Raphael Ellender Collection


Item Listing
Vicki Principi

Graphic Arts Collection
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Consists primarily of Ellender's design drawings and prints of motion picture posters and other advertisements. Films represented in the collection include: Paris Holiday; Paths of Glory; Run Silent, Run Deep; The Pendulum; The Pride and the Passion; and Witness for the Prosecution.

Box 1 contents [entire collection]:
Brighten your beauty with Flag Red [Rouge and lipstick advertisement]; offset printing; n.d.
Death Valley Days - No Gun Behind his Badge [Ronald Reagan with 2 women and 3 cowboys, viewed between boots of another cowboy]; charcoal and ink; 1964
Death Valley Days - No Gun Behind his Badge [Ronald Reagan with 2 women and 3 cowboys]; charcoal and ink; 1964
How sophisticated can a husband be?; offset printing; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Original drawing]; pencil; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, wearing cowboy hat and scarf --Used as model for drawing]; gelatin silver; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, wearing fedora, smoking cigarette--Used as model for drawing]; gelatin silver; n.d.
Paris Holiday [Bob Hope and Fernandel looking up woman's skirt, two dancers posing as 'P' and 'H' in title]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Bob Hope and Fernandel looking up woman's skirt]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Champagne bottle dispersing bubbles which contain Bob Hope, Fernandel, and female dancers; Anita Ekberg below]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Dancers and band]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Miniature dancers in eyeholes of mask]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paths of Glory - The most shattering story to come out of any war [Poster]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Four poster design drawings featuring profile of Kirk Douglas]; brown ink; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [French soldier holding miniature of man awaiting execution at stake]; pen and pencil; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Full-face portrait of Kirk Douglas in military uniform]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Kirk Douglas standing at center, surrounded by soldiers in battle--Negative print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Kirk Douglas standing at center, surrounded by soldiers in battle--Print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Portrait of Kirk Douglas' face, firing squad aiming at soldier]; pen and pencil, ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Profile portrait of Kirk Douglas, used as model for poster design drawings]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Solider climbing barbed wire]; pencil; ca. 1957
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster holding rifles]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded at sea, surrounded by ships and airplanes--view 1]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded at sea, surrounded by ships and airplanes--view 2]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded at sea]; offset printing; ca. 1958
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd behind pendulum, arm outstretched--Print from original drawing--view 1]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd behind pendulum, arm outstretched--Print from original drawing--view 2]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd, arms outstretched and face turned toward viewer--used as model for drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pride and the Passion - It stands as the greatest you have ever seen!; offset printing, ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion - Mightiest ever made!; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion - The most magnificent motion picture ever made!; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Bust portrait of Cary Grant]; pencil; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Cary Grant with sword]; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Frank Sinatra with sword]; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Poster]; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Three design drawings for posters]; brown ink; ca. 1957
The technique of layout; offset printing; 1932
Untitled [Clark Gable running with rifle, dog at his side; cowboy, woman restraining boy in background--3 separate drawings]; ink; n.d.
Untitled [Dog attacking bear, cowboy on ground beside them]; pen and pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Man removing suit coat]; pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Woman wearing feathered hat, ruffled dress, and sparkling bracelets]; watercolor; n.d.
Untitled [Woman wearing short coveralls, jacket slung over shoulder]; pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Woman's face superimposed over seascape]; offset printing; n.d.
Witness for the Prosecution [Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power discover victim]; offset printing; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot, arrow pointing toward them]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot, surrounded by spider web]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot, three bust portraits]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power discover victim]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Woman in keyhole]; charcoal and pencil, ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Gigantic eyes peer out above inset of Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power]; offset printing; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Movie title]; offset printing; ca. 1958
