Facing his victim, a superstitious terror seized the King. -- He's so big! Bigger dead than alive! -- Oh! his eyes!... One would think that he's still alive! -- Are you sure that he... |
Henry the third had his victim frisked to make sure that his pockets didn't contain any State secrets. To Madam the Marquise of Noirmoutier, Keep the duke of Guise close to you. Make sure he... |
The murderers, continuing their funerary work, took the body down to the Guard's room. Henry the third was praying for the peace of the Duke of Guise's soul. Have his body burnt! Watch the... |
Victim of a growing anxiety, the Marquise of Noirmoutiers was setting on going to the palace. The fire had already accomplished its goal. Throw the ashes in the river. Murderers!.. Murderers. It is... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 1, drama with 10 parts. - Go bring me my engineers, I have something to tell them. Mr. Lebrun, the Director wants to speak with you. Mr. Martel, they're waiting for you in... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 10 (conclusion). - Him! ... Him!! … Murderer! - The danger he just experienced, made him lose his mind. - Lies … Slander! … - I saw this man while he was trying to destroy... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 2 (continued). - Gentlemen, I'm meeting with you about a job with which I was just entrusted. - It's already noon! The factory is closing for the day, let's take... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 3 (continued). A meeting between the Technical consultants of the iron factories. Gentlemen, I've received instructions about the bridge that was ordered a month ago.... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 4 (continued). - I am sure, gentlemen, that after this explanation, the plans that you submit will be perfect and they will rally the votes of the entrepeneurs. See more on... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 5 (continued). Lebrun, having stolen Martel's plan, looked for a way to get rid of the latter. The daughter of the director felt great sympathy for Martel. Ms. Martha, can... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 6 (continued). - Help! The bridge to Hell's Island has broken … My colleague Martel has fallen into the water! See more on Number 7. |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 7 (continued). Martel, running out of strength, allowed himself to be carried by the current. The mill. Lebrun decided to destroy the plan of his collegue, whom he thought was... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 8 (continued). - I think I hear a call for help. - No longer any doubt, the cries come from the Circus of Giants. Only listening to her heart, Martha, she ran to rescue the man... |
The Tragic Bridge, No. 9 (continued). Saved! Martel, worn out from his efforts, had lost consciousness. See the end on No. 10. |
Here is a fisherman searching for octopus in the crevices of Rocheurs. (Mediterranean Coast). He catches one and throws it back into the water. Here is the octopus. Note the head with two large eyes... |
Before the actual picking takes place, the peasants dance in a circle around the tree in the hope that it will give them beautiful fruit. While the orchardman shakes the branches of the apple tree,... |
The Inventions of Mecanicas: The Hair-growing Sap. Cartoons by Mr. R. Lortac. Mecanicas, the scientist, "made up his hair" too much. His forehead appears to be bigger. As he despairs, he... |
The Tarentaise is the upper valley of Isère. Moutiers, a key site of the Savoie province is the seat of the Tarentaise. Aime, located 14 meters from Moutiers is built at a height of about 760 meters... |