Author: Ruano, Suarez
Title: Vocabularios de los idiomas Chiorti y Pocomane
Date: 1892
Language(s): Chorti and Pokomam
Copy of a dictionary of Pokomam (as spoken in Jilotepeque) and Chorti (as spoken in Chiquimula) with introductory notes, and a little grammar. Many leaves are blank, including the first 27.
Material and Layout: Paper; 327 leaves; 31 x 26 cm.
Binding: Quarter leather and cloth
Early provenance unknown;
previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from
William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's
request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 252
Title: Arte en lengua Cholti
Date: 1900s
Language(s): Chorti and Pokomam
Contains a vocabulary of 4000 words, a Grammar, and a Doctrina. This is a facsimile copy made by William E. Gates of the original manuscript, which was written at San Lucas de Chol, in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala in 1685. It was compiled from the "Libre Grande" of fray Franco. Moran, the first missionary to settle among the Lacandones and Choles, or Putunes. The second part of the manuscript, the Vocabulary, was finished in 1695 at Dolores, among the Lacandones.
Material and Layout: Paper; 34 leaves; 20 x 14 cm.
Binding: Half morocco
Early provenance unknown; previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Diccionario grande de la lengua Tzotzil
Date: 1900s
Language(s): Tzotzil
Copy of a Tzotzil dictionary. Date of the original manuscript is unknown
Material and Layout: Paper; 176 leaves; 35 x 23 cm.
Binding: Paper covers
Manuscript copy made by order
of Archbishop Francisco Orozco y Jimenez of Guadalajara (1864-1936), who
during the years before the Carranza-Alvarado regime, had gathered all
the manuscripts he could find through Chiapas, into the Episcopal library
of San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico). He later gave this
manuscript along with several others to Dr. Nicolás León,
who sold them to Paul Wilkinson.William Gates later acquired the manuscript
from Wilkinson. Sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in
1930), who deposited it at at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton
in 1942. The manuscript was removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's
request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Proclama en lengua Sotzil
Date: 1900s
Language(s): Tzotzil and Spanish on opposite pages
Contains a translation of the "Proclama a los habitantes de Ultramar," issued by the Cadiz Junta on Aug. 30, 1812, calling for help against the "murderous tyrant Napoleon." The present translation contains a revised Spanish version.
Material and Layout: Paper; 52 leaves; 18 x 22 cm.
Binding: Paper covers
Manuscript copy made by order
of Archbishop Francisco Orozco y Jimenez of Guadalajara (1864-1936), who
during the years before the Carranza-Alvarado regime, had gathered all
the manuscripts he could find through Chiapas, into the Episcopal library
of San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico). He later gave this
manuscript along with several others to Dr. Nicolás León,
who sold them to Paul Wilkinson. William Gates later acquired the manuscript
from Wilkinson. Gates sold the manuscript to Robert Garrett in 1930. Garrett
deposited the manuscript at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton
in 1942 The item removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request,
and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Author: Toro, Franco. de
Title: Sermones en lengua Tzoque
Date: 1900s
Language(s): Zoque
Manuscript copy of a collection of sermons by one fray Franco. de Toro
Material and Layout: Paper; 178 leaves; 34 x 22 cm.
Binding: Cardboard covers
Manuscript copy made by order
of Archbishop Francisco Orozco y Jimenez of Guadalajara (1864-1936), who
during the years before the Carranza-Alvarado regime, had gathered all
the manuscripts he could find through Chiapas, into the Episcopal library
of San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico). There is an autograph
presentation from Orozco y Jimenez to Dr. Nicolás León, dated
Oct. 15, 1907 on front flyleaf. León sold the manuscript to Paul
Wilkinson. William Gates later acquired the manuscript from Wilkinson.
Gates sold the manuscript to Robert Garrett in 1930. Garrett deposited
the manuscript at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942
The item removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and
donated to the Princeton University Library.
Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 256
Author: Toro, Franco de
Title: Sermones en lengua Tzoque
Date: 1900s
Language(s): Zoque
Manuscript copy made by Dr. Nicolás León, from a manuscript in the Icazbalceta Collection. This copy is accompanied by four others, made by León as follows: Chanabal "Doctrina" (2 p.); Zapaluta, or properly, Tzeltal "Confessionario" (2 p.); "Doctrina cristiana en chiapaneco"; Maya "Vocabulary" (4 p.).
Material and Layout: Paper; 20 leaves; 31 x 22 cm.
Binding: Cardboard covers
Manuscript copy made by Dr.
Nicolás León. Later acquired by William Gates, probably from
Dr. Nicolás León. Gates sold the manuscript to Robert Garrett
in 1930. Garrett deposited the manuscript at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942 The item removed from the Institute in 1949,
at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Title: Choral Music Miscellany
Date: 1635
Language(s): Spanish, Latin and Nahuatl
Choral settings of sacred texts in Nahuatl, Latin, and Spanish, including "Requiem eternam dona eis domine...," "Victoria victoria aqui canvencido [convencido]," and "Dominus dixit ad me filius meus est..." One note in corrupt Spanish states the manuscript was written by the Maestro Tomas Pascual, 22 December 1635 (fol. 5r). Fol. 21v. appears to be dated 30 August 1634; fol. 11r. gives the year 1622.
Material and Layout: Paper; 35 leaves; 31 x 22 cm.
Binding: Unbound sheets in a raw hide cover. Rebound in modern paper wrapper with leather ties.
Early provenance unknown;
previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from
William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's
request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 258a
Title: Mapa de Cuauhtlantzinco
Date: ca. 1855
Language: Nahuatl
The manuscript is a partial copy of the original "Mapa de Cuauhtlantzinco," which details the reception by Hernan Cortes by a native Mexican chieftan on his way towards the Conquest of the capital, Mexico. Several of the sheets are portraits of native chiefs, with their names. Text on a number of pictures in Nahuatl. The original "mapa" had two parts: 1) a panel containing 27 scenes and 29 numbered Nahuatl texts arranged in three horizontal rows and 2) a smaller panel containing 17 scenes and 12 numbers but without Nahuatl texts. This manuscript is a watercolor copy of the smaller panel and its 17 scenes are mounted in the same order and bear the same numbers (blank, 30, 23, 21, blank, 11, 7, 33, 6, blank, blank, 31, 2, blank, 32, 9, 24). Eleven or 13 of the scenes on the smaller panel are copies or duplicates of scenes on the larger panel. The four large heads designated by the numbers 30-33, however, are not duplicated on the larger panel.
Material and Layout: 7 sheets of watercolor drawings on paper (ca. 419 x 254 mm.), mounted on a sheet of cloth in two horizontal rows of eight each with the final sheet sideways at the right end, forming a panel (3887 x 1041 mm.)
Copy of the original which
was known to have existed in a small town in Mexico, from immediately after
the Conquest but later damaged by fire and since disappeared entirely.
According to Gates the original was sent to Mexico City where the present
copy was made, and then returned, after which the fire occurred. Previously
part of the Jose Fernando Ramirez Collection (Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1880:
no. 540). It was sent to Europe with the rest of the Mexican manuscripts
and books of Ramirez and auctioned in Paris. It was purchased by Quaritch
and is listed in two catalogs issued by that dealer (Quatritch, 1880: no
176; Quaritch, 1885: no. 29045). This copy was acquired by Gates. It was
not included in the manuscripts deposited by Robert Garrett in the Institute
for Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942 but was brought by him to the
Princeton University Library in 1949.
Title: Lienzo Córdova-Castellanos
Date: 1900-12
Language(s): Zapotec
A tracing (or copy) of a 16th-century Mixtec Indian lienzo from San Esteban Atlatlauhca, Oaxaca. Around the border are Mixtec place glyphs that presumably represent the boundaries of the jurisdiction of the town. Calendrical dates on the left, at the top, and near the center refer to mythological or historical events. The tracing is drawn in ink. The only color that appears is blue which appears in four places to color the hieroglyphic sign for water (at the center of the top and bottom rows and twice along the left edge).
Material and Layout: Light-blue glazed linen tracing cloth; 1200 x 1360 mm.
The tracing was probably
made for Dr. Nicolás León at an unknown date; purchased by
William Gates from Paul Wilkinson in 1912; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased
from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's
request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Author: Boucara, A.
Title: Diccionario y dialogos Castellano y Chinanteca
Date: Apr. 2, 1860
Language(s): Chinantec
Contains phrases and vocabulary, written by a Frenchman, A. Boucara. Some blank leaves.
Material and Layout: Paper; 40 leaves; 18 x 12 cm.
Binding: Half green levant
Early provenance unknown;
previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from
William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's
request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.