James Gillray Collection


Item Listing
Vicki Principi

Graphic Arts Collection
Department of Rare Books and Special Collections
Princeton University Library

Consists of etchings and engravings by James Gillray, a renowned and prolific British caricaturist. Political topics addressed in the collection include elections, taxation, John Bull, the Napoleonic Wars, and various members of Parliament and the royal family. Social topics include fashion, fox hunting, marriage, remedies for physical ailments, and university students.

Box 1 contents [small matted prints, titles beginning with "A-E"]:
A bouquet of the last century; 1802
A Burgess of Warwick Lane [with blue coat]; 1795
A Burgess of Warwick Lane [with brown coat]; 1795
A peep into the cave of Jacobinism; 1798
A Scotch poney; 1803
A view of the peer [altered to pier] of Scarborough; 1807
All Bond Street trembled as he strode; 1802
An illustrious character; 1802
An old encore at the opera; 1803
Ars-musica; 1800
Breathing a vein; 1804
Brisk cathartic; etching; 1804
Bristol-Cheese, made, & sold, by Percival & Co.; 1809
Bumbardinian. Confering upon state affairs with one in office.; etching (black & white); 1779
Characters in high life; etching (black & white); 1795
Charming well again; etching (color); 1804
Comfort to the corns; etching (color); 1800
Corporeal stamina; etching (color); 1801
Councellor Ego. - i:e: - little i, myfelf i; engraving (black & white); 1798
Counsellor O. P. defender of our theatric liberties; etching (color); 1809
Despair; etching (color); 1802
Doublures of character - or - Strikeing resemblances in phisiognomy; etching (black & white)
Evidence to character - being, a portrait of a traitor, by his friends & by himself; etching (black & white); 1798

Box 2 contents [small matted prints, titles beginning with "F-Z"]:
Fast-asleep; 1806
French habits no. 1; etching (color)
French Habits no. 2 - Les Membres du Conseil des Anciens; etching (color)
From Sir Willm Hamilton's collection; 1801
Georgey a' cock-horse; etching (black & white); 1796
Going to London, through Epping Forest; 1802
Guy Vaux; etching (black & white)
Guy Vaux & Judas Iscariot; etching (black & white)
Hope; 1802
Inspecting a volunteer corps in Hyde Park; 1800
La walse; 1810
Les invisibles
Lordly elevation; 1802
Maecenas in pursuit of the fine arts; 1808
Mental energy; 1801
Orange jumper; etching (color); 1809
Taking physick; 1800
The Daily Advertiser; etching (color)
The dandy; etching (color); 1810
The inexpressible air of dignity; 1803
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver; etching (black & white); 1803
The minister in - The minister out; etching (black & white); 1782
The Westminster seceder on fresh duty; 1801
Two pair of portraits; etching (black & white); 1794
Visiting the sick; etching (black & white); 1806
Wide-awake; 1806

Box 3 contents [Small unmated prints, titles beginning with "A-Z"]:
A Bravura air - Mandane; 1801
A decent story; 1795
A French gentleman of the court of Louis XVIth - A French gentleman of the court of Egalite; etching (color); 1799
A little music - or - The delights of harmony; 1810
A tub for the whale! [two copies]; 1806
A voluptuary under the horrors of digestion [two copies]; engraving (black & white); 1792
An old English-gentleman pester'd by servants wanting places [two copies]; 1809
Cambridge commencement sermon, July 2nd, 1809 A.M.; 1809
Contemplations upon a coronet; etching (color); 1797
Delicious weather; etching (color); 1808
Doublures of character - or - Strikeing resemblances in phisiognomy; etching (black & white)
Dreadful-hot weather; etching (color); 1808
Fine bracing weather; etching (color); 1808
General Swarrow, towing the French Directory into Russia
Germans eating sour-krout; 1803
Harmony before matrimony; 1805
Hounds finding; etching (color); 1800
Hounds in full cry; etching (color); 1800
Hounds throwing off; etching (color); 1800
Only look at the General, Madam!; 1802
Patriotic petitions on the Convention; etching (color)
Playing in parts; 1801
Posting in Ireland
Prince of Wales
Progress of the toilet - The stays - Plate 1 [two copies]; 1810
Progress of the toilet - The wig - Plate 2 [two copies]; 1810
Progress of the toilet - Dress completed - Plate 3 [two copies]; 1810
Sad sloppy weather; etching (color); 1808
Tales of wonder! [two copies]; 1802
The bear and his leader [two copies]; 1806
The Cow-Pock - or - The wonderful effects of the new inoculation; 1802
The gout; etching (color); 1799
The life of William Cobbett, written by himself [Plates 1 through 8]; etching (color); 1809
The offering to liberty
The pic-nic orchestra; 1802
The pillars of the Constitution; 1809
The plumb-pudding in danger - or - State epicures taking un petit souper; etching (color); 1805
The rake's progress at the University, No. 1; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 2; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 3; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 4; etching (color); 1806
The rake's progress at the University, No. 5; etching (color); 1806
Tiddy-Doll the great French gingerbread baker; 1806
Very slippy weather; etching (color); 1808
Vices overlooked in the new proclamation; 1792
Windy weather; etching (color); 1808

Box 4 contents [large prints, titles beginning with "A"]:
A block for the wigs - or - The new state whirligig; etching (black & white); 1783
A broad hint of not meaning to dance; 1804
A calm; etching (color); 1810
A Cockney and his wife going to Wycombe; 1805
A Cognocenti contemplating ye beauties of ye antique; 1801
A great man on the turf; 1803
A great stream from a petty fountain; 1806
A hint to young officers; 1804
A kick at broad-bottoms; 1807
A lady putting on her cap; etching (black & white); 1795
A little music - or - The delights of harmony; 1810
A lyoness; 1801
A noble lord on an approaching peace; aquatint; 1787
A pair of polished gentlemen; 1801
A petty professor of modern history; 1810
A phantasmagoria; 1803
A plumper for Paul!
A squall; etching (color); 1810
Advantages of wearing muslin dresses; 1802
Alecto and her train; etching (black & white); 1791
An old maid on a journey; 1804
Anacreontick's in full song; 1801
And woulds't thou turn the vile reproach on me?; 1807
Apotheosis of the Corsican Phoenix; 1808
Argus; etching (black & white); 1780
Armed heroes; 1803

Box 5 contents [large prints, titles beginning with "B-G"]:
Bank notes - Paper money - French alarmists; etching (hand-colored); 1797
Bank notes - Paper money - French alarmists; etching (color); 1797
Bat-catching; 1803
Begging no robbery; 1796
Betty Canning revived; etching (black & white); 1791
Billy the gamekeeper; engraving (color); 1810
Black-Dick turn'd taylor; etching (black & white); 1788
Boney and Talley; 1803
Britannia between death & the doctors; 1804
Broad-bottom drones storming the hive; 1808
Bruin in his boat; 1806
Buonaparte 48 hours after landing!; 1803
Charon's boat - or - The ghost's of all the talents taking their last voyage from the Pope's Gallery at Rome; etching (color); 1807
Citizens visiting the Bastille - vide Democratic charities; etching (black & white); 1799
Clearing a five-bar-gate
Coalition dance; etching (color); 1783
Comfort's of a bed of roses; etching (color); 1806
Coming in at the death; etching (color); 1800
Company shocked at a lady getting up to ring the bell; 1804
Connoisseurs examining a collection of George Morland's; 1807
Dame Rat, and her poor little ones; etching (black & white); 1782
Delicious dreams! - Castles in the air! - Glorious prospects!; etching (color); 1808
Democracy - or - A sketch of the life of Buonaparte; etching (black & white); 1800
Destruction of the French gun-boats - or - Little Boney & his friend Talley in high glee; etching (color); 1803
Dido forsaken - Sic transit gloria Reginae; etching (color); 1787
Doctor Snagrado curing John Bull of repletion - with - The kind offices of Young Clysterpipe &
Little Boney - A hint from Gil Blas; etching (color); 1803
Dumourier dining in State at St. James's, on the 15th of May; etching (black & white); 1793
Election candidates - or - The Republican goose at the top of the pole - The Devil helping behind - Vide Mr. Paul's letter-article Horne Tooke, also....; etching (color); 1807
Evacuation of Malta; etching and aquatint (black & white); 1803
Farmer Giles & his wife shewing off their daughter Betty; etching (color); 1809
Fortune hunting; 1804
Gentle emetic; etching; 1804
German nonchalence; 1803
Governor Wall's ghost; 1802

Box 6 contents [large prints, titles beginning with "H-O"]:
Harmony before matrimony; 1805
Hero's recruiting at Kelsey's; etching (black & white); 1797
High-change in Bond Street; 1796
John Bull & his dog Faithful; 1796
John Bull and the alarmist; 1803
John Bull and the sinking fund; 1807
John Bull ground down; 1795
La bonnet rouge; 1797
La promenade en famille; 1797
Le Baiser a la Wirtembourg; 1797
Le diable boiteux - or - The Devil upon two sticks, conveying John Bull to the Land of Promise -
Vide le Sage; etching (color); 1806
Leaving off powder; etching (black & white); 1795
L'Enfant Trouve; 1808
Making decent - i.e. - Broad-bottomites getting into the grand costume; etching (color); 1806
Malagrida & conspiritors, consulting the ghost of Oliver Cromwell; etching; 1782
Maniac ravings; 1803
Matins at D-wn-ng College; 1810
Matrimonial harmonics [with black maid]; 1805
Matrimonial harmonics [with white maid]; 1805
Meeting of the monied interest; etching (black & white); 1798
Metallic tractors; 1801
Middlesex election; 1804
More pigs than teats; etching (black & white); 1806
Mother Goose of Oxford; 1807
News from Calabria; etching (black & white); 1806
News from Calabria; etching (color); 1806
Opening of the budget; 1796

Box 7 contents [large prints, titles beginning with "P-Z"]:
Palemon and Lavinia; 1805
Pandora opening her box; 1809
Pantagruel's victorious return; etching (black & white); 1794
Patriotic petitions on the Convention; etching (black & white)
Peter and Paul expell'd from Paradise; etching (black & white); 1806
Physical aid; 1803
Pillars of the Constitution; 1809
Playing in parts; 1801
Political amusements for young gentlemen; 1801
Political candour; 1805
Political dreamings; 1801
Posting in Scotland; 1805
Preliminaries of peace; 1801
Preparing for the grand attack; 1801
Punch cures the gout; 1799
Rodney triumphant; 1782
Scientific researches; 1802
Sketch for a monument of disappointed justice; 1806
Sketch of the interior of St. Stephens; 1802
Spanish patriots attacking the French-Banditti; 1808
Symptoms of deep-thinking; etching (black & white); 1800
Temperance enjoying a frugal meal; 1792
Triumphal procession of Little Paul the taylor; 1806
True reform of Parliament; 1809
Two penny Whist; 1796
Uncorking old sherry; 1805
Venus a la coquelle - or - The swan-sea Venus; 1809
View of the Hustings in Covent Garden; 1806
Westminster conscripts under the Training Act; 1806

Box 8 contents [large prints, titles beginning with "The"]:
The board of controul; etching (black & white); 1787
The Bulstrode siren; 1803
The cabinetical balance; 1806
The fall of Icarus; 1807
The first kiss this ten years; 1803
The friend of the people; 1805
The genius of France nursing her darling; etching (color); 1804
The giant factotum amusing himself; 1797
The graces in a high wind; 1809
The Grand Signior retiring; 1796
The guardian angel; 1805
The hand-writing upon the wall; 1803
The high-flying candidate; 1806
The Hustings; 1796
The introduction; 1791
The introduction of the Pope to the convocation at Oxford by Cardinal Broad-Bottom; 1809
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver; 1803
The lover's dream; etching (black & white); 1795
The loyal address!; 1808
The magnanimous minister chastising Prussian Perfidy; 1806
The national parachute; 1802
The pigs possessed; 1807
The reconciliation - And he arose and came to the father, and his father saw him & had compassion & ran & fell on his neck & kissed . . .; etching (color); 1804
The Republican-attack; 1795
The sedition hunter disappointed - or - D--g by Winchester measure; etching (black & white); 1798
The sound of the horn!; 1807
The Spanish bull fight; 1808
The State waggoner and John Bull; 1804
The surrender of Ulm; 1805
The theatrical bubble; etching (color); 1805
The theatrical bubble; etching (black & white); 1805
The three Mr. Wiggins's; 1803
The triumph of Quassia; 1806
The Union Club; 1801
The valley of the shadow of death; etching (color); 1808
The wounded lion; 1805

Wooden map case drawer contents [oversize]:
A morning ride; engraving; 1804
A new way to pay the national debt; etching (black & white); 1786
Apotheosis of Hoche; engraving (sepia tone); 1798
Confederated coalition - or - The giants storming heaven [two copies]; sepia engraving; 1804
Disciples catching the mantle; 1808
Lord Longbow; 1798
Middlesex election; 1804
Monstrous craws; etching (black & white); 1787
Morning promenade along the cliffs, Brighton; 1806
Overthrow of the Republican Babel; 1809
Political mathematicians; 1807
Posting to the election - A scene on the road to Brentford; 1806
Tentanda via est - He steers his flight; 1810
The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver (Plate 2d); etching; 1804
The new morality; etching (sepia tone); 1798
The pigs possessed; 1807
The storm rising; 1798
What can little T. O. do?; 1801
