Item Listing
Vicki Principi
Graphic Arts Collection
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library
Box 1 contents [entire collection]:
Brighten your beauty with Flag Red [Rouge and lipstick advertisement];
offset printing; n.d.
Death Valley Days - No Gun Behind his Badge [Ronald Reagan with
2 women and 3 cowboys, viewed between boots of another cowboy]; charcoal
and ink; 1964
Death Valley Days - No Gun Behind his Badge [Ronald Reagan with
2 women and 3 cowboys]; charcoal and ink; 1964
How sophisticated can a husband be?; offset printing; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Original
drawing]; pencil; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print
from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print
from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, dressed as cowboy, smoking cigarette--Print
from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, wearing cowboy hat and scarf --Used as
model for drawing]; gelatin silver; n.d.
John Wayne [Profile portrait, wearing fedora, smoking cigarette--Used
as model for drawing]; gelatin silver; n.d.
Paris Holiday [Bob Hope and Fernandel looking up woman's skirt,
two dancers posing as 'P' and 'H' in title]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Bob Hope and Fernandel looking up woman's skirt];
brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Champagne bottle dispersing bubbles which contain
Bob Hope, Fernandel, and female dancers; Anita Ekberg below]; brown ink;
ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Dancers and band]; brown ink; ca. 1958
Paris Holiday [Miniature dancers in eyeholes of mask]; brown
ink; ca. 1958
Paths of Glory - The most shattering story to come out of any
war [Poster]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Four poster design drawings featuring profile
of Kirk Douglas]; brown ink; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [French soldier holding miniature of man awaiting
execution at stake]; pen and pencil; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Full-face portrait of Kirk Douglas in military
uniform]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Kirk Douglas standing at center, surrounded
by soldiers in battle--Negative print from original drawing]; photomechanical
reproduction; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Kirk Douglas standing at center, surrounded
by soldiers in battle--Print from original drawing]; photomechanical reproduction;
ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Portrait of Kirk Douglas' face, firing squad
aiming at soldier]; pen and pencil, ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Profile portrait of Kirk Douglas, used as model
for poster design drawings]; offset printing; ca. 1957
Paths of Glory [Solider climbing barbed wire]; pencil; ca. 1957
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster holding
rifles]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded
at sea, surrounded by ships and airplanes--view 1]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded
at sea, surrounded by ships and airplanes--view 2]; ink; ca. 1958
Run Silent, Run Deep [Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster stranded
at sea]; offset printing; ca. 1958
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd behind pendulum, arm outstretched--Print
from original drawing--view 1]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd behind pendulum, arm outstretched--Print
from original drawing--view 2]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pendulum [Alan Ladd, arms outstretched and face turned toward
viewer--used as model for drawing]; photomechanical reproduction; ca. 1969
The Pride and the Passion - It stands as the greatest you have
ever seen!; offset printing, ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion - Mightiest ever made!; offset printing;
ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion - The most magnificent motion picture
ever made!; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Bust portrait of Cary Grant]; pencil;
ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Cary Grant with sword]; offset printing;
ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Frank Sinatra with sword]; offset
printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Poster]; offset printing; ca. 1957
The Pride and the Passion [Three design drawings for posters];
brown ink; ca. 1957
The technique of layout; offset printing; 1932
Untitled [Clark Gable running with rifle, dog at his side; cowboy,
woman restraining boy in background--3 separate drawings]; ink; n.d.
Untitled [Dog attacking bear, cowboy on ground beside them]; pen and
pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Man removing suit coat]; pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Woman wearing feathered hat, ruffled dress, and sparkling
bracelets]; watercolor; n.d.
Untitled [Woman wearing short coveralls, jacket slung over shoulder];
pencil; n.d.
Untitled [Woman's face superimposed over seascape]; offset printing;
Witness for the Prosecution [Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich,
and Tyrone Power discover victim]; offset printing; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Charles Laughton,
Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot,
arrow pointing toward them]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot,
surrounded by spider web]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Lovers on cot,
three bust portraits]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Marlene Dietrich,
and Tyrone Power discover victim]; charcoal and pencil; ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Design drawing--Woman in keyhole];
charcoal and pencil, ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Gigantic eyes peer out above inset
of Charles Laughton, Marlene Dietrich, and Tyrone Power]; offset printing;
ca. 1958
Witness for the Prosecution [Movie title]; offset printing;
ca. 1958