Item Listing
Vicki Principi
Graphic Arts Collection
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library
Box 1 contents [small matted prints, titles beginning
with "A-E"]:
A bouquet of the last century; 1802
A Burgess of Warwick Lane [with blue coat]; 1795
A Burgess of Warwick Lane [with brown coat]; 1795
A peep into the cave of Jacobinism; 1798
A Scotch poney; 1803
A view of the peer [altered to pier] of Scarborough; 1807
All Bond Street trembled as he strode; 1802
An illustrious character; 1802
An old encore at the opera; 1803
Ars-musica; 1800
Breathing a vein; 1804
Brisk cathartic; etching; 1804
Bristol-Cheese, made, & sold, by Percival & Co.; 1809
Bumbardinian. Confering upon state affairs with one in office.; etching
(black & white); 1779
Characters in high life; etching (black & white); 1795
Charming well again; etching (color); 1804
Comfort to the corns; etching (color); 1800
Corporeal stamina; etching (color); 1801
Councellor Ego. - i:e: - little i, myfelf i; engraving (black &
white); 1798
Counsellor O. P. defender of our theatric liberties; etching (color);
Despair; etching (color); 1802
Doublures of character - or - Strikeing resemblances in phisiognomy;
etching (black & white)
Evidence to character - being, a portrait of a traitor, by his friends
& by himself; etching (black & white); 1798
Box 2 contents [small matted prints, titles beginning
with "F-Z"]:
Fast-asleep; 1806
French habits no. 1; etching (color)
French Habits no. 2 - Les Membres du Conseil des Anciens; etching (color)
From Sir Willm Hamilton's collection; 1801
Georgey a' cock-horse; etching (black & white); 1796
Going to London, through Epping Forest; 1802
Guy Vaux; etching (black & white)
Guy Vaux & Judas Iscariot; etching (black & white)
Hope; 1802
Inspecting a volunteer corps in Hyde Park; 1800
La walse; 1810
Les invisibles
Lordly elevation; 1802
Maecenas in pursuit of the fine arts; 1808
Mental energy; 1801
Orange jumper; etching (color); 1809
Taking physick; 1800
The Daily Advertiser; etching (color)
The dandy; etching (color); 1810
The inexpressible air of dignity; 1803
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver; etching (black & white);
The minister in - The minister out; etching (black & white); 1782
The Westminster seceder on fresh duty; 1801
Two pair of portraits; etching (black & white); 1794
Visiting the sick; etching (black & white); 1806
Wide-awake; 1806
Box 3 contents [Small unmated prints, titles beginning
with "A-Z"]:
A Bravura air - Mandane; 1801
A decent story; 1795
A French gentleman of the court of Louis XVIth - A French gentleman
of the court of Egalite; etching (color); 1799
A little music - or - The delights of harmony; 1810
A tub for the whale! [two copies]; 1806
A voluptuary under the horrors of digestion [two copies]; engraving
(black & white); 1792
An old English-gentleman pester'd by servants wanting places [two copies];
Cambridge commencement sermon, July 2nd, 1809 A.M.; 1809
Contemplations upon a coronet; etching (color); 1797
Delicious weather; etching (color); 1808
Doublures of character - or - Strikeing resemblances in phisiognomy;
etching (black & white)
Dreadful-hot weather; etching (color); 1808
Fine bracing weather; etching (color); 1808
General Swarrow, towing the French Directory into Russia
Germans eating sour-krout; 1803
Harmony before matrimony; 1805
Hounds finding; etching (color); 1800
Hounds in full cry; etching (color); 1800
Hounds throwing off; etching (color); 1800
Only look at the General, Madam!; 1802
Patriotic petitions on the Convention; etching (color)
Playing in parts; 1801
Posting in Ireland
Prince of Wales
Progress of the toilet - The stays - Plate 1 [two copies]; 1810
Progress of the toilet - The wig - Plate 2 [two copies]; 1810
Progress of the toilet - Dress completed - Plate 3 [two copies]; 1810
Sad sloppy weather; etching (color); 1808
Tales of wonder! [two copies]; 1802
The bear and his leader [two copies]; 1806
The Cow-Pock - or - The wonderful effects of the new inoculation; 1802
The gout; etching (color); 1799
The life of William Cobbett, written by himself [Plates 1 through 8];
etching (color); 1809
The offering to liberty
The pic-nic orchestra; 1802
The pillars of the Constitution; 1809
The plumb-pudding in danger - or - State epicures taking un petit souper;
etching (color); 1805
The rake's progress at the University, No. 1; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 2; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 3; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 4; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 5; etching (color); 1806
Tiddy-Doll the great French gingerbread baker; 1806
Very slippy weather; etching (color); 1808
Vices overlooked in the new proclamation; 1792
Windy weather; etching (color); 1808
Box 4 contents [large prints, titles beginning with
A block for the wigs - or - The new state whirligig; etching (black
& white); 1783
A broad hint of not meaning to dance; 1804
A calm; etching (color); 1810
A Cockney and his wife going to Wycombe; 1805
A Cognocenti contemplating ye beauties of ye antique; 1801
A great man on the turf; 1803
A great stream from a petty fountain; 1806
A hint to young officers; 1804
A kick at broad-bottoms; 1807
A lady putting on her cap; etching (black & white); 1795
A little music - or - The delights of harmony; 1810
A lyoness; 1801
A noble lord on an approaching peace; aquatint; 1787
A pair of polished gentlemen; 1801
A petty professor of modern history; 1810
A phantasmagoria; 1803
A plumper for Paul!
A squall; etching (color); 1810
Advantages of wearing muslin dresses; 1802
Alecto and her train; etching (black & white); 1791
An old maid on a journey; 1804
Anacreontick's in full song; 1801
And woulds't thou turn the vile reproach on me?; 1807
Apotheosis of the Corsican Phoenix; 1808
Argus; etching (black & white); 1780
Armed heroes; 1803
Box 5 contents [large prints, titles beginning with
Bank notes - Paper money - French alarmists; etching (hand-colored);
Bank notes - Paper money - French alarmists; etching (color); 1797
Bat-catching; 1803
Begging no robbery; 1796
Betty Canning revived; etching (black & white); 1791
Billy the gamekeeper; engraving (color); 1810
Black-Dick turn'd taylor; etching (black & white); 1788
Boney and Talley; 1803
Britannia between death & the doctors; 1804
Broad-bottom drones storming the hive; 1808
Bruin in his boat; 1806
Buonaparte 48 hours after landing!; 1803
Charon's boat - or - The ghost's of all the talents taking their last
voyage from the Pope's Gallery at Rome; etching (color); 1807
Citizens visiting the Bastille - vide Democratic charities; etching
(black & white); 1799
Clearing a five-bar-gate
Coalition dance; etching (color); 1783
Comfort's of a bed of roses; etching (color); 1806
Coming in at the death; etching (color); 1800
Company shocked at a lady getting up to ring the bell; 1804
Connoisseurs examining a collection of George Morland's; 1807
Dame Rat, and her poor little ones; etching (black & white); 1782
Delicious dreams! - Castles in the air! - Glorious prospects!; etching
(color); 1808
Democracy - or - A sketch of the life of Buonaparte; etching (black
& white); 1800
Destruction of the French gun-boats - or - Little Boney & his friend
Talley in high glee; etching (color); 1803
Dido forsaken - Sic transit gloria Reginae; etching (color); 1787
Doctor Snagrado curing John Bull of repletion - with - The kind offices
of Young Clysterpipe &
Little Boney - A hint from Gil Blas; etching (color); 1803
Dumourier dining in State at St. James's, on the 15th of May; etching
(black & white); 1793
Election candidates - or - The Republican goose at the top of the pole
- The Devil helping behind - Vide Mr. Paul's letter-article Horne Tooke,
also....; etching (color); 1807
Evacuation of Malta; etching and aquatint (black & white); 1803
Farmer Giles & his wife shewing off their daughter Betty; etching
(color); 1809
Fortune hunting; 1804
Gentle emetic; etching; 1804
German nonchalence; 1803
Governor Wall's ghost; 1802
Box 6 contents [large prints, titles beginning with
Harmony before matrimony; 1805
Hero's recruiting at Kelsey's; etching (black & white); 1797
High-change in Bond Street; 1796
John Bull & his dog Faithful; 1796
John Bull and the alarmist; 1803
John Bull and the sinking fund; 1807
John Bull ground down; 1795
La bonnet rouge; 1797
La promenade en famille; 1797
Le Baiser a la Wirtembourg; 1797
Le diable boiteux - or - The Devil upon two sticks, conveying John
Bull to the Land of Promise -
Vide le Sage; etching (color); 1806
Leaving off powder; etching (black & white); 1795
L'Enfant Trouve; 1808
Making decent - i.e. - Broad-bottomites getting into the grand costume;
etching (color); 1806
Malagrida & conspiritors, consulting the ghost of Oliver Cromwell;
etching; 1782
Maniac ravings; 1803
Matins at D-wn-ng College; 1810
Matrimonial harmonics [with black maid]; 1805
Matrimonial harmonics [with white maid]; 1805
Meeting of the monied interest; etching (black & white); 1798
Metallic tractors; 1801
Middlesex election; 1804
More pigs than teats; etching (black & white); 1806
Mother Goose of Oxford; 1807
News from Calabria; etching (black & white); 1806
News from Calabria; etching (color); 1806
Opening of the budget; 1796
Box 7 contents [large prints, titles beginning with
Palemon and Lavinia; 1805
Pandora opening her box; 1809
Pantagruel's victorious return; etching (black & white); 1794
Patriotic petitions on the Convention; etching (black & white)
Peter and Paul expell'd from Paradise; etching (black & white);
Physical aid; 1803
Pillars of the Constitution; 1809
Playing in parts; 1801
Political amusements for young gentlemen; 1801
Political candour; 1805
Political dreamings; 1801
Posting in Scotland; 1805
Preliminaries of peace; 1801
Preparing for the grand attack; 1801
Punch cures the gout; 1799
Rodney triumphant; 1782
Scientific researches; 1802
Sketch for a monument of disappointed justice; 1806
Sketch of the interior of St. Stephens; 1802
Spanish patriots attacking the French-Banditti; 1808
Symptoms of deep-thinking; etching (black & white); 1800
Temperance enjoying a frugal meal; 1792
Triumphal procession of Little Paul the taylor; 1806
True reform of Parliament; 1809
Two penny Whist; 1796
Uncorking old sherry; 1805
Venus a la coquelle - or - The swan-sea Venus; 1809
View of the Hustings in Covent Garden; 1806
Westminster conscripts under the Training Act; 1806
Box 8 contents [large prints, titles beginning with
The board of controul; etching (black & white); 1787
The Bulstrode siren; 1803
The cabinetical balance; 1806
The fall of Icarus; 1807
The first kiss this ten years; 1803
The friend of the people; 1805
The genius of France nursing her darling; etching (color); 1804
The giant factotum amusing himself; 1797
The graces in a high wind; 1809
The Grand Signior retiring; 1796
The guardian angel; 1805
The hand-writing upon the wall; 1803
The high-flying candidate; 1806
The Hustings; 1796
The introduction; 1791
The introduction of the Pope to the convocation at Oxford by Cardinal
Broad-Bottom; 1809
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver; 1803
The lover's dream; etching (black & white); 1795
The loyal address!; 1808
The magnanimous minister chastising Prussian Perfidy; 1806
The national parachute; 1802
The pigs possessed; 1807
The reconciliation - And he arose and came to the father, and his father
saw him & had compassion & ran & fell on his neck & kissed
. . .; etching (color); 1804
The Republican-attack; 1795
The sedition hunter disappointed - or - D--g by Winchester measure;
etching (black & white); 1798
The sound of the horn!; 1807
The Spanish bull fight; 1808
The State waggoner and John Bull; 1804
The surrender of Ulm; 1805
The theatrical bubble; etching (color); 1805
The theatrical bubble; etching (black & white); 1805
The three Mr. Wiggins's; 1803
The triumph of Quassia; 1806
The Union Club; 1801
The valley of the shadow of death; etching (color); 1808
The wounded lion; 1805
Wooden map case drawer contents [oversize]:
A morning ride; engraving; 1804
A new way to pay the national debt; etching (black & white); 1786
Apotheosis of Hoche; engraving (sepia tone); 1798
Confederated coalition - or - The giants storming heaven [two copies];
sepia engraving; 1804
Disciples catching the mantle; 1808
Lord Longbow; 1798
Middlesex election; 1804
Monstrous craws; etching (black & white); 1787
Morning promenade along the cliffs, Brighton; 1806
Overthrow of the Republican Babel; 1809
Political mathematicians; 1807
Posting to the election - A scene on the road to Brentford; 1806
Tentanda via est - He steers his flight; 1810
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver (Plate 2d); etching; 1804
The new morality; etching (sepia tone); 1798
The pigs possessed; 1807
The storm rising; 1798
What can little T. O. do?; 1801