Compiled by William M. Blair,
Mohammad H. Faghfoory,
and Karl R. Schaefer
Revised and edited by
Don C. Skemer and
James W. Weinberger
Revised by Dina Britain and Denise L. Soufi
Manuscripts Division
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library
Revised October 2013
While the checklist represents the work of a team, the project catalogers
specialized to some extent: Blair (Ottoman Turkish), Schaefer (Arabic),
and Faghfoory (Persian). The project focused on manuscripts that had not
been described in four printed catalogs covering about 9,500 texts found
in some 11,000 volumes of Islamic manuscripts in the Princeton University
Library: (1) Philip K, Hitti, Nabih Amin Faris, and Butrus `Abd al-Malik,
Catalog of the Garrett Collection of Arabic Manuscripts in the Princeton
University Library, Princeton Oriental Texts, vol. 5 (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1938; (2) Mohammed E. Moghadam and Yahya Armajani,
under the supervision of Philip K. Hitti, Descriptive Catalog of the
Garrett Collection of Persian, Turkish and Indic Manuscripts Including
Some Miniatures, Princeton Oriental Texts, vol. 6 (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1939); (3) Rudolf Mach, Catalogue
of Arabic Manuscripts (Yahuda Section) in the Garrett Collection, Princeton
University Library, Princeton Studies on the Near East (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1977); and (4) Rudolf Mach and Eric L. Ormsby,
of Arabic Manuscripts (New Series) in the Princeton University Library,
Princeton Studies on the Near East (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1987). These four printed catalogs superseded earlier catalogs compiled
by Enno Littmann (1904), Nicholas N. Martinovich (1926), and Ernest Cushing
Richardson and Nabi Amin Faris (1934). Other Islamica at Princeton not
described either in the published catalogs or in this preliminary checklist
include Arabic papyri in the Manuscripts Division, early Arabic and Turkish
printed books in the department's Rare Books Division, and Persian miniatures
in the Princeton University Art Museum. For descriptions and selected digital
images of Arabic papyri at Princeton, go to the Princeton
University Library Papyrus Home Page. Early printed Islamica in the
Rare Books Division may be searched online in the Princeton
University Library Main Catalogue.
For digital images of 277 Persian miniatures in five illustrated Shahnamah
manuscripts, dating from 1544 to 1674, in the Manuscripts Division, go
to The Princeton Shahnama Project at
The manuscripts include Garrett Islamic MSS. 56G, 57G, 58G, and 59G, which
were the gift of Robert Garrett, Class of 1897; and the Peck Shahnamah
(Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series, no. 310), which was bequeathed to Princeton
in 1983 by Clara S. Peck, the sister of Fremont C. Peck, Class of 1920.
The entries in this preliminary checklist are arranged by language and series in shelf number order. Each entry includes brief bibliographic descriptions giving (whenever available) author, title or uniform title, date of copy, folios, and shelf number. The cataloging policy of the project was to follow Library of Congress transliteration rules.
This handlist represents the contributions of several different persons; thus inconsistencies and mistakes may occur. It is important to emphasize that the preliminary checklist is not a complete catalog like Princeton's published catalogs of 1939-1987, which are organized by subject and provide bibliographic and physical descriptions. When requesting items listed in this checklist, readers should cite the shelf number, including the capital letter which appears at the end of the number.