Early Photographic Techniques Collection


Item Listing
Vicki Principi

Graphic Arts Collection
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Contains photographs made with various early photographic printing techniques. The collection includes a cyanotype and three prints made by the Fizeau process.

Box 1 contents [entire collection]:
Brewster, Henry: Self-portrait; calotype; n.d.
Croucher, John: [Photogram of leaf]; cyanotype/brown paper mount; n.d.
Croucher, John: [Photogram of two leaves]; energiatype/brown paper mount; n.d.
Fizeau, Hippolyte Louis: Untitled [Church?]; Fizeau process from daguerreotype; ca. 1840
Fizeau, Hippolyte Louis: Untitled [Monument?]; Fizeau process from daguerreotype; ca. 1840
Fizeau, Hippolyte Louis: Untitled [Religious scene?]; Fizeau process from daguerreotype; ca. 1840
Hill & Adamson: [Leith Fort]; calotype; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Alexander Erle Monteath Esqr, County of Fife; calotype; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Mr. Alexander Hill; calotype/paper mount; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Mrs. Maule, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton; calotype; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Portrait of a dandy; calotype negative; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Portrait of a dandy; print from calotype negative; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Sir Thom McNeill; talbottype/paper mount; 1884/85
Hill & Adamson: St. Andrews [East gable end of Cathedral with Tower of St. Regulus]; calotype negative; n.d.
Hill & Adamson: Untitled [Man seated with left arm resting on book]; 1848
Hill & Adamson: Untitled [Portrait of man in uniform]; medium unidentified; n.d.
