Documentaires Colonies. Chez les Peaux-Rouges da l'Amerique du Nord
Title: Documentaires Colonies. Chez les Peaux-Rouges da l'Amerique du Nord
Translated Title:
Colonial Documentaries. The Native Americans of North America.
The Indians of North America. After their battles with the Yankees, the Indians were confined to vast territories called reservations. The creation of "Reserves" put an end to territorial conflicts between the Indians, former owners of the land, and the American colonies. The coy glare of the young Indian expresses the free instinct of badly domesticated beings. "Hawkeye" believes in a great spirit and loves the stars, fire, and water. Formerly, these tribes lived in caves, carved into the rock. Some activities among these tribes are performed by women. The activity of these Indians, under the influence of the Yankees, is useful for agriculture. Corn is their greatest asset. You reap what you sow.
Series Title:
Documentaires Colonies
Translated Series Title:
Colonial Documentaries
Series Subtitle:
Colonial Documentaries