2cm. VRG 2945 .355 .692


The fate of Virgil as conceived by Dante; a dialogue of the dead and the living between Walter Savage Landor and Willard Fiske, by Melville Best Anderson. San Francisco, Printed by J.H. Nash, 1931. Title within ornamental border. 321/2cm. VRG 2945 .5592q


Picturae antiquissimi Virgiliani codicis bibliothecae Vaticanae a Petro Sancte Bartoli Aere incisae, accedunt ex insignioribus pinacothecis picturae aliae veteres, gemmae et anaglypha quibus celebriora Virgilii loca illustrantur...Romae, apud Venantium Monaldini, 1782. Bookplate of Ross of Craigie & Innernethie. 124 plates. VRG 2945.351


_________ _____ . Another copy. Bound in olive morocco, gilt extra, inside borders, gilt doublures & end-papers. Gilt edges. 34cm. (Ex) 2945.571q


[Picturae antiquissimi Virgiliani codicis Bibliothecae Vaticanae ...aere incisae. Romae? 1782?]. (Title supplied from Graesse). 51 plates. 201/2 x 27cm. VRG 2945 .571 .11


P. Virgilii Maronis Opera quae supersunt in antiquo codice Vaticano ad priscam imaginum formam incisa a Petro Sancte Bartoli ...[Romae?], 1677. 55 plates. Full calf, gilt. 35cm. VRG 2945 .571 .12q


[Picturae antiquissimi Virgiliani codicis Bibliothecae Vaticanae a Petro Sancte Bartholi aere incisae. Romae, s.a.] title-page lacking. (Supplied from Graesse, VI, p. 342.) Engravings printed on vellum. Green morocco, gilt, inside dentelles. 201/2 x 26cm. VRG 2945 .571 .13


Virgil's Aeneis travestirt von Blumauer...Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1793-1794. 4 v. in 1. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .59


Virgil's Aeneis travestirt von A. Blumauer in neun Gesängen, mit 36 Skizzen von Franz Seitz. Leipzig, Bei R. F. Köhler, 1841. 18cm. VRG 2945 .59 .12


Laelii Capilupi Cento Vergilianus, de vita monachorum, quos vulgo fratres appellant. S.l., s.a. (Published at Basle.) A travesty directed against the monks. 3/4 morocco by Stikeman. 15cm. VRG 2945 .615


Incunabula Virgiliana, a list of editions of Virgil printed during the 15th century. Compiled by W.A. Copinger. S.l., (1896?). Added: two autograph letters of the author to J.S. Morgan inserted. 22cm. VRG 2945 .6305


...Vergilsausgaben grosser drucker dem andenken Vergils zum 2000. Geburtstage des dichters. [Von Ernst Crous]. Berlin, Druck und Verlag der Reichsdruckerei, 1930. 51cm. VRG 2945 .634e


Sibylla Capitolina, Publii Virgilii Maronis poemation; interpretatione et notis illustratum a S.L. [pseud.] Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1726. Printer's mark. Notes beneath the text. Author (S.L.) was Pierre Daudé (1681-1754). Vellum binding. 21cm. VRG 2945 .638


P. Vergilii Maronis Bucolicwn, Georgicwn, et Aeneidos vocum omnium, ac rerum sylvae index certissimus, quo Nicolaus conscribendis suis de lingua Latina libris annos tam multos utitur. (Venetiis, apud Io. Antoninum Sabium, 1538). Title-page wanting. Full calf binding, gilt, and blind-stamped. Back mended. 16cm. VRG 2945 .66


Les faicts merveilleux de Virgille. (Imprimez à Paris par Guillaume Nyuerd, 1529?). 181/2 x 14cm. Printed on vellum, with illuminated initials and borders. Lithographic reprint, issued by Techener at Paris in 1831. VRG 2945 .662


Parerga et ornamenta caelo expressa, ad P. Virgilii Maronis opera illustranda, sculptore Io. Dominico Florillo, in editione Virgilii Heyniana, Lond. M.DCC.XC.III olim Vulgata...accedit recensus eorundem a Chr. Gottl. Heyne ex editione eadem. Londini, (typis J. & J.B. Nichols & S. Bentley), 1812. 74 engraved plates, followed by explanatory text in Latin. Bound in 3/4 calf. 221/2cm. VRG 2945 .672


Fabi Planciadis Fulgentii V.C. liber De expositione Virgilianae continentiae; Iunii Philargyri veteris grammatici in Bucolica & Georgica Virgilii commentariolus; Fulvi Ursini notae ad Servivum in Bucolica, Georgica & Aeneida Virgilij; Velius Longus de orthographia libere variis auctoribus concinnatus... [Heidelbergae], in officina Sanctandreana, 1589. Printer's mark. Autograph signature on recto and verso of title-page, and another on false title. 18cm. 3/4 morocco. VRG 2945 .682


Eneide, suite de compositions dessinées au trait par Girodet; lithographiées élèves. Paris, chez Noël ainé et cie., (182-?). 79 plates (incl. portr.). In portfolio. 611/2 x 451/2cm. Author was Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy, known as Girodet-Trioson. With this is bound:


...Compositions tirées des Georgiques, lithographiées par ses élèves et publiées par Mr. Pannetier. Paris, chez H. Gaugin, Lambert et cie., (182-?). In portfolio with the previous. 611/2cm. VRG 2945 .693e


The Golden age; from the Fourth Eclogue of Virgil, &c. [S.l.], printed in the year 1703. (Adapted as a eulogy of the reign of Queen Anne). 3/4 red morocco, gilt. 231/2cm. VRG 2945 .696


Corolla varia; contexta per Guil. Haukinü...Cantabrigiae, apud Tho. Buck, 1634. Engraved title-page. Separate titles for parts 1 and 2. A few ms. notes. Folding plate. Bound in brown calf. 16cm. VRG 2945 .716


Géographie de Virgile; ou, notice des lieux dont il est parlé dans les ouvrages de ce poëte, accompagnée d'une carte géographique. Par M. Helliez...A Paris, chez Brocas [etc.], 1771. Head- and tail-pieces; marginal notes; folding map. Bound in mottled calf, gilt. 17cm. VRG 2945 .7205


Observations on the subject of the Fourth Eclogue, the allegory in the third Georgic, and the primary design of the Aeneid of Virgil, with incidental remarks on some coins of the Jews. by Samuel Henley...London, published by J. Johnson, 1788. Frontisp., illustrations. 23cm. VRG 2945 .721


_________ _____ . Another copy. (Lacks frontispiece).


Aeneidea, or critical, exegetical, and aesthetical remarks on the Aeneis, with a personal collation of all the first class mss., upwards of one hundred second class mss., and all the principal editions. By James Henry...4 vols. London, and Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate, 1873-1889. Bound by Rivière & Son in green 1/2 morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt top. 26cm. VRG 2945 .722


A dissertation upon eight verses in the second book of Virgil's Georgics. In which that author is vindicated, from several mistakes...By the late Mr. Edward Holdsworth. To which is added, A new edition of the Muscipula, as corrected by the author; together with a new translation in English. London, W. Russel, 1749. 26cm. VRG 2945 .733


Remarks and dissertations on Virgil; with some other classical observations. Pub., with several notes, and additional remarks by Mr. Spence. London, J. Dodsley, 1768. Fold., maps, plates. 28cm. VRG 2945 .733 .2


Observations on the poems of Homer and Virgil. A discourse representing the excellencies of those; and the perfections, in general, of all heroick action. Out of the French [of René Rapin] by John Davies...London, printed by S.G. and B.G. for Jonathan Edwin, [1672?] Dark green morocco by Grolier Club Bindery. Gilt edges. 15cm. VRG 2945 .747


Peplus virtutum romanarum in Aenea Virgiliano eiusque rebus fortiter gestis: ad majorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem...aere renitens. Inventione G.J. Langii. Opera G.C. Eimmarti. Norimbergae, apub Leonhardum Loschge, (1688). 2 pts. in 1 vol. 191/2 x 241/2cm. Latin and German on opposite pages. Added; title-page in German. Vellum binding. Contains also:


Joannis Samuelis Schoderi...De Publ. Virgilii Mar. ...Epistula qua de Virgilii, ac Homeri...maximorum operum dignitate ac praestantia late disseritur. Evulgavit Noribergae Leonardus Loschge, 1688. VRG 2945 .771


Peplus virtutum romanorum in Aenea Virgiliano ejusque rebus fortiter gestis: ad majorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem, communi juventutis sacratae bono, aere renitens. Inventione G.J. Langii. Operâ G.C. Eimmarti. Norimbergae, Suptibus J.L. Buggelii [1688]. Latin and German on opposite pages. 21 x 26cm. VRG 2945 .771 .11


Ivlii Pomponii omnia quae quidem extant, P. Vergilij Maronis opera, commentarij...primum in lucem editi. Basileae [1584?] 17cm. VRG 2945 .787


Inclyta Aeneis P. Virgilii regiam tragicomoediam, servatis ubique heroicis versibus, non minori industria quam labore concinne redacta...jam primum in lucem edita a Ioanne Lucienbergio...Francofordiae Moeni, (apud Paulum Reffelerum), 1576. Text in italics; ornamental borders. Ms. notes scattered through text. 3/4 morocco, gilt edges. 201/2 x 15cm. VRG 2945 .795


A description of the passage of Aeneas through the infernal regions, or poetical hell of the old Romans: explaining a print designed by Mr. Ralph Markham. Illustrated from the Polymetis and supported by proper authorities from Virgil...London, printed for R. Baldwin, [17__]. Latin and English on opposite pages. Pp. 1-3: An abstract from the ninth book of the Rev. Mr. Spence's Polymetis. 3/4 morocco by Stikeman. 191/2cm. Gilt top; uncut. VRG 2945 .804


La vie de Virgile écrite en vers avec plusieurs eloges & toutes les epigrammes des douze autheurs, lesquels ont écrit differement sur un mesme sujet. Paris, 1671. Printer's mark. Bound with this:


Traductions en vers de Virgile et de plusieurs autres poëtes des anciens...Par M.D.M.A.D.V. [Michel de Marolles]. Includes: "Moderat Columelle de la culture des jardins;" "le poëme d'Etna de Cornelius Severus, accompagné de quelques autres." Full green morocco, inside borders; gilt edges. 18cm. VRG 2945 .805


Dissertations and critical remarks upon the Aeneids of Virgil...By the late John Martyn...London, printed for Lockyer Davis and J. Woodyer, 1770. Grolier Club binding in red morocco, gilt with gilt edges. 151/2cm. VRG 2945 .806


Notes on Dryden's Virgil. In a letter to a friend. With an essay on the same poet by Mr. Milbourne...London, printed for R. Clavill, 1698. 17cm. Bound in red morocco, gilt, inside dentelles, by Grolier Club bindery. P. 206-232: The I. book of Virgil's Georgics made English. 17cm. VRG 2945 .818


Virgilius a calumniis vindicatus autore Gulielmo Modicio... Perusiae, apud Petrumiacobum Petrutium, & Michaelem Portium socios, 1575. Printer's mark Ornamented initials. Text of poems printed in italic type. 15cm. VRG 2945 .820


_________ _____ . Another copy. Vellum binding. Inscription on fly-leaf: "di Giulio Tomitano."


Ragionamento di Michel Giuseppe Morei intorno all' Eneida di Virgilio. In Roma, per Antonio de' Rossi, 1729. On title-page: autograph, "Aegidij Giannini". Vellum binding. 18cm. VRG 2945 .822


The history of the text of Virgil. [By Junius Spencer Morgan]. (Typewritten ms.). 14 numbered leaves, undated; signed: J.S. Morgan. Bound in 1/2 red morocco, gilt. 28cm. VRG 2945 .8225


La première édition de Virgile imprimée à Paris, 1470-1472. Besançon, Typographie et lithographie Jacquin, 1906. 11p. 3 plates of facsimiles. Extrait du "Bibliographie Moderne", 1906, Nos. 1 and 2. 3/4 morocco, gilt. 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .823


Virgilius collatione scriptorum Graecorum illustratus. Opera et industria Fulvii Ursini. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1568. Printer's mark. Historiated initials. Autograph on title-page of Joh. Priceus (John Price), professor of Greek at Pisa. Autograph of Michael Wodhull, Feb. 18, 1772, on fly-leaf. Wodhull's arms on front cover. 161/2cm. VRG 2945 .838 .11


_________ _____ . Another edition. Antverpiae, 1567. Contemporary calf, stamped with gilt ornament on covers, and date, 1568, on front. VRG 2945 .838 .12


An unfading country. Read at Vassar College in observance of the two thousandth anniversary of Vergil's birth, October 15, 1930. By Charles Grosvenor Osgood. Princeton, 1930. 30p. 19cm. VRG 2945 .842


Flore et faune de Virgile; ou, Histoire naturelle des plantes et des animaux (reptiles, insectes) les plus intéressans à connaître, et dont ce poète a fait mention. [Par Jean Jacques Paulet]. A Paris, chez Madame Huzard, 1824. Colored frontispiece; 3 plates. 231/2cm. Uncut. VRG 2945 .847


Quelques recherches sur le tombeau de Virgile au Mont Pausilipe; par G. Peignot. Dijon, chez Victor Legier, 1840. 36p. Mounted plate, "Sepulchre de Virgile", inserted as frontispiece. Leaf with ms. notes inserted as end. Author's note of presentation on paper cover. Bound in black morocco, gilt, by Grolier Club bindery. 23cm. VRG 2945 .848


Philonis Judaei De cophini festo et De colendis parentibus, et cum brevi scripto De Iona; editore ac interprete Angelo Maio. Mediolani, regiis typis, 1818. 24cm. In Greek an Latin. Issued with Virgilli Maronis interpretes veteres, 1818. VRG 2945 .855


[Portraits of Virgil]. 36 plates in portfolio, without title. Plates by St. Aubin, Tardieu, Blake, Worlidge, Huot, Zocchi, Boitard, Desrochers, Rosaspina, Skelton and others. 371/2cm. VRG 2945 .862q


[Vergil centos]. [Basileae, ex typis Michael. Wensleri et Friderici Biel, 1475?]. 12 l. Black Gothic type; 30 lines to page. Leaf la begins: Isidor in cathologo illustriü viro4. Proba uxor adelphi fmeia/ inter viros ecclesiasticos poni solita/. At end: Explicit virgilio cetona probe...Bound in dark green morocco, gilt, with inside dentelles. Outside borders. From the library of Cardinal Loménie de Brienne, Archbishop of Sens. 29cm. VRG 2945 .865


Centones Probe Falconie de vtrius testamenti hystorijs ex carminibus Virgilij selecti. Cum annotatione locor_ ex quibus desumpti sunt. [Oppenheym, J. Koebel? 1514?] 20cm. VRG 2945 .865 .1514


Probae Falconiae Centonis Clarissimae forminae excerptum e Maronis Carminibus ad testimõiu ueteris, novice Testamenti opusculum a Diuo Hieronymo comprobatum. Venetiis, impressae in officina I. Tacuini de Tridino, 1522. 15cm. Engraved t. p. VRG 2945 .865 .1522


The commemoration of Handel, and other poems: to which is added a prospectus of a translation of Virgil, partly original, and partly altered from Dryden and Pitt, with specimens. 2d. ed. London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819. 23cm. VRG 2945 .883


Virgilius triumphans, in tres libros dispartitus...Una cum Psychomachia Virgiliana, operâ Alexandri Rossaei. Roterodami, ex officinâ A. Leers, 1661. Added: engraved title-page. 141/2cm. Posthumously edited by George Ross, his brother. VRG 2945 .889


Virgilius evangelisans; sive, Historia Domini & Salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi, Virgilianis verbis descripta. Operâ Alexandri Rossaei...Londini, per Iohannem Legatum pro Richardo Thralo, 1634. Printer's mark. Notes in margin and below text. Bound in full calf, gilt and blind-stamped on back and sides. 15cm. VRG 2945 .889 .2


Virgilii evangelisantis Christiados libri XIII. In quibus omnia quas de domino nostro Iesu Christo in utroque Testamento, vel dicta vel praedicta sunt...Maronis tuba suavissime decantantur, inflante Alexandro Rosaeo...Londini, typis Iohannis Legate, sumptibus Richardi Thrale, 1638. Added: engraved title-page. Notes and references in the margin. 141/2cm. Bound in calf, gilt. bookplate of John Whiteford Mackenzie. VRG 2945 .889 .21


Elegantes variorum Virgilio-Ovidio centones de opificio mundi...A Raphaelo Sadelero imaginibus exornati, et venum propositi. Monaci, 1617. Engraved title-page. Plates. Text printed in italics. Bound in calf, gilt. 141/2cm. VRG 2945 .895


Commentaries on Virgil. Strasbourg, A. Rusch (the "R" printer,) 1472? No initials; ms. numerals in red and blue. Many spaces left for initials and Greek type. Coat of arms at end. 391/2cm. Bound in calf. VRG 2945 .923q


Mauri Servi Honorati grammatici in tria Virgilii opera expositio incipit...Romae, (Udalricus Gallus, i.e., Ulrich Hahn, 1473?). Ms. notes. Bound in 3/4 morocco. 34cm. VRG 2945 .923 .11q


Mauri Servii Honorati Grammatici in tria Virgilii opera expositio ...(Mediolani, [ex typis Antonii Zaroti], 1475). Rubricated initials. Calf binding, rebacked. 331/2cm. VRG 2945 .923 .12q


The eclogues of Virgil [by] David R. Slavitt. With drawings by Raymond Davidson. Garden City, NY. Doubleday, 1971. illus. in verse. 22cm. In slipcase. VRG 2945 .928


The tradition of Virgil; three papers on the history and influence of the poet. [Princeton], Princeton University Press, 1930. 8 plates. (Papers by Junius Spencer Morgan, Kenneth Mackenzie, and Charles Grosvenor Osgood). Osgood's autograph presentation on fly-leaf. Bookplate of A. Edward Newton. 251/2cm. VRG 2945 .953


_________ _____ . Another copy, with J.S. Morgan's autograph presentation to Morris Parrish.


Virgilio, numero di natale e capodanno de l'Illustrazione italiana, a cura di Vicenzo Ussani e Luigi Suttina. (Milano, 1930). 68p. 39cm. VRG 2945 .958q


Virgilius. This boke treateth of the lyfe of Virgilius, and of his deth, and many marvayles that he dyd in hys lyfe tyme by whychcrafte and nygramancye thorowgh the helpe of the devyls of hell. (Woodcut.) (At end: Emprynted in the cytie of Anwarpe by me Johnn Doesborcke; and on next page: Reprinted by J. M'Creery, London, 1812). 17cm. Presentation from the editor, E.V. Utterson, to Lord Thurlow. Bookplate of Borlunt de Noortdonck. Bound in blue morocco, extra gilt, gilt edges. VRG 2945 .965


_________ _____ . Another copy, on large paper. Added: two prints of the courtesan story (told on p. 9). Bound in black morocco, blind-stamped, gilt edges. 191/2cm.


The lyfe of Virgilius. From the edition by Desborcke. London, William Pickering, 1827. Unique copy, printed on vellum. Title-page of Doesborcke's edition reproduced. Ms. note and autograph initials of E.V. Utterson. Dark blue morocco, gilt, extra; inside dentelle borders. In cardboard case. 18cm. VRG 2945 .965 .11


Vergiliana, by George Meason Whicher...Amherst, Mass., The Book-mart, 1931. 191/2cm. VRG 2945 .981


Iodoci Publij Vergilij Maronis Bucolica commentaria exactissima, multo quam antea emendatiora. Antverpiae, excudebat Ioannes Loe, 1543. Vellum binding. 15cm. VRG 2945 .984 With this is bound:


In Pub. Virgilii Maronis poetarum principis Bucolica commentarij Michaelis Barth...Lipsiae, expressi a Iohanne Ramba, 1570. Also:


Ioannis Ludovici Vivis...In Publii Vergilii Maronis Bucolica interpretatio, potissimum allegorica. Antverpiae, ex officina Ioannis Loe, 1543.

July 1998