U.S. Civil War Peter Peckard (ca. 1718–1797), Am I Not a Man? And a Brother? (Cambridge, 1788). Description of a Slave Ship (London, 1789). Account book of the slave ship Nancy, 1793. Edward Livingston (1764–1836), “Proclamation to the People of South Carolina,” 1832. Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), Letter to Francis Preston Blair, Sr., December 21, 1860. Frederick Douglass (1818–1895), Letter to William Sprague, May 1, 1861. Alexander Gardner (1821–1882), Photographs of the Battle of Antietam, 1862. A. C. Barber, Civil War diary, 1863. Confederate paper currency, 1863. Robert E. Lee (1807–1870), Letter to Jefferson Davis, April 12, 1864. Isaac Plumb (1842-1864), Portrait, 1864. James Harrison Wilson (1837–1925), Letter to Adam Badeau, May 13, 1865. Adam Badeau (1831-1895), Letter to James Harrison Wilson, May 27, 1865. Thirteenth Amendment, 1865. $100,000 Reward! (New York, 1865). Mary Todd Lincoln (1818–1882), Letter to Elizabeth Blair Lee, August 25, 1865.